Michael Nield, 8th April 2006
It's here. The Legislative and Regulatory Reform Bill confirms the nation's worst fears about the current regime entrenched in No.10. Blair intends to do away with Parliament altogether.
The Bill was introduced to the House of Commons by the Cabinet Office on 11th January. It purports to be an efficiency measure, based on the recommendations of Government departments and the the Better Regulation Task Force. Cabinet Office Minister Jim Murphy told Parliament that, "the Bill is intended to maintain the UK’s competitiveness, free up public sector workers and others from bureaucracy, and remove unnecessary regulation.”
So why then does it give the Government power to create new laws and to amend every piece of legislation on the Statute book, without Parliamentary approval? The only limitations on these powers are that it cannot:
impose new taxes,
create new criminal offenses with a sentence of more than 2 years, or
authorise forced entry, search or seizure, or compel the giving of evidence.
Yet, the proposed Act itself is not protected from amendment, allowing the Government to remove these limitations and transfer all legislative power permanently to itself.
Not surprisingly law professors and media commentators have been sounding the alarm bells. Dubbed the "Abolition of Parliament Bill" it has been likened to the Enabling Act, which allowed Hitler to rule Germany by decree.
The Bill is already at the Committee stage so there is urgent need to rally public opposition. The Tories and Lib Dems have pledged to oppose the Bill unless proposed amendments are accepted.
Whether Labour backbenchers will choose to legislate themselves out of a job, is the critical question. Writing to your M.P. is therefore especially important if you have a Labour M.P., and even more so if you have one who tends to rebel against the Government. Find out if your M.P. is a rebel at
It's hard to believe that we've sunk to the level where we have to write to our M.P.s asking them not to set up a dictatorship in Britain. is fighting the Bill and provides much more information and campaigning tools.
Interestingly, these developments have been synchronized with those across the pond. President Bush has been caught signing bills that Congress hasn't passed. Former assistant secretary of the U.S. Treasury, Paul Craig Roberts, recently wrote,
President Bush has used "signing statements" hundreds of times to vitiate the meaning of statutes passed by Congress. In effect, Bush is vetoing the bills he signs into law by asserting unilateral authority as commander-in-chief to bypass or set aside the laws he signs. For example, Bush has asserted that he has the power to ignore the McCain amendment against torture, to ignore the law that requires a warrant to spy on Americans, to ignore the prohibition against indefinite detention without charges or trial, and to ignore the Geneva Conventions to which the US is signatory.
In effect, Bush is asserting the powers that accrued to Hitler in 1933. His Federalist Society apologists and Department of Justice appointees claim that President Bush has the same power to interpret the Constitution as the Supreme Court.
The push for ID Cards has also been internationally synchronized. The British Government planned to introduce biometric ID cards in 2008, the same year as the American Government planned to compel states to design driver's licences with biometric identifiers, under the Real ID Act. Many European countries already have ID cards, but the European Union has mandated biometric identifiers on passports, visas and residence permits.
As we travel around the globe we'll be registered on these databases. Soon these will be merged in to a single global surveillance system.
How can advocates of such technology maintain that democratic checks and balances will prevent it being misused, when at the same time, these checks and balances are being stripped away globally?
David Rockefeller admitted in his memoirs that there is a secret international cabal working behind the scenes to bring about "one world". The Legislative and Regulatory Reform Bill reveals what kind of world it will be.