
Thursday, September 28, 2006


20 Damning Facts About Voting In The USA
By Angry Girl of Nightweed.com

Did you know....

1. 80% of all votes in America are counted by only two companies: Diebold and ES&S.

http://en.wikipedia org/wiki/Diebold

2. There is no federal agency with regulatory authority or oversight of the U.S. voting machine industry. http://www.commondreams.org/views02/0916-04.htm


3. The vice-president of Diebold and the president of ES&S are brothers.


4. The chairman and CEO of Diebold is a major Bush campaign organizer and donor who wrote in 2003 that he was "committed to helping Ohio deliver its electoral votes to the president next year."


5. Republican Senator Chuck Hagel used to be chairman of ES&S. He became Senator based on votes counted by ES&S machines.


6. Republican Senator Chuck Hagel, long-connected with the Bush family, was recently caught lying about his ownership of ES&S by the Senate Ethics Committee.



7. Senator Chuck Hagel was on a short list of George W. Bush's vice-presidential candidates.


8. ES&S is the largest voting machine manufacturer in the U.S. and counts almost 60% of all U.S. votes.


9. Diebold's new touch screen voting machines have no paper trail of any votes. In other words, there is no way to verify that the data coming out of the machine is the same as what was legitimately put in by voters.



10. Diebold also makes ATMs, checkout scanners, and ticket machines, all of which log each transaction and can generate a paper trail.


11. Diebold is based in Ohio.

12. Diebold employed 5 convicted felons as consultants and developers to help write the central compiler computer code that counted 50% of the votes in 30 states.

http://portland. ndymedia.org/en/2004/10/301469.shtml

13. Jeff Dean was Senior Vice-President of Global Election Systems when it was bought by Diebold. Even though he had been convicted of 23 counts of felony theft in the first degree, Jeff Dean was retained as a consultant by Diebold and was largely responsible for programming the optical scanning software now used in most of the United States.


14. Diebold consultant Jeff Dean was convicted of planting back doors in his software and using a "high degree of sophistication" to evade detection over a period of 2 years.


15. None of the international election observers were allowed in the polls in Ohio.


16. California banned the use of Diebold machines because the security was so bad. Despite Diebold's claims that the audit logs could not be hacked, a chimpanzee was able to do it! (See the movie here: http://www.bbvdocs. org/videos/ baxterVPR. mov.)


17. 30% of all U.S. votes are carried out on unverifiable touch screen voting machines with no paper trail.

18. All -- not some -- but all the voting machine errors detected and reported in Florida went in favor of Bush or Republican candidates.

http://www.yuricare port.com/ElectionAftermath04/ThreeResearchStudiesBushIsOut.htm

http://www.rise4new s.net/extravotes .html

http://www.ilcaonline.org/modules.php?op=modload&name=News& file=article& sid=950

http://www.scoop. co.nz/mason/ stories/HL0411/ S00227.htm

19. The governor of the state of Florida, Jeb Bush, is the President's brother.
http://www.tallahas see.com/mld/ tallahassee/ news/local/ 7628725.htm

http://www.washingt onpost.com/ wp-dyn/articles/ A10544-2004Oct29 .html

20. Serious voting anomalies in Florida -- again always favoring Bush -- have been mathematically demonstrated and experts are recommending further investigation.
http://www.yuricare port.com/ ElectionAftermat h04/ThreeResearc hStudiesBushIsOu t.htm

http://www.computer world.com/ governmenttopics /government/ policy/story/ 0,10801,97614, 00.html

http://www.american freepress. net/html/ tens_of_thousand s.html

http://www.commondr eams.org/ headlines04/ 1106-30.htm

http://www.consorti umnews.com/ 2004/110904. html

http://uscountvotes .org/

1 in 5 Americans believe the elections were fraudulent.
That's over 41 Million Americans.
You are NOT alone!

