
Monday, April 30, 2007



By Dennis L. Cuddy, Ph.D.

Several hundred years ago, the Bank of England was established by money from the Bank of Amsterdam and the Dutch power elite, who also brought William and Mary to power in England in 1689. Within 9 years, King Willilam got the British Treasury in great debt to the Bank of England, following the power elite's principle of "get them in debt" to control them. This principle was used thorughout the 18th and 19th centuries via costly wars to control entire nations which had imperialist ambitions.

Tremendous fortunes were built during this time by the power elite, primarily reflected in emerging oil cartels such as Standard Oil (Rockefellers) with Anglo-Iranian (worked with Rhodes/Milner Group) and Shell (Royal Dutch, William and Mary came to England from Holland). By the early 20th century, John D. Rockefeller had his agents in every hamlet of the U.S., and foundations (e.g., Rockefeller) were used to further the power elite's designs. Congressional Research director Norman Dodd said that minutes from a Carnegie Endowment meeting revealed the attitude that war would be a primary vehicle for accomplishing their goals.

Both Presidents Woodrow Wilson and FDR have spoken and written about these powerful people who literally own our government. This power elite has had its operatives in key positions, and a young Druid, Winston Churchill, conducted a study of what the U.S. reaction would be if a passenger liner with Americans on board were to be sunk by a German submarine. Some years later, British Secretary of State Sir Edward Grey (close to the Rhodes/Milner Group) deliberately misled German Ambassador Lichnowsky to begin World War I. And Lord Esher (member of Cecil Rhodes' Circle of Initiates) plotted "to shed American blood as soon as possible" to get the U.S. into the war.

Why a war with Germany? This was done to weaken Germany militarily and economically as a threat to the power elite's plans, including access to Middle East oil. After the war, Sir Percy Cox (Rhodes/Milner Group) carved up the Middle East into various nations, establishing Kuwait as a block to Iraq's access to the sea, thus controlling oil routes. The First World War was also fought to get nations in debt and to bring about the power elite's League of Nations as a world government.

When the League wasn't successful, a second world war was needed, so the power elite built up Germany again as well as imperialist Japan, even selling the latter scrap metal with which to build warships. Nazi officers were on many Standard Oil tankers to be sure they weren't sunk. And the German General Staff developed a secret plan to bring about the power elite's control beginning in the 1990s (see Chapter 9 of Sumner Welles' THE TIME FOR DECISION, 1944). Prime Minister Churchill (who had a "secret circle") and FDR knew about the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in advance (see Skull & Bones member Henry Stimson's diary about FDR maneuvering Japan into firing the first shot). The Second World War also allowed the permanent stationing of U.S. forces in Germany and Japan.

After World War II, the power elite finally fulfilled the promise of the Balfour Declaration to the Jews, and the nation of Israel was established in 1948. This was not due to any particular affinity for the Jewish people, but rather to have a militarily strong but economically dependent (and therefore subject to coercion) country in the midst of Arab oil nations. An example of Israel being able to check Arab military efforts can be seen with the Israeli victory in their 1967 war. But the power elite's "management" of Israel can also be seen in the recent Israeli failure to crush Hezbollah, probably due to economic coercion (e.g., threats of no further loans or foreign investments).

The year after the founding of Israel, the power elite in 1949 facilitated the success of the Chinese Communists over Chinese Nationalists, who relocated largely to Taiwan, thus allowing the permanent presence of U.S. forces there. The permanent stationing of U.S. troops in South Korea near the north of China and the south of the USSR was facilitated by the deliberately "no win" Korean War in the early 1950s.

I have quoted many times Lincoln Bloomfield's 1962 study for the State Department, in which he indicated that if the Communist dynamic were greatly abated, the West might lose whatever incentive it has for world government. Thus, it was important to the power elite that the USSR and China be perceived as real threats so as to further the dialectical process that would synthesize Eastern Communism and Western Capitalism into a final World Socialist Government. Ford Foundation president H. Rowan Gaither in 1953 even told Norman Dodd (mentioned earlier) that they and others were under directives from the White House to so alter life in the U.S. as to make possible a comfortable merger with the Soviet Union.

Also in 1953, the independent elected Iranian leader, Mossadegh, was removed from office by the power elite (via the CIA and Allen Dulles) because he nationalized Iranian oil, which greatly displeased the oil cartel mentioned earlier. The year after Mossadegh was ousted, the Dutch (remember Royal Dutch Shell mentioned earlier) hosted the first Bilderberg meeting where, according to William Jasper in GLOBAL TYRANNY...STEP BY STEP, "the international ruling elite meet to scheme and palaver."

War was used by the power elite again in the 1960s and 1970s with the Vietnam War serving more than one function. First, it served to distract from radical domestic changes the power elite wanted, as described in James Kunen's THE STRAWBERRY STATEMENT. In this book, he revealed ESSO (Rockefeller) money was used to try to "buy up a few radicals" to seem so extremely liberal, the populace would not notice the power elite's own move to the left (e.g., "ping pong diplomacy" opening up China to the West). Also, Vietnam was another deliberately "no win" war that "turned off" youth from patriotic nationalism as part of the power elite's created "generation gap." That this can be recognized as part of the power elilte's plan is evident from Philip Freneau's July 1792 AMERICAN MUSEUM article, where he warns the young American Republic that getting people in debt and using military defeat (e.g., Vietnam War) were part of the elite's strategy to gain control of the U.S.
It was also toward the end of the Vietnam War that the power elite's agent, Henry Kissinger, revealed how they think about us common folk when he stated that soldiers are simply "dumb animals" to be used in the furtherance of an administration's foreign policy decisions. That the Vietnam War wasn't a "real war" seems clear from the fact that the U.S. continued financially to assist the USSR and China throughout the war, even though they were the 2 nations primarily responsible for North Vietnam's and the Viet Cong's ability to wage war against the U.S.

In the 1980s, the power elite turned its attention to the Persian Gulf causing a prolonged war between Iraq and Iran (both sides were assisted by the U.S.). Iraq won this war but accrued great debt as a result, and when the power elite denied Saddam Hussein loans to pay off the debt, he invaded Kuwait which he thought had given (not loaned) him the funds to conduct the war against Iran. In a repeat of Lord Grey's misleading Germany to begin World War I, American Ambassador to Iraq April Glaspie seems to have misled Saddam into thinking he would not be opposed if he invaded Kuwait. This was all done to "set up" Saddam, whom the power elite did not want to obtain undue influence over oil production in the Gulf region.

It was one thing to reduce Saddam's military strength in the first Gulf War, but it was quite another thing to persuade people to support an occupation of that nation. That would take a pretext or incident like 9/11, which Bush administration officials immediately tried to blame on Saddam. Remember that longtime Middle East CIA agent Robert Baer in SEE NO EVIL indicated that a high-ranking CIA officer said 9/11 would eventually be considered a "triumph" of the intelligence community, not a failure.

The prolonged chaos (now over 4 years) in Iraq has allowed U.S. troops to obtain a permanent military presence there in the region, which is what the power elite wanted all along. The removal of the Taliban from power in Afghanistan after the attacks of 9/11 also facilitated the permanent presence of U.S. military forces in the Caspian region, likewise part of the power elite's plan. According to famous author H. G. Wells in THE SHAPE OF THINGS TO COME (1933), there will be eventually a conference in Basra, Iraq, which will bring to fruition the power elite's ultimate goal of a World Socialist Government.

This goal has been pursued for many years using primarily wars and debt. For recent examples concerning debt accrued by means other than war, see John Perkins' AN ECONOMIC HIT MAN and Steve Hiatt's A GAME AS OLD AS EMPIRE. Examples include the Philippines being told to borrow great sums of money to improve its infrastructure so that factories will locate there, but then cheaper labor is found in other countries, so Filipinos are left holding the bag. Also, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank funnel loans to nations where dictators pocket the money in their offshore accounts, and the people of that country are left to pay the debt and restructure their economies along the lines required by the IMF and World Bank.

© 2007 Dennis Cuddy - All Rights Reserved

Wednesday, April 25, 2007


The Deep Politics of God (Part Seven): The CNP, Dominionism, and the Ted Haggard Scandal
By Phillip Collins and Paul Collins

The Franklin Cover-up and the CNP

If the Franklin scandal can be tied to the Iran-Contra affair, then the name of CNP member Ollie North will invariably resurface. After all, North was the chief coordinator of the Iran-Contra operation. Evidence that this may be the case comes from Rusty Nelson, King’s personal photographer. Nelson testified on February 5, 1999 at the U.S. District Court in Lincoln, Nebraska in a civil action known as Bonacci v. Lawrence E. King (Steinberg, no pagination).

This case ended with the Judge Warren K. Urbom ordering King to pay Bonacci $1 million in damages (no pagination). Nelson described to a journalist for the LaRouche publication Executive Intelligence Review an incident that linked King to Lt. Col. Michael Aquino while he was still on active reserve duty. This incident also ties Oliver North to Aquino and King. Jeffrey Steinberg elaborates:

Some time in the late 1980s, Nelson was with King at a posh hotel in downtown Minneapolis, when he personally saw King turn over a suitcase full of cash and bearer-bonds to "the Colonel," whom he later positively identified as Aquino. According to Nelson, King told him that the suitcase of cash and bonds was earmarked for the Nicaraguan Contras, and that "the Colonel" was part of the covert Contra support apparatus, otherwise associated with Lt. Col. Oliver North, Vice President George Bush, and the "secret parallel government" that they ran from the White House. (No pagination)

Who exactly is Michael Aquino? Aquino was a high ranking Army officer who joined LaVey’s Church of Satan in 1969 (Goldston, no pagination). In 1975, Aquino started his own satanic church, the Temple of Set (no pagination). Aquino’s wife, Lilith, was a priestess in the temple’s Order of the Vampyre (no pagination). It seems that the Temple of Set had a rather elaborate system at the Presidio in San Francisco. Linda Goldston elaborates:

INSIDE A CONCRETE BUNKER BEHIND THE MILITARY Intelligence Building at the Presidio, the words "Prince of Darkness" are painted boldly in red on one wall. Used decades ago to house artillery guns, the reinforced concrete batteries appear to have been converted to something like ritual chambers.

Emblazoned next to the "Prince of Darkness" is the word "Die," and what looks like a list of names, painted in red, that have been crossed out with heavy black paint. One wall is covered with the numerals 666, a sign of the devil, and occult drawings. A clearing in the center of the concrete floor, where the ground is exposed, is filled with refuse and partly burned logs. On the front wall beneath the window that faces the Military Intelligence Building is a huge pentagram inside a circle. In the rear, where sunlight gives way to darkness, white and black candle drippings sit atop a dome shaped recession in the wall, apparently a crude altar. Incense sticks lie half burned to the side.

At another battery farther up Lincoln Boulevard, a large drawing of Satan, with red eyes and horns appears on an outside concrete wall. Doors to the battery are secured shut; there are no windows to climb though. No entry is possible here. It would be easy to dismiss the satanic graffiti as the pranks of adolescents, taking advantage of the isolated bunkers to play new versions of "Dungeons and Dragons." But events in the Presidio case suggested something more sinister could have been involved. (No pagination)

What sort of sinister activity related to satanism was taking place at the Presidio? The testimony of a former base MP named Albanoski provides some clarity:

Satanic goings-on are not new to the Presidio. In the early 1980's, when he was an MP at the Presidio, Albanoski recalls, "We got a call from the Portola MacArthur housing area. One person reported a man dressed in black holding a little girl's hand running toward the park. Another call came in saying they heard screams near the creek.

"The search led to a gardener's shack at Julius Kahn Park, a strip of city-owned playground adjacent to the Presidio, behind the housing area. "We heard noises coming from inside," Albanoski recalls. "We kicked the door open and here's this nice little bedroom. In a corner was a mannequin with a gun aimed at the door. On the left side there was a bunk against the wall. There was a pentagram on the floor, a huge one. There were dolls' heads all over the ceiling, just off-the-wall stuff." Music was blaring from a radio.

Albanoski and another MP were given approval to set up surveillance of the shack. After a while, the investigation was called off. "We were sitting there, we've got a cult on the Presidio of San Francisco and nobody cares about it," Albanoski says. "We were told by the provost marshall to just forget about it". (No pagination)

Apparently, the Temple of Set has Nazi overtones. During a NATO tour in 1982, Aquino "performed a satanic ritual in the Westphalian castle that had been used as an occult sanctuary by Heinrich Himmler's SS elite in Nazi Germany" (no pagination). Rusty Nelson’s testimony linking Aquino to pedophile Larry King seems to suggest that the Temple may also have been involved in an organized pedophile ring. Evidence that this was the case came in 1987. When their three year old daughter began having nightmares and wetting herself when frightened, Larry and Michelle Adams-Thompson sought the help of a therapist at Letterman Army Medical Center (no pagination). During therapy, the girl began to speak about being molested by Gary Hambright, a baptist minister and the man who taught the girl’s class at the Presidio Day Care Center (no pagination). The girl also claimed that a man named "Mikey" and a woman named "Shamby" were involved in the abuse (no pagination). "Mikey" and "Shamby" remained unidentified until Aug 12, 1987. Goldston elaborates:

On Aug. 12, 1987, the Adams-Thompsons were shopping at the PX at the Presidio. Suddenly the girl ran to Larry Adams-Thompson and clutched his leg. He looked up and saw a man whom he knew as Lt Col. Michael Aquino. "Yes, that's Mikey," the 3-year-old told Adams-Thompson. After being taken outside, the girl added, "he's a bad man and I'm afraid." As they were leaving the parking lot, the Adams-Thompsons saw Aquino's wife, Lilith. Larry asked the child if she knew the woman."Yes, that's Shamby," the girl said. (No pagination)

After this incident, the FBI were called by the family (no pagination). When interviewed by authorities, the girl positively identified Hambright as one of her victimizers in a photo line-up (no pagination). The girl then explained that Hambright had transported her from the Day Care Center to the home of Mikey and Shamby (no pagination). There, she was abused and photographs were taken of her (no pagination). Goldston continues:

The investigators drove her to Leavenworth Street in San Francisco. The girl was asked to identify any of the houses that she had been to before. While walking past 2430 Leavenworth, the girl identified the house as the one where she met "Mikey" and "Shamby." It was the Aquinos' house.A search warrant was served on the Aquino home on Aug. 14. In attendance were agents from the FBI and the San Francisco Police. Because the abuse allegedly occurred on city property, it was to be a city case.

Among the items seized were video tapes, cassette tapes, notebooks with names and addresses, two photo albums one paper plate and two plastic gloves from the kitchen garbage, four plastic cases of negatives and 29 photos of costumes and masks. (No pagination)

No formal charges were ever brought against Aquino. It makes little sense that Aquino, a Satanist and possible pedophile, would be part of "Christian" Oliver North’s Contra support apparatus. Perhaps former CIA pilot Gary Eitel hit the nail on the head with his remark about North: "Going to church doesn’t make you a Christian, anymore than going to a car wash makes you a car." The sincerity of Ollie’s Christianity aside, his possible link to Aquino is one connection between the CNP and sexual deviant rings.

One possible link between the CNP and organized sexual deviants that is closer to Haggard’s backyard lies with his close friend and CNP member James Dobson’s promotion of Joseph Nicolosi’s reparative therapy. This controversial psychotherapy is supposed to help homosexuals rid themselves of their gay desires. To prevent homosexuality in young boys, Nicolosi recommends that a father "even take his son with him into the shower, where the boy cannot help but notice that Dad has a penis, just like his, only bigger" (no pagination). This is a very bizarre method of preventing a young boy from becoming sexually confused, to say the least. It is questionable whether reparative therapy is effective or not. So why is it still embraced by people in the Evangelical establishment. Is reparative therapy used to cure young boys, or seduce them?

Another possible tie comes through Mark Foley and his Scientology connections. On May 24, 2003, Foley attended a brunch held in his honor at Fort Harrison’s Crystal Ballroom. The event was organized by the Flag Land Base of the Church of Scientology ("Cached webpage from Flag Service Org website showing Mark Foley accepting awards at special dinner along with Mary Story of the Office of Special Affairs," no pagination). At this event, Foley received leather-bound copies of two major Scientology works, Dianetics and The Way to Happiness (no pagination). Wayne Garcia has also claimed to have seen Foley at a Scientology event at the Celebrity Center in Los Angeles (Garcia, no pagination). After the Foley scandal broke, Scientology scrubbed Foley from their site (Bercovici, no pagination).

CNP members Gary Bauer, Beverly LaHaye, Carol Steinke, and Paul Weyrich are all connected to Scientology ("CNP and Scientology," no pagination). LaHaye and Steinke are signatories of the Scientology Pledge (no pagination). Bauer’s Family Research Council is listed at Hubbard’s CCHR web page (no pagination). Weyrich’s former group American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) is funded by Scientology (no pagination).

According to investigative journalist Tom Flocco, a retired intelligence agency official with multiple Capitol Hill sources told him that Mark Foley was "just the tip of the iceberg" (no pagination). Flocco reported that federal agents linked Foley to GOP lobbyist Jack Abramoff and GOP reporter/former male prostitute Jeff Gannon (no pagination). Flocco’s intelligence insider informed him that Abramoff "operated the sex / spy ring at the Watergate, Ritz-Carlton and Sheraton hotels in Washington, DC" (no pagination). The insider also told Flocco that Gannon and Abramoff acted as "facilitators for the poker parties and an elaborate prostitution ring of pedophiles and extortion-friendly homosexuals-in-the-closet serving elements of the Republican leadership" (no pagination). If Flocco’s allegations are true and his sources are correct, this is yet another tie to the CNP. Abramoff has been a member of the CNP ("Council for National Policy: Selected Member Biographies," no pagination). Abramoff has collaborated with other CNP members, one being Grover Norquist.

In June 2006, the Senate Indian Affairs Committee released an investigative report charging that CNP member Grover Norquist’s Americans for Tax Reform:served as a "conduit" for funds that flowed from Abramoff's clients to surreptitiously finance grass-roots lobbying campaigns. As the money passed through, Norquist's organization kept a small cut, e-mails show. (Schmidt and Grimaldi, no pagination)

Norquist’s Council of Republicans for Environmental Advocacy was also involved in Abramoff’s operations. Susan Schmidt and James V. Grimaldi elaborates:A second group Norquist was involved with, the Council of Republicans for Environmental Advocacy, received about $500,000 in Abramoff client funds; the council's president has told Senate investigators that Abramoff often asked her to lobby a senior Interior Department official on his behalf. The committee report said the Justice Department should further investigate the organization's dealings with the department and its former deputy secretary, J. Steven Griles. (no pagination)

Norquist and Abramoff have been very close friends since they were leaders of the College Republicans (no pagination). CNP members Jesse Helms and Alan Keyes also worked with Abramoff’s International Freedom Foundation which was "a Washington-based organization in part clandestinely funded by the South African military to prop up overseas support for apartheid" (Ballenger, no pagination). Abramoff also arranged for CNP member Tom DeLay to make a trip to the island of Saipan over the New Years holiday in 1997 (Ross, no pagination). DeLay went on at least three other free trips that were connected to Abramoff (no pagination). These include a trip to Moscow in 1997, a trip to London and Scotland in 2000, and a trip to South Korea in 2001 (no pagination).

At one time, CNP member Ralph Reed acted as an unpaid intern for Abramoff ("Jack Abramoff," no pagination). Reed was invited to sleep on Abramoff’s couch and, in his book Active Faith, Reed even claims that Abramoff introduced him to his future wife (no pagination). Reed’s marketing company was also involved in Abramoff’s lobbying efforts (no pagination).This places the CNP very close to GOP deviant sex rings, if Flocco’s allegations concerning Abramoff prove to be true and his intelligence source is legitimate.

Flocco’s allegations are supported by the fact that former CNP member Abramoff’s lobbying team was involved in preparing Republican Representative Ralph Hall’s statements on the House floor. These statements questioned the credibility of a teenage girl who claimed to be a victim of the sex trade in the Northern Marianas Islands (Kiel, no pagination). CNP member DeLay was Abramoff’s closest Congressional ally when it came to the Marianas issue, and Hall took money from DeLay when he was still a democrat (no pagination). CNP member Diana Weyrich is also a former staff assistant to Ralph Hall ("Council for National Policy: Selected Member Biographies," no pagination). What do these individuals with CNP ties want to keep people from knowing about the Marianas sex slave trade?

Another compelling tie between the CNP and GOP deviant sex rings is Covenant House. According to DeCamp, Covenant House was used to acquire children for pedophilia. The former Nebraska senator provides the following description:Lauded by the Reagan and Bush Administrations as a showcase for the privatization of social service, Covenant House had expanded into Guatemala as a gateway to South America. According to intelligence community sources, the purpose was procurement of children from South America for exploitation in a pedophile ring. The flagship Guatemalan mission of Covenant House was launched by a former business partner of Nicaraguan dictator Anastasio Somoza, Roberto Alejos Arzu, who had ties to the CIA, according to the Village Voice of Feb. 20, 1990. The Voice quoted Jean-Marie Simon, author of Guatemala: Eternal, Spring, Eternal Tyranny: "It’s like having Idi Amin on the board of Amnesty International." (180)

A major source of money for Covenant House has been Robert Macauley, the founder of Americares (180). CNP member J. Peter Grace helped found Americares (Collins, "Order of Malta valuable to church in Zaire," no pagination). CNP member Pat Robertson’s Christian Broadcasting Network is one of Americares’ largest contributors (no pagination). In February of 1989, when Covenant House’s director, Father Bruce Ritter, was accused to of having molested children at the youth organization, the powerful PR firm Hill and Knowlton dispatched Charles Perkins to help with Covenant House’s public relations dilemma (DeCamp 180). Perkins rushed from New York and gave aid to Covenant House for a fraction of Hill and Knowlton’s regular fee (180).

In 1986, one the Hill and Knowlton’s former employees, Robert Keith Gray, became chairman and CEO of the PR giant after his own firm was bought out by Hill and Knowlton (178). According to DeCamp, Gray "is also reportedly a specialist in homosexual blackmail operations for the CIA" (178). DeCamp also reveals Gray’s relationship with two major covert operators, Edwin Wilson and Frank Terpil. DeCamp states:

During the Watergate era, Robert Keith Gray served on the board of Consultants International, founded by CIA agent Edwin Wilson. When Wilson and fellow agent Frank Terpil got caught running guns abroad, Gray tried to deny his connection with Wilson. "Yet ten years before," according to Peter Maas’ book Manhunt, "in a top secret Navy review of Wilson’s intelligence career, Gray described Wilson as a person of ‘unqualified trust,’ with whom he’d been in contact ‘professionally two or three times a month’ since 1963.’" (179)

Gray’s connection to Wilson is significant. Fugitive ex-CIA officer Frank Terpil has claimed that sexual blackmailing operations directed by the CIA were intensive in Washington during the Watergate era (DeCamp 179). Terpil also asserts that his former partner, Ed Wilson, was coordinating one of these sexual blackmail operations (179). In a letter to author Jim Hougan, Terpil revealed Wilson’s modus operandi:

"Historically, one of Wilson’s Agency jobs was to subvert members of both houses [of Congress] by any means necessary…. Certain people could be easily coerced by living out their sexual fantasies in the flesh…. A remembrance of these occasions [was] permanently recorded via selected cameras…. The technicians in charge of filming… [were TSD [Technical Services Division of the CIA]. The unwitting porno stars advanced in their political careers, some of [whom] may still be in office." (Qtd. in DeCamp 179)

DeCamp asserts that the Wilson/Terpil/Gray operations were merely continuations of sexual blackmail operations ran by the infamous Roy Cohn:Gray’s associate Wilson was apparently continuing the work of a reported collaborator of Gray from the 1950’s-McCarthy committee counsel Roy Cohn, now dead of AIDS. According to the former head of the vice squad for one of America’s biggest cities, "Cohn’s job was to run the little boys. Say you had an admiral, a general, a congressman, who did not want to go along with the program. Cohn’s job was to set them up, then they would go along. Cohn told me that himself." The first president of Tong Sun Park’s George Town Club, where Wilson’s sexual blackmail operations were reportedly run, was Robert Keith Gray. (179-80)

Cohn’s sexual blackmail operation may have even included the cult that Maury Terry alleges was behind the Son of Sam killings. Terry conducted a meticulous investigation into the Son of Sam murders an gathered compelling evidence that David Berkowitz was only one participant in what was, in fact, a string of cult killings. The cult behind these crimes was the Process Church of the Final Judgement. According to David Berkowitz, the Process provided children for sex at parties held by wealthy people in Westchester, Manhattan, Connecticut, and Long Island (Terry 534). Berkowitz informed Terry that one of these parties were held at Cohn’s house in Connecticut and Berkowitz even got to meet the infamous McCarthy aide during the party (534).

Cohn is important because of his connection to the CNP. After the mysterious death of Larry MacDonald, Cohn ran Western Goals Foundation for a short time ("Western Goals Foundation," no pagination). Recall that CNP member John Singlaub was a joint-founder of Western Goals (no pagination). CNP member J Peter Grace had the CNP’s major funder, Roger Milliken, on the board of Directors of his W.R. and Grace Company (no pagination). One of Western Goals’ major contributors, Nelson Bunker Hunt, was a CNP member (no pagination). Two other CNP members, Daniel Graham and Mildred Jefferson, were also involved in Western Goals (no pagination). It is also possible the former CNP member Abramoff’s sex/blackmail ring is yet another continuation of the Cohn/Wilson operation.

Is the CNP some monolithic conspiracy of sexual deviants? Of course not. However, it does seem to be part of a network where a sexually deviant subculture has flourished hiding under a cloak of "family values." Furthermore, given these sexual deviants’ intelligence connections, it is not out of line to contend that the CNP is merely part of the deep political system. There is a very real risk that involvement in the CNP could lead genuine Christians away from Jesus and into the practice of deep politics.In the eighth installment of the ongoing investigation, we shall examine religious engineering and the creation of a new Gnostic Christ to inspire the Promethean ambitions of modern sociopolitical Utopians.

Sources Cited



Nancy Levant

Federal law, Title 10 United States Code, Section 153 sets the functions of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the U.S. Armed Forces. "(6) Other Matters.— (A) Providing for representation of the United States on the Military Staff Committee of the United Nations in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations."

The UN Charter states its mission is "...to ensure, by the acceptance of principles and the institution of methods, that armed force shall not be used, save in the common interest."

The American military forces, according to Federal law, are used in the common interest of the United Nations. Our young men and women, who no longer serve on American soil, in protection of American people, or in defense of the American nation, operate under the auspices and direction of the United Nations charter. Hence, the American military forces are no longer here – nor have they been for many, many decades. All service is now filtered through the United Nations. How does that make you feel?

As we are now an undefended nation, with an Executive Branch that has full emergency powers granted to it by Congress, who in 1933 declared America into what became an on-going state of declared emergency, and with no president willing to give up those war powers, this state of emergency brought into our nation new and extraordinary military forces and on-going missions.

On that note, let’s start with a partial list of America’s new “homeland” and regional military partners:

The United Nation
Department of Homeland Security
International Peacekeeping Forces
Nationwide military-trained law enforcement departments
SWAT teams
PMCs (Private Military Companies)
Halliburton, Bechtel, Kellog-Brown-Root and their “political” connections
Private Security Contractors
Rapid deployment civilian reserves (see Reconstruction and Stabilization Civilian Management Act of 2007, and the already implemented new Office of Coordinator for Stabilization and Reconstruction that reports directly to the Secretary of State)
Community Oriented Policing Services (C.O.P.S.)
Active Response Corp
Citizens Corp
Citizens Neighborhood Groups

As outsourcing has become a state of corporate affairs in our nation, it would appear that “security” is being outsourced to corporate mercenaries. One contemplates why these corporate warriors are targeting America? Shall we ask Dick Cheney? How about the U.N.?

According to writer Jeffrey Steinberg, “…PMCs [are] collectively modeled on the neo-feudal British East India Company, which had administered the 18th- and 19th-Century British Empire through a private cartel of banks and chartered corporations… Today, this system is called "globalization." Do tell…

As we know, “globalization” means every nation with or without the consent of the people. What we don’t know is what our “representatives” are doing and intending. Case in point – Senate Bill 613 (passed Senate) and H.R. 1084. Latest action taken on 4-10-07 (Senate Reports: 110-50).

Summary as quoted, “Reconstruction and Stabilization Civilian Management Act of 2007 - States that the purpose of this Act is to provide for the development, as a core mission of the Department of State and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), of an expert civilian response capability to carry out stabilization and reconstruction activities in a country or region that is in, or is in transition from, conflict or civil strife.

Amends the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 to authorize the President to furnish assistance and permit the export of goods and services to assist in stabilizing and reconstructing a country or region that is in, or is in transition from, conflict or civil strife [emphasis added].

Amends the State Department Basic Authorities Act of 1956 to establish within the Department an Office of the Coordinator for Reconstruction and Stabilization.

Authorizes the Secretary, in consultation with the Administrator of USAID, to establish a Response Readiness Corps to provide stabilization and reconstruction activities in foreign countries or regions that are at risk of, in, or are in transition from, conflict or civil strife [emphasis added].

Provides that the Corps shall have: (1) an active federal component of up to 250 personnel and a standby federal component of up to 2000 personnel; and (2) a non-federal Civilian Reserve of at least 500 personnel (which may include federal retirees).

Amend the Foreign Service Act to authorize the Secretary, in cooperation with the Secretary of Defense and the Secretary of the Army, to establish a stabilization and reconstruction curriculum for use in programs of the Foreign Service Institute, the National Defense University, and the United States Army War College.
Sets forth related personnel provisions.” Library of Congress

More sweeping powers that can be used in America’s globalized region, more emergency powers coordinated with the United Nations, which can be used toward globalization efforts in America, and more dedicated loyalty and proof that American “representatives,” against the will or even knowledge of the American people, are raising forces that can be used against the resistance of the American people who do not believe their nation should be regionalized and governed by the current one-world governmental system.

I want all readers, whether you want to, have time, or not, to go to http://www.effectivepeacekeeping.org/. This site speaks for itself, and it is a site that should be memorized by every person who is worried about the leadership in this nation, the sovereignty of this nation, and the future of this nation. This site shows you the blueprint, the intentions, the missions, and the force behind the U.S.-U.N. dynasty – and I do mean dynasty.

Scroll down through the menu items on the left side, look at everything, and read it all. Then ask yourselves how and why nations fall. Make sure you’re looking in a mirror when you ask yourselves this question. Also keep in mind that all children, in every nation, are being taught that questioning governmental authority is out of the question.

It is all but impossible to comprehend the power and financial backing of whole-world domination. Indeed, it is next to impossible to believe that military force would be used to conquer the whole world. But, if in doubt, take the Mid-East, for example. The Mid-East is a conjoined military take-over plot, conjoined by the United Nations, to force into submission the Arab global “region.” The European Union is complete. The North American Union is all but complete. Clearly the Asian-Russian Union is developing according to plan, and the “war on terror” in the Mid-East is inhumanely forcing the development and submission of that “region.”

Emergency powers, erected on a global basis, are enforcing the “common security perimeters” around all global regions, and the U.S.-U.N. dynasty, coupled with their global administration (World Bank, World Court, Bank for International Settlements, World Court, etc.) continue unabated to set their version of the world stage.

Now, I specifically ask the American people the following questions:
Which of you told your “representatives” to force America’s military to serve the United Nations?
Which of you told your “representatives” to close American military bases, and to fund and erect them all over the world, whereby relocating our forces all over the world?

Who told “representatives” to dissolve American borders and to merge America with Mexico and Canada into a global government region?

What American citizen told their “representatives” to submit the Constitution beneath international laws and, specifically, the United Nations Charter?

Which “citizens” told their “representatives” to federalize and control the public school system in this nation, and to implant the one-world global citizen curriculum?

And, referring you to the “homeland” military partners list at the beginning of this article, which American “citizens” demanded the implementation of all the new and rapidly growing paramilitary systems on the “homeland?” Where, mind you, are our Constitutional government and the powers of the people?
Where did they go? And who took them away?

Better use your “rights” while you can, because your “representatives” are Act-ing them, Executive Ordering them, Signing Statement-ing, and Declaration-ing them into oblivion. Welcome to the world of Emergency Powers, as so declared in a nation that has been in a “declared” state of emergency since the Act of March 9, 1933. Don’t forget Martial Law. It’s “homeland/regional” paramilitary power is growing by the minute.

1) Contact A.C.E (Americans for Constitutional Enforcement) and click on the link, "A.C.E. Download Page.” Or, you can go directly to the download page. A.C.E. provides a free packet of information on how to start community groups, and will also provide you with educational materials for your groups.

2) Attend the Kansas City Summit. Go to http://www.heartlandusaparty.org/, and register to attend this national meeting of like minds this coming July. Don’t even think about summer vacations, folks. This year, serve what’s left of your nation by building the coalition that can muster the numbers and the media attention to save our country. Pray, and with your help, this will be a historic event in American history.

3) Please read Dr. Edwin Vieira’s newest book titled Constitutional Homeland Security. Remember that we must always look to our Constitution for answers to tyranny. If we, the people, fail to protect our liberties and our homeland, we will, in fact, as Dr. Vieira states, “…degenerate into a centralized bureaucratic police state.” This is a book with a constitutional and viable plan that CAN save this nation. THIS BOOK IS A MUST READ.

© 2007 Nancy Levant - All Rights Reserved


Giuliani Caught In Bizarre Building 7 LieClaims WTC 7 collapsed in stages, Kerry Building 7 admission explodes on You Tube popularity charts
Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet

Rudy Giuliani has been caught in a bizarre lie about WTC 7, in which he claims the building collapsed in stages over a sustained period of time, when in reality the structure fell in under seven seconds. Giuliani also reveals that he expected the twin towers to collapse but "not in the way they did."

Giuliani was a speaker along with former Oklahoma City Mayor Ron Norick at an April 19th event held at the Oklahoma City Museum and National Memorial in Ahoma City, Oklahoma. The entire video can be viewed here courtesy of C-Span.

Giuliani is asked if he had expected the twin towers to collapse on 9/11. Here is his response.

"Yeah, but not in the way they did."

"It occurred to us all that they might ultimately collapse over....the way buildings usually collapse, which is in stages."

"It looked like at some point the top of the building would come off, and then maybe the middle of the building and then maybe there'd be a shell left....the way number 7 came down 4 or 5 o'clock in the afternoon - over a period of time - but the idea that it would implode, the implosion that took place, I actually didn't realize that until much later."

Building 7 collapsed in just 6.5 seconds - videos of the structure before its collapse show the building fully intact and suffering sporadic fires across a limited number of floors.

It has since also been proven to a reasonable degree that the smoke seen emanating from the area of Building 7 was mostly coming from Buildings 5 and 6, which had taken the direct brunt of the collapse of the twin towers and were completely ablaze.

WTC 7 imploded at near free fall speed and fell in its own footprint, barely even blocking the adjacent road. Giuliani's emergency command bunker was located in the building but he and his crew evacuated just before the collapse of the twin towers. Building 7 had been structurally reinforced to compensate for numerous floors to be taken out without compromising the integrity of the building.

For Giuliani to claim that Building 7 collapsed in stages is completely bizarre and totally inaccurate. One has to wonder if he is intentionally attempting to mislead with such a wildly false statement.

Is Giuliani attempting to re-write history in an attempt to deflect clearly documented accusations that Building 7 was brought down by a controlled demolition?

In addition, his claims that the collapse of the twin towers, though not in the fashion they eventually fell (controlled demolition), was expected, completely contradicts the words of the very people who designed the World Trade Center, who are on the record on multiple occasions stating that the towers were designed to absorb airliner impacts without collapsing.

No steel framed building had collapsed from fire damage in history until September 11 2001 when three fell within the space of seven hours, so for Giuliani to have both expected the collapse and have received a warning immediately beforehand is highly suspicious.

In a related story, John Kerry's comments that Building 7 was deliberately demolished during an Austin Texas speaking event have gone viral since the You Tube video was posted and featured in our story on Monday. Despite receiving massive traffic, Google does not list the Prison Planet.com article in its search results nearly two days after the piece was first posted.

Just one version of the video has already received over 42,000 views and rising and features in multiple different You Tube most popular categories. The clip is currently the 5th most discussed video on You Tube today.

Calls to Kerry's office for a further clarification on his comments were not returned.

www.prisonplanet.com www.infowars.com

Tuesday, April 24, 2007



By Dennis L. Cuddy, Ph.D.

In my recent article "The Iraq War, Oil, and World Government," I quoted from a report produced by the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and the James Baker III Institute a year before 9/11. Basically, it said that obtaining oil from the Caspian region would be important, but "diplomatic activities that dictated certain geopolitical goals" pertaining to transportation routes would be "downplayed" in this regard.

Since many have wondered what these secretive geopolitical goals were, I thought giving several examples of how the power elite operates in these areas would be instructive. For example, I have previously mentioned a 1952 map developed by the World Association of Parliamentarians for World Government regarding what nations' forces will police what other nations under a world government. This is because a nation's own soldiers would be less willing to crack down on its own population than would foreign troops.

Although economic forces are the driving mechanism the power elite is using to bring about a world government, enforcement of their will is always dependent upon military force or the threat of its use. Relevant to the U.S., if one were looking ahead in 1952, one would try to place permanent military forces as near as possible to both Russia and China, the 2 greatest threats to American interests. Strategically, the placement would be in the Caspian region of Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, etc., which is where the 1952 map has U.S. forces policing under a world government. About 10 years ago, the U.S. held military exercises in those areas, then negotiated "short term" military bases there after 9/11, but now these bases are appearing to be "permanent."

While protection of the new Afghan government and of Caspian oil routes against Taliban activities is given as the reason for this permanency, the "downplayed certain geopolitical goal" is the strategic permanent placement of forces between Russia and China.

Similarly concerning Iraq, the Project for the New American Century (PNAC) stated as a goal the permanent placement of American military forces in the Gulf region. Various rationales (e.g., Weapons of Mass Destruction, liberating Iraqis from a dictator, etc.) were given for the American invasion of Iraq. However, the allowance of continued chaos in Iraq has enabled the U.S. to persuade the new Iraqi government to permit the large American military bases recently constructed there to become, in effect, permanent. The accomplishment of this "downplayed certain geopolitical goal" places U.S. forces strategically between Syria and Iran to "police" the Middle East region. The Democrat response to the Iraq conflict was reflected by Sen. Carl Levin on FOX News Sunday, April 15, 2007, when he said political progress must be made by the Iraqis, or U.S. troops should start withdrawing. The majority Shiite response to this, though, will probably be that if our troops withdraw, that will just allow the Shiites to do as they please with the Sunnis.

While the American military is the most useful enforcement tool of the power elite at the moment, the eventual world government will have many nations' military forces involved. According to the 1952 map mentioned earlier, not only would U.S. troops also be policing Bosnia (where they went in 1995) under a world government, but Russian forces would be policing the U.S. from about Ft. Riley (KS) to Ft. Polk (LA) eastward to North Carolina. Not coincidentally, former Soviet bloc forces were engaged in joint military exercises in the mid-1990s at Ft. Riley, at Ft. Polk in August 1995, and a Russian police officer also in 1995 helped arrest someone in western North Carolina.

Pertaining to China, the 1952 map has Chinese (Mongolian) forces under a world government policing Mexico, where a Chinese company, Hutchinson-Whampoa, now operates the deep water port of Lazaro Cardenas. This is to facilitate the off-loading of Chinese containers from ships, and then moving the containers (largely uninspected and possibly containing Weapons of Mass Destruction) into the U.S. via the TransTexas Corridor and the TransAmerica Highway. This is occurring under NAFTA and the Security and Prosperity Partnership, which will bring about the North American Community and eventually the North American Union (just like the European Community led to the European Union).

This North American Union (with its new international currency, the Amero) can then be linked with others (e.g., the European Union with its currency, the Euro) to form a World Socialist Government. Most heads of European nations are already vice-presidents of Socialist International.

A World Socialist Government formed from the linkage of regional economic arrangements has been the power elite's ultimate "downplayed certain geopolitical goal," according to Cecil Rhodes' secret Society of the Elect plan. And the various currencies (e.g., Amero, Euro, etc.) will be replaced by one global currency, the Phoenix, by the year A.D. 2018 (see the cover of THE ECONOMIST, January 9, 1988).

Because the military is the key enforcement mechanism concerning Rhodes' and the power elite's plan, personnel becomes critically important. In that regard, when a number of generals criticized President Bush's handling of the Iraq war, they were dismissed or resigned, and the president reached down the ladder of ranking officers on August 1, 2003, to name a new Army Chief of Staff, Gen. Peter Schoomaker.

Why Schoomaker? He was Rhodes scholar Gen. Wesley Clark's assistant at Ft. Hood (TX) when the BATF raid on the Branch Davidian compound occurred. There was an actual mock-up of the compound built at Ft. Hood for training purposes.

After the raid, Schoomaker "met with Gov. Ann Richards on the evening of February 28, 1993, and answered her questions concerning the types of military equipment the BATF had used during the raid and the types of military equipment which federal law enforcement officials might use in the future" (see U.S. House of Representatives Report 104-749, "Investigation into the Activities of Federal Law Enforcement Agencies Toward the Branch Davidians," August 2,1996). Gen. Schoomaker had also advocated building training links to his Communist Chinese counterparts (see "U.S. Elite Forces Seek PLA Training Links," THE HONG KONG STANDARD, July 18, 1998). Schoomaker and Wesley Clark are just the type of military generals the power elite likes.

Of course, there's always an "incident" (e.g., the alleged sinking of THE MAINE by Spain in 1898), which allows the power elite to place military forces where their world government plan requires. The attack of 9/11 was the incident which allowed U.S. forces to be placed in the Caspian region. Now that American forces are in Iraq strategically between Iran and Syria, "incidents" can occur which will allow the invasion of those nations. Concerning Iran, it could be their involvement in the ongoing sectarian conflict in Iraq or Iran's development of nuclear weapons.

But what about Syria? The "incident" could be a new attack upon Israel by Syrian allies Hamas or Hezbollah, which is also supported by Iran. Or it could be our "discovery" that Syria is where Saddam sent his Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD).

We constantly hear that Saddam had no WMD, but that's ridiculous. We know he used WMD (chemical weapons) against Iran, so the only question is what did he do with them? It's doubtful Saddam voluntarily destroyed all his WMD, so at the appropriate time according to the power elite, we will "discover" Syria is where they were sent.

"Incidents" do not just occur internationally but also domestically. Another primary goal of the power elite is to disarm the citizenry so that people cannot resist the power elite's enforcement of its plan. Thus, the school shootings of several years ago prompted increased demands for gun control.

The power elite does not have to directly cause the "incident" (e.g., tell a student to shoot others), but rather dialectically creates situations from which "incidents" can occur. For example, I have a page from a DARE program in the Los Angeles schools which shows a boy looking at a gun and he's asked, "What good things can happen by bringing a gun to school?"

And before teenage blacks rioted in Florida in the 1970s, Carnegie-funded Project Read there taught black children in the 1960s how to read the word "porch," for example, by showing them a picture of a black child who would "torch" a "porch." Could this have influenced the 1970s teens? Florida prosecutor (later a judge) Ellen Morphonios said regarding this: "It's like subliminal advertising. If this isn't subversive and deliberately done as part of a master plan...only a sick mind could have produced it."

Similarly, the power elite wants to shape our thinking, especially in terms of values.
Therefore, they didn't direct the recent shooting at Virginia Tech University, but those shootings by a mentally disturbed student will prompt cries for more mental health screenings for all youth as well as others. And those screenings will afford the power elite the opportunity to shape what's considered appropriate mental health.

The Virginia Tech student who killed the others admired the Columbine student killers, calling them martyrs. And all 3 of them took their own lives (suicide). Some years ago, THE WASHINGTON POST reported a dramatic increase in youth suicides, and the POST then published my letter showing how elementary school children recently had been taught the theme song from "M.A.S.H.," which is "Suicide Is Painless." The song explains that the game of life is lost, cheating is the only way to win, and that suicide is painless. Concerning other means of conditioning youth's values, could the abundance of violent videogames also affect children's behavior?

Thus, while it is all right to look at events on the surface level, I always recommend that people not just take incidents at face value, but should also analyze them in terms of how they further the power elite's "downplayed certain geopolitical goal" of a World Socialist Government.

© 2007 Dennis Cuddy - All Rights Reserved

Sunday, April 22, 2007



Monday, April 16, 2007


The Deep Politics of God (Part Six): The CNP, Dominionism, and the Ted Haggard Scandal
By Phillip Collins and Paul Collins

Deep Politics and the Evangelical Establishment

The CNP should concern people, but not necessarily for the reasons that the Left present. Groups like the CNP can draw innocent Christians into the practice of deep politics. Deep politics is a term first coined by Professor Peter Dale Scott. Scott gives the following description of deep politics:

My notion of deep politics… posits that in every culture and society there are facts which tend to be suppressed collectively, because of the social and psychological costs of not doing so. Like all other observers, I too have involuntarily suppressed facts and even memories about the drug traffic that were too provocative to be retained with equanimity. (No pagination)

Quite simply, deep politics are those criminal activities that make up the everyday business of the power elite and the deep political system (i.e., those factions of the government that have been prostituted out to the elite). Bill Moyers confirmed that modern day elites practice deep politics on a 1980 broadcast of his show Bill Moyers Journal. Commenting on the warnings of David Rockefeller’s detractors, Moyers stated: "what some critics see as a vast international conspiracy, he considers a circumstance of life, and just another day’s work" (Hoar 325). Christians should find it disturbing that many CNP members, such as John K. Singlaub and Oliver North, were involved in one of the greatest modern day examples of deep politics: the Iran-Contra Scandal.

The group responsible for systematizing the means and the methods that constitute deep politics is Adam Weishaupt’s Bavarian Illuminati. The Illuminists were anything but Christian. In his writings, Weishaupt wrote:

If in order to destroy all Christianity, all religion, we have to have the sole true religion, remember that the end justifies the means, and that the wise ought to take all the means to do good which the wicked take to do evil. (Webster, World Revolution, 13)

The Illuminati’s anti-Christian beliefs may have also been expressed through the group’s founding date: May 1st, 1776. Ralph Epperson elaborates:

The reason that Weishaupt chose the First of May to found his anti-Christian religion has not been satisfactorily explained. However, there are some interesting clues as to why he might have chosen that date.

One possible explanation involves the Roman emperor Diocletian, who reigned from 284-305 A.D. After the death of Jesus, the Christian world continued to be persecuted by a string of violent Caesars of the Roman Empire. But the violence inaugurated by Diocletian surpassed them all in violence.

An edict requiring uniformity of worship was issued in 303 A.D., and the Christians resisted by refusing to pay homage to the image of the emperor. Diocletian met that resistance with specific retaliation against the Christians: they lost their public and private possessions, and their assemblies were prohibited. Their churches were torn down, and their sacred writings were destroyed.

In addition, many Christians paid for their resistance with their lives, it has been estimated that the victims numbered into the hundreds of thousands.

Finally, Diocletian grew ill, and abdicated on May 1, 305 A.D. The persecution persisted, but never again approached that of the emperor Diocletian.

Is it possible that Professor Weishaupt learned about the date of this abdication and picked up the mantle laid down by Diocletian, and started the persecution of Christians again, some 1400 years later? (106-7) By engaging in deep politics, CNP members are mimicking the anti-Christian Illuminists, whether they are aware of it or not. A good example is the Bush and Reagan Administration’s use of a secret team of covert operators to conceal its secret agenda. As Joel Bainerman points out in Crimes of a President, this method is strikingly similar to the Illuminati’s strategy of never appearing under its own name and establishing other organizations to carry out its secret agenda (307). CNP members John K. Singlaub and Oliver North were part of the secret team of covert operators carrying out the Reagan and Bush Administration’s secret agenda. Bainerman also notes that Weishaupt:…was also successful in convincing many Christian leaders to join the order by telling them that the Illuminati was a Christian organization and that its purpose was to unify the world for the sake of Christ. (307)

This is similar to the CNP’s strategy of luring in Christians with thinly camouflaged Dominionist rhetoric. These facts should give Christians some pause. Perhaps shying away from groups like the CNP and remaining on a grass roots level better serves the cause of righteousness.

The whole Haggard scandal may prove to be a result of deep politics on the Colorado political scene. When one considers the proximity of the Haggard scandal to the November 2006 elections, the idea that the scandal is explained by the accidentalists begins to strain credulity. Haggard’s New Life Church in Colorado Springs gave six thousand dollars to the Coloradans for Marriage coalition that has proposed a constitutional amendment defining marriage as solely between a man and a woman (Simpson, no pagination). This made Haggard an enemy of Tim Gill, a gay rights activist and computer software entrepreneur. Gill’s Foundation Action Fund gave fifty-five thousand dollars to the Coloradans for Fairness Issue Committee, which is the opposition of Coloradans for Marriage (no pagination).

Gill’s foundation in Washington, the Gill Action Fund, is headed by Patrick Guerriero, who is the former leader of the Log Cabin Republicans, the gay faction of the GOP ("Gill Action Fund," no pagination). This puts Gill in a perfect position to collect intelligence on closet homosexuals in or close to the GOP. Haggard is definitely connected to the GOP. Until the scandal, Haggard would speak to President George W. Bush or his advisors every Monday (Sharlet, "Soldiers of Christ," no pagination). While this is only a theory, it is a possibility that must be considered.

Does the GOP have a sex problem that makes it susceptible to blackmail and manipulation? Unfortunately, the answer seems to be a resounding yes. On September 28, 2006, Rhonda Schwartz and Maddy Sauer reported on ABC News that a sixteen-year-old male former congressional page alerted Capitol Hill staffers of questionable e-mails that he had received from Congressman Mark Foley’s office (no pagination). Foley asked the boy about his age, what he wanted for his birthday, and requested a photograph of the boy (no pagination). A day later, ABC reported that it had seen the sexual explicit excerpts of the e-mails and Foley announced that he was going to resign (Ross and Sauer, no pagination).

Another example of a sexual deviant within the ranks of the GOP is none other than Cheney’s deposed chief of Staff Scooter Libby. Many Americans are familiar with Scooter Libby because of his connection to the Valerie Plame affair. What many people are not aware of is Libby’s sexually explicit writings. In 1996, Libby released The Apprentice, a book that took him more than twenty years to write (Collins, "Scooter’s Sex Shocker," no pagination). The book is filled with homoeroticism, bestiality and incestuous themes, with an unspeakably gross passage where a ten-year-old girl is abused ("Scooter’s Sex Shocker," no pagination).

GOP sexual deviants are, by no means, disorganized. There is a large body of evidence suggesting that there is actually a well-organized homoerotic cabal within the GOP. This cabal is also involved in satanic ritual abuse and the dirty side of the intelligence community. This revelation did not originate with a conspiracy theorist or some crank who reads too many Dan Brown novels. It came from John DeCamp, a former Nebraska Senator and decorated Vietnam War hero. While looking into the collapse of Nebraska’s Franklin Community Federal Credit Union, investigators happened upon evidence of criminal activities of the part of the credit union’s manager: Republican Party activist Lawrence E. "Larry" King Jr. According to DeCamp, Larry King led a double life:

When Larry King traveled the political circuit, he evidently had two agendas. To the public, he was the rising GOP star with the resonant baritone voice. Something else went on behind closed doors. (166)

What exactly went on behind closed doors? Drawing upon the notes of a private investigator named Gary Caradori, DeCamp examines darker events that percolated just below the surface of the 1984 GOP convention. The events in question involved the Webb foster child Kendra, the Webb children’s’ aunt Marcy, and a social worker named Joanie:

At the Dallas convention in 1984, King threw his splashy party at Southfork Ranch, remembered by me and many other delegates as an unparalleled extravaganza. According to the several victim-witnesses, he also arranged some private events during the convention. They recall being flown to Dallas, to be sexually used by convention-goers. Gary Caradori mapped the recollections of the Webb foster children in his notes of February 1990:

"During this visit [the children’s aunt] Marcy informed [social worker] Joanie that [the youngest Patterson Webb sister] Kendra had told her she had been transported around the country several times, she thought to Texas and Louisiana. Marcy remembered Texas in particular, and a Republican Convention because one of the children, possibly Kendra, had a book of matches from Texas and that is how the children had known where they were at. Joanie stated that she remembered that the children had been exploited sexually in Texas, and she indicated that it was [the] feeling this activity had been occurring for several years." (167)DeCamp also fleshes out the allegations against King with the testimony of yet another victim-witness, Paul Bonacci:

I was later to learn from Paul Bonacci, that he was also at the famed Southfork party. He described it for me in exact detail, some seven years after the party took place. He had been here for the purpose of providing sexual favors for people Larry King wanted to accommodate, satisfy, or compromise. Paul said he was one of a troop of teenaged boys and girls, whom King had shipped to Dallas for his purposes. (167)

There are several aspects of Bonacci’s testimony that suggest that what he is saying is legitimate and true:

I have talked to Paul repeatedly about this party. I have listened to his description. Only by having been there, could someone describe the setting the way Paul did to me. Because I was there myself for the party, I am certain that Paul Bonacci was there and did not invent his story or his description of the party. This was, it happens, just one of Paul’s leads into matters surrounding Larry King and Franklin that I could personally check out and know the boy was telling the truth. Not because somebody told me he was telling the truth. Not because somebody said he passed a lie detector test on the subject. But because I was there and saw a part of it, and saw the exact same things this boy did. (167)

King was also present at a New Orleans Republican convention:

Again in 1988, attendance at Larry King’s party was virtually mandatory for any true Nebraska Republican attending the Republican National Convention, held this time in New Orleans. Most of the Nebraska delegation was transported to the party by bus. The theme of the festivities was Mardi Gras. (167)According to DeCamp, in New Orleans, King engaged in the same nefarious activities that he been involved in at the 1984 Dallas convention:

King’s parties were designed to bring in everybody, from the innocent to the top-ranking businessmen and politicians. I personally attended the two largest parties he ever threw, as did many Republican officials. As a guest at the party, you would not know from the outer glitter, what sordid activity was going on behind the scenes. I am sure that was the character of many of Larry King’s parties, particularly the political events. Outwardly, they had the appearance of legitimacy, with prominent people in attendance, from mayors to presidents, from businessmen to congressmen. So, when people say to me, Well, I was at one of Larry King’s parties and I did not see any of this sex or drug or pedophilia stuff,’ I understand that they may be speaking with honesty and accuracy. As to what really went on, I believe they are wrong. (168)

DeCamp also speaks of King’s connections to the late Craig Spence:

King acquired contacts in Washington’s homosexual prostitution scene, one of whom was the late Craig Spence. A lobbyist and political operative, Spence maintained a call boy ring that catered to the political elite and, unlike most D.C. call boy rings, offered children to its clients. (169)

Craig Spence’s operation reached into high places, and even had connections into the murky world of intelligence. Eventually Spence’s racket became the center of media attention:Spence’s activities made banner headlines in the Washington Times on June 29, 1989: ‘Homosexual prostitution inquiry ensnares VIP’s with Reagan, Bush.’ Spence’s access was so good, that he could arrange nighttime tours of the White House for his clients. The Times added on August 9, 1989, that Spence ‘hinted the tours were arranged by ‘top level’ persons, including Donald Gregg, national security advisor to Vice President Bush. . . ." Spence, according to friends, was also carrying out homosexual blackmail operations for the CIA. (169)

DeCamp informs the reader that investigations conducted journalists uncovered the connection between King and Spence:According to a Washington, D.C. investigative journalist who researched the Spence ring, "The way we discovered Larry King and this Nebraska-based call boy ring, was by looking through the credit card chits of Spence’s ring, where we found King’s name." Another investigator, with personal knowledge of the call-boy rings operating in Washington, put it this way:

"Larry King and Craig Spence were business partners. Look at two companies, ‘Dream Boys’ and ‘Man to Man’, both of which operated under another service, ‘Bodies by God.’" (169)

Spence would eventually die under mysterious circumstances, but the questions persisted even after the man’s death. These questions focused on rumors that both King and Spence participated in the Iran-Contra scandal:

When Craig Spence turned up dead—a suicide, police were quick to say—in a Boston hotel room, in November 1989, it was the latest in the long string of deaths of persons linked to Iran-Contra covert operations and funding. There is evidence that Larry King had Washington business in that area as well. ‘In the 6 ½ months since federal authorities closed Franklin, rumors have persisted that money from the credit union somehow found its way to the Nicaraguan contra rebels,’ said a World-Herald article on May 21, 1989. (169)

Reporter James Allen Flanery was one of the individuals who took a closer look into the Iran-Contra aspect of the King/Spence story. After some digging, Flanery found that there was substance to the rumors. DeCamp shares Flanery’s story:

The first World-Herald reporter on the Franklin case, James Allen Flanery, apparently found more than rumors about the money-laundering. In late 1988, Flanery called Carol Stitt to discuss what he had learned. Their conversation is related in a February 21, 1989 report by Jerry Lowe: "Carol’s notes also have a reference to Larry King running guns and money into Nicaragua . . . . Carol’s notes on Dec. 21, 1988 reflect that she talked with Flanery and in addition to the Nicaraguan info, he was also now talking about CIA involvement and provided info that yesterday (Dec. 20) the FBI quit cooperating with him . . . .Carol’s notes next jump to Feb.6, 1989, where she talked on the phone with Flanery and Flanery told her that the appropriate people didn’t want to believe any of this and who was ever going to prosecute it.

Apparently Flanery told Carol he was close to resigning and the reasons he didn’t think anyone wanted to do anything was because of the possibility of a White House connection, the connections to a number of big people, and he fact that the investigators wanted badly to confine this all to the money. Also many white people made Larry King [who was African-American], he did not happen on his own." (170)

Apparently, Flanery’s snooping into Franklin caught the attention of people who did not want the story told. Pressure began to be applied on Flanery to convince him to leave the Franklin story alone:

Apparently Flanery told Carol he was uncomfortable on the phone, his editor was distressed and things he had written were continually edited, he wanted to his byline off the article printed the 9th among other things . . . Flanery also expressed concern to Carol that if he didn’t get off this story he worried about being compromised.

"The pressure and intimidation began to take a heavy toll on Flanery. This campaign of scare-tactics had the desired effect:

Soon Flanery was off the Franklin case, which continued for months to be the major news lead in Nebraska, and went to the University of Kansas on Sabbatical. When he returned a year later, Flanery no longer wrote about Franklin. (170)

During the legislative Franklin probe, DeCamp was contacted by an insider at National Credit:Squelching interest in an Iran-Contra connection to Franklin was also a topic of the hour, in that phone call I received from National Credit Union administration official Fenner, back in the early months of the legislative Franklin probe. ‘Why would the head of the NCUA be wanting to talk to me?’ I wondered out loud, when my secretary said that Fenner was on the line. The man on the other end of the phone said he knew I was a close friend of former CIA head Bill Colby, and that I also was Senator Loran Schmit’s personal attorney. He quickly came to his point. (170-171)

During the conversation, Fenner tried to steer DeCamp clear of any connection of Franklin to Iran-Contra:

"I know there are a lot of rumors, that Franklin was being used as a front for laundering money for the Contras and that a lot of the money that is missing from Franklin actually went to finance the Contras." I acknowledged that I had heard such talk, and told, him, "I myself am one of those who wonder, if that is not a real possibility, in light of the way things have been shaking out on the Contra scandal." Fenner then gave me a flood of details on the secret Franklin accounts, and where the missing money supposedly went. No destinations linked with Iran-Contra were mentioned. (171)

While Fenner was evaded questions concerning connections between Franklin and Iran-Contra, he did make a startling admission that suggests the existence of a homoerotic cabal. This cabal is intimately tied to the Franklin affair:

"So tell me," I said, "just what is at the bottom of it? If it is not laundered money involved in the Iran-Contra scandal, what the blazes is it? And how could Larry King get away with this, without you or somebody else knowing what was going on? Looks to me as if he had to have one heck of a lot powerful political protection at the highest levels." "Homosexuals," Fenner said, "Franklin financed the biggest group of homosexuals any state has ever seen. A lot of awfully powerful and prominent personalities involved. But probably not anything you can do anything about." (171)

Does this organized network of sexual deviants connect in any way to the CNP? We shall answer this question in the seventh installment of this ongoing investigation.

Sources Cited

All sources will be cited in the final installment of this series


Registry would treat gun owners like criminals
Christian Berg Outdoors

If someone told you he had been forced to provide the Pennsylvania State Police with their fingerprints, photograph, Social Security number and a host of other personal information, you'd probably assume they were arrested and charged with a crime.

Well, that kind of police ''booking'' process could be in store for Pennsylvania's roughly 3 million firearms owners if gun-control advocates in Harrisburg have their way.

Last month, a group of six state lawmakers introduced legislation that would require the annual registration of virtually every privately-owned firearm in the state. Those who would refuse to register their guns would become criminals, and those denied registration certificates for any reason would have their guns confiscated by the government.

''There's nothing more slanderous to our Second Amendment rights,'' said Melody Zullinger, executive director of the Pennsylvania Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs. ''It's scary, and it should be a wake-up call to sportsmen.

''The gun registration proposal, known as House Bill 760, is co-sponsored by Reps. Lisa Bennington, D-Allegheny; Angel Cruz, D-Philadelphia; Lawrence H. Curry, D-Montgomery and Philadelphia; Cherelle L. Parker, D-Philadelphia; Jake Wheatley, D-Allegheny; and Rosita C. Youngblood, D-Philadelphia.

In addition to providing the information mentioned above, gun owners would be required to undergo an annual criminal background check and provide police with the make, model, caliber and serial number for every gun they own -- along with a $10-per-year, per-gun registration fee.

Private gun owners whose applications are approved would receive registration certificates for each firearm. The certificates, which would include the gun owner's name, address, date of birth, photograph and other information, would have to be carried with the associated gun at all times and presented to police on demand.It gets worse.

Gun owners also would be required to notify state police within 48 hours of any gun that is lost, stolen or destroyed. And gun owners could not sell or give a firearm to anyone else without notifying state police at least 48 hours in advance.

Finally -- and this one is really the icing on the cake -- gun owners would be required to keep all firearms unloaded and disassembled (or bound by a trigger lock or gun safe) unless the firearm is in the owner's immediate control and possession at the owner's residence or business or while being used for legal recreation.

So, the government would not only decide whether you deserve to own guns, but also how and where you could store and use them. Hard to believe that's what the framers of the Constitution had in mind when they declared ''…the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

''Naturally, there is an exemption for law enforcement officers, corrections officers and for any guns owned or under direct control of the federal, state or local governments. Collectible firearms, along with flintlock, match-lock and percussion firearms manufactured before 1898 (including replicas) also would be excluded.
The rules I mentioned so far are only for those whose registration applications are approved. If your registration application is rejected for any reason, and your appeal is denied, you have three days to turn over all your guns to the state police.

So, if the government screws up and denies your application because of its mistake, you lose your guns. There's nothing in the bill addressing what happens to seized guns or when, if ever, you can get them back.Needless to say, House Bill 760 hasn't exactly been embraced by rank-and-file gun owners or gun rights organizations such as the National Rifle Association, which issued a statement calling the proposal ''misguided.'' A gun-owning colleague here at the paper said the proposal reminded him a lot of the Big Brother government in George Orwell's ''1984.

''Before I go any further, it's important to point out that House Bill 760 doesn't appear to have anywhere near enough support to win approval in the General Assembly. Still, the mere fact that six House members are proposing it serves as evidence that gun control is an issue alive and well in the halls of state government.

It's also no surprise all six of the lawmakers pushing for gun registration represent either Philadelphia or Pittsburgh. Both those cities struggle with more than their fair share of violent crime -- many of them involving the illegal use of firearms.

While I sympathize with the crime victims, and the lawmakers' desire to address the problem, a statewide gun registry simply is not the answer.

You can bet your bottom dollar that criminals will not register their guns. In fact, the NRA noted the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that since felons are prohibited from owning firearms, compelling them to register them would violate their Fifth Amendment rights against self-incrimination.

Firearms registries also happen to be terribly expensive. Canada's national gun registration program, in place for more than a decade, was initally projected to cost $119 million to set up. However, it ended up costing more than $1 billion and is widely considered a boondoggle by Canadian citizens. Some political leaders are pushing a plan to eliminate hunting rifles and shotguns -- which were added to the registry program five years ago -- to slash costs.

A recent spate of high-profile shootings in Canada also is causing renewed debate over the effectiveness of the program, with groups on both sides of the gun-control debate offering reports and statistics to support their point of view. Depending on which ''expert'' you ask, the Canadian registry has either been a colossal success or a colossal waste of time.

At best, Pennsylvania's proposed registration system is a duplication of government oversight already in place. For example, instant criminal background checks already are required every time a person buys a gun. And existing gun owners who lose their right to own firearms because of a felony or domestic violence conviction have their guns seized through the court system.

At worst, the registration proposal is an overbearing, unconstitutional invasion of privacy. You have to ask yourself, why does the government need a list of guns owned by honest, law-abiding citzens anyway?I can think of several reasons, but none that make me feel more secure -- either in terms of my personal safety or my Second Amendment rights.



By Joshua Daniels

On September 10, 2001, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld admitted that the Pentagon had lost, by the estimate he chose to use for his speech, $2.3 trillion dollars. Many of you good readers know about this and are asking where the money went? That's a good question, but what really intrigues me is: Where did it come from?

If you add up the entire US defense budgets from 1996 to 2001, you only come up with circa $1.6 trillion. Yet, according to Rummy, not only was that much money lost, but an ADDITIONAL $700 billion dollars has disappeared. Remember, we're talking about $2.3 trillion dollars missing.

Exact figures vary by source, but are close to each other, so I'll deal in round numbers. To come up with $2.3 trillion dollars of military spending, you have to add up all the defense budgets from about 1991 to 2001. For all those years, the Pentagon spent hundreds of billions and didn't get a single receipt nor account for a single dime? Not possible and no one's claiming that it happened. The missing money was part of some budget, but it's bigger than the defense budgets we're to believe it's a part of, so it was a part of some OTHER budget, one we don't know about.

1996 through 2001 is a lot of years for the Government Accounting Office (GAO) to fail to notice that the entire defense budget went missing. I don't believe they did fail to notice it, because the missing money wasn't on the books to begin with. It couldn't have been; it's more money than we gave them.

This is not an accounting error. We know the soldiers and sailors got paid, the tanks and planes got bought, and the missiles got purchased, because the companies that made them cashed the checks, and the banks issued statements showing that the money went out and to whom it went. We know that most of that money got properly accounted for, because the GAO and OMB have been checking figures, making recommendations for savings, etc., and would have spotted a gap of any real size. We also suspect the usual drugs, cars, mansions, and hookers of all ages and sexes. But all these only add up to the official hundreds of billions, not the missing thousands of billions.

Most of the missing money could never have been part of a defense budget, and could not have come from our government. It had to have come from someone else, someone who MUST want the Pentagon to do something for them. Nobody gives gifts that big but God.

So, just who hired the Pentagon to do whatever they hired it to do? Who wrote those checks? What are they paying for? When do they expect it? Who is its target? How can we put a stop to this blatant prostitution?
I have no answers, but I can narrow the list: not many people outside the Federal Reserve owners have access to that kind of money. And not many people beside the Federal Reserve owners want to use the American military and its loyal, devoted troops to bend the world to their will.

Come to think of it, NO ONE outside the Federal Reserve owners meets those two criteria. The American people have a right to know what is going on because everyone of those thousands of billions had to be borrowed from the privately owned central bank with this congressionally debt slapped on the backs of the American people and their children.

1, $2.3 trillion Missing Sept. 10, 2001 Donald Rumsfeld2, 2001 Highlights of the FY 2001 Request
Adittional Information:
1, Highlights of the FY 2000 Request2, 1999 Department of Defense Budget For FY 19993, 1998 Department of Defense Budget For FY 19984, Press Release DOD5, 1997 Military Budget at a Glance6, 1996 The President's FY 1996 budget requests $246.0 billion in budget authority and $250.0 billion in outlays for the Department of Defense.
© 2007 Jashua Daniels - All Rights Reserved

Monday, April 09, 2007


Climate and Ocean Scientists Put Under New Speech Restraints
Any Scientific Statements "of Official Interest" Must be Pre-Approved

Washington, DC — Federal climate, weather and marine scientists will be subject to new restrictions as to what they can say to the media or in public, according to agency documents released today by Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility (PEER). Under rules posted last week, these federal scientists must obtain agency pre-approval to speak or write, whether on or off-duty, concerning any scientific topic deemed “of official interest.”

On March 29, 2007, the Commerce Department posted a new administrative order governing “Public Communications.” This new order covers the National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), which includes the National Weather Service and the National Marine Fisheries Service. Commerce’s new order will become effective in 45 days and would repeal a more liberal “open science” policy adopted by NOAA on February 14, 2006.

Although couched in rhetoric about the need for “broad and open dissemination of research results [and] open exchange of scientific ideas,” the new order forbids agency scientists from communicating any relevant information, even if prepared and delivered on their own time as private citizens, which has not been approved by the official chain-of-command:

* Any “fundamental research communication” must “before the communication occurs” be submitted to and approved by the designated “head of the operating unit.” While the directive states that approval may not be withheld “based on policy, budget, or management implications of the research,” it does not define these terms and limits any appeal to within Commerce;

* National Weather Service employees are allowed only “as part of their routine responsibilities to communicate information about the weather to the public”; and

* Scientists must give the Commerce Department at least two weeks “advance notice” of any written, oral or audiovisual presentation prepared on their own time if it “is a matter of official interest to the Department because it relates to Department programs, policies or operations.”

“This ridiculous gag order ignores the First Amendment and disrespects the world-renowned professionals who work within Commerce agencies,” stated PEER Executive Director Jeff Ruch. “Under this policy, National Weather Service scientists can only give out name, rank, serial number and the temperature.”The agency rejected a more open policy adopted last year by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). The new policy also was rushed to print despite an ongoing Commerce Office of Inspector General review of communication policies that was undertaken at congressional request.

While claiming to provide clarity, the new Commerce order gives conflicting directives, on one hand telling scientists that if unsure whether a conclusion has been officially approved “then the researcher must make clear that he or she is representing his or her individual conclusion.” Yet, another part of the order states non-official communications “may not take place or be prepared during working hours.” This conflict means that every scientist who answers an unexpected question at a conference puts his or her career at risk by giving an honest answer.



13-Year-Old Arrested In School For Writing On Desk
Principal Urges Cops To Arrest Girl For Writing 'Okay'

Tanya Rivero

(CBS) NEW YORK In this day and age where young students are frequently charged for serious school offenses such as possessing weapons, dealing drugs, or assaulting other students on school property, one Brooklyn teen's arrest may come as a surprise. A 13-year-old girl was handcuffed and placed under arrest in front of her classmates in Dyker Heights after she wrote "Okay" on her desk.

The "suspect," Chelsea Fraser, says she's sorry for scribbling the word on her desk, but both she and her mother are shocked at the punishment.

"I'm appalled, because here we have rapists, murderers, and you're taking a 13-year-old kid? Wasting valuable manpower to arrest a child who wrote on a desk?" Fraser's mother Diana Silva told CBS 2.

Police confirm that that's exactly what's written on her arrest record and for the crime, she's been charged with criminal mischief and the making of graffiti. Fraser says the day she marked her desk, she was wrongly grouped together with troublemakers who had plastered stickers all over the classroom.

Fraser was arrested at the Dyker Heights Intermediate School on March 30 along with three other male students. She says she was made to empty her pockets and take off her belt. Then she was handcuffed and led out of the school in front of her classmates and placed in the back of a police car.

"It was really embarrassing because some of the kids, they talk, and they're going to label me as a bad kid. But I'm really not," Fraser said. "I didn't know writing 'Okay' would get me arrested."

"All the kids were ... watching these three boys and my daughter being marched out with four -- they had four police officers -- walking them out, handcuffed," Silva said. "She goes to me, 'Mommy, these hurt!'"

The students were taken to the 68th Precinct station house where Silva says they were separated for three hours. "MY child is 13-years-old -- doesn't it stand that I'm supposed to be present for any questioning?" Silva said. "I'm watching my daughter, she's handcuffed to the pole. I ask the officer has she been there the entire time? She says, 'Yes.'"

On her report card, under conduct, Fraser has earned all "satisfactory" marks and one "excellent" mark.

"My daughter just wrote something on a desk. I would have her scrub it with Soft Scrub on a Saturday morning when she should be out playing, and maybe a day of in-house and a formal apology to the principal," Silva said.

CBS 2 contacted both the NYPD and the Board of Education for a response. The police say the arrests followed a request by the school's principal. The Board of Education said the matter is under investigation, adding that graffiti was found on several desks.

(© MMVII, CBS Broadcasting Inc. All Rights Reserved.)

Wednesday, April 04, 2007


George Orwell, Big Brother Is Watching Your House


The Big Brother nightmare of George Orwell's 1984 has become a reality - in the shadow of the author's former London home.

It may have taken a little longer than he predicted, but Orwell's vision of a society where cameras and computers spy on every person's movements is now here.

According to the latest studies, Britain has a staggering 4.2million CCTV cameras - one for every 14 people in the country - and 20 per cent of cameras globally. It has been calculated that each person is caught on camera an average of 300 times daily.

Use of spy cameras in modern-day Britain is now a chilling mirror image of Orwell's fictional world, created in the post-war Forties in a fourth-floor flat overlooking Canonbury Square in Islington, North London.

On the wall outside his former residence - flat number 27B - where Orwell lived until his death in 1950, an historical plaque commemorates the anti-authoritarian author. And within 200 yards of the flat, there are 32 CCTV cameras, scanning every move.

Orwell's view of the tree-filled gardens outside the flat is under 24-hour surveillance from two cameras perched on traffic lights.

The flat's rear windows are constantly viewed from two more security cameras outside a conference centre in Canonbury Place.

In a lane, just off the square, close to Orwell's favourite pub, the Compton Arms, a camera at the rear of a car dealership records every person entering or leaving the pub.

Within a 200-yard radius of the flat, there are another 28 CCTV cameras, together with hundreds of private, remote-controlled security cameras used to scrutinise visitors to homes, shops and offices.

The message is reminiscent of a 1949 poster to mark the launch of Orwell's 1984: 'Big Brother is Watching You'.

In the Shriji grocery store in Canonbury Place, three cameras focus on every person in the shop. Owner Minesh Amin explained: 'They are for our security and safety. Without them, people would steal from the shop. Although this is a nice area, there are always bad people who cause trouble by stealing.'

Three doors away, in the dry-cleaning shop run by Malik Zafar, are another two CCTV cameras.

'I need to know who is coming into my shop,' explained Mr Zafar, who spent £400 on his security system.

This week, the Royal Academy of Engineering (RAE) produced a report highlighting the astonishing numbers of CCTV cameras in the country and warned how such 'Big Brother tactics' could eventually put lives at risk.

The RAE report warned any security system was 'vulnerable to abuse, including bribery of staff and computer hackers gaining access to it'. One of the report's authors, Professor Nigel Gilbert, claimed the numbers of CCTV cameras now being used is so vast that further installations should be stopped until the need for them is proven.

One fear is a nationwide standard for CCTV cameras which would make it possible for all information gathered by individual cameras to be shared - and accessed by anyone with the means to do so.

The RAE report follows a warning by the Government's Information Commissioner Richard Thomas that excessive use of CCTV and other information-gathering was 'creating a climate of suspicion'.

©2007 Associated Newspapers Ltd