Sunday, September 24, 2006



By Pastor Chuck Baldwin
September 22, 2006

Is it just me, or are people really getting meaner? It seems that much of what I hear and read these days indicates that people's actions and attitudes are increasingly rude, crude, and downright cantankerous. Has it always been this way? If it was, I don't remember it.
Granted, there is much to be upset about nowadays. People are being taxed out of their minds. Governmental meddling has never been more intrusive. Savings accounts are down. Indebtedness is up. Most newspaper headlines serve only to raise our blood pressure. Americans fear the IRS more than they do Osama bin Laden. Many Americans are working two and even three jobs just to make ends meet.
Hollywood used to provide respite from day to day pressures. No more. All they do now is contribute to raising stress levels. Ditto for most major league sports. And when is the last time we could trust anything our congressman told us? Come to think of it, we can't trust much of anything anybody tells us.
Egad! I'm getting angry just writing this column.
However, is it really obligatory that we lose our warmth and compassion? Is everyone who disagrees with us really our enemy? Can we not remain truly uncompromising for a principle without becoming a raving, sadistic madman?
Furthermore, it doesn't seem to matter in what "camp" one finds oneself. The story is the same. Conservatives can be just as mean-spirited as liberals and vice versa. Christians just as contemptuous as atheists. In fact, I know unbelievers whom I would far rather be around than some believers.
In addition, I used to believe that ladies were the "kinder, gentler" sex. No more. Heaven help the person who crosses some of these avant-garde females. And pity the poor man that marries one of these angry American women.
Even people who try to work with youngsters feel the wrath of an out-of-control, angry society. Sunday School teachers. Public school teachers. Christian school teachers. Private school teachers. Day care workers. Baby sitters. And especially Little League coaches. Those people take their lives in their hands!
Okay. So we're not all going to sit around a campfire and sing Kumbaya. Can we not at least be civil with one another? As my dad used to say, "Can't we disagree without being disagreeable?"
For the most part, Americans have developed a very unhealthy anger attitude. We have lost our sense of humor, not to mention our ability to forgive. Even Christians have become egotistical, proud, and arrogant. No wonder we have lost the propitious smile of Heaven.
For example, when people with whom we disagree get into trouble with the federal government or the mainstream media, we rejoice in their tribulation, not realizing that the same monster could turn against us with the flip of a coin (or administration). How is it that we cannot see that the same liberties and principles that we desire for ourselves must be granted to others, or we all lose?

The only people who benefit from this anger-addicted society are the power-brokers and controllers who desire to transform America into an international Monopoly game. You see, angry people are easy to manipulate, because they have lost their ability to reason. Even our Creator implores us to "reason together." However, objectivity is lost when anger controls our spirit. Rightly does the Scripture command us, "Be ye angry, and sin not."

Furthermore, is not inner peace and joy a gift of God, not dependent upon circumstances or the actions of others? Christians claim to know and worship the Prince of Peace. Why, then, can they not act like it?
© 2006 Chuck Baldwin - All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, September 19, 2006


Congress Considering Strip Searching Students

September 18, 2006

Imagine an America in which school officials could strip search every student in their school based on the unsubstantiated tip that one of them might have a joint. Congress is voting on a bill Tuesday or Wednesday that could make these police state tactics more common.
We can stop Congress in its tracks, though. Call your representative RIGHT NOW and tell them to vote against this dangerous bill.
If you don't know who your House representative is, simply call the Capitol Switchboard at (202) 224-3121 and give them your address. They'll connect you directly with your representative's office. When you get a staffer on the phone, politely say something like:
"My name is [your name] and I live in [your city]. I'm calling to urge [the congressman/the congresswoman] to vote against the Student and Teacher Safety Act (HR 5295) when it comes to the floor this week. This bill would allow schools and police to invasively search large groups of innocent students based on the mere suspicion that just one of them has drugs. It strips Americans of their 4th Amendment rights. Please let me know how [the congressman/the congresswoman] votes."
The Student Teacher Safety Act of 2006 (HR 5295) is a sloppily written bill that would require any school receiving federal funding (essentially every public school) to adopt policies allowing teachers and school officials to conduct random, warrantless searches of every student, at any time, for essentially any reason they want. All they would have to do is say they suspect one of their students might be carrying drugs, and then they could conduct a wide scale search of every student in the building. These searches could be pat-downs, bag searches, or strip searches depending on how far school administrators wanted to go. Although courts would have the power to overturn policies that went "too far", it could take years - possibly decades - to safeguard the rights of students in every school.
Disconnecting searches from individualized suspicion is what led to the Goose Creek scandal in 2003. That South Carolina city sent a machine-gun toting SWAT team into a high school because the principal suspected one of the students might be selling marijuana. 150 terrified students were handcuffed and forced to the floor at gunpoint as drug dogs tore through their book bags. No drugs or guns were ever found.
Searching students without individualized suspicion that they have done something wrong fosters mistrust between adolescents and the adults they should feel comfortable turning to when they do have substance abuse problems. Treating groups of students as if they're guilty until proven innocent sends them the wrong message about what it means to be American citizens, and makes them less likely to seek help and guidance when they need it.
The legislation is supported by senior House Republicans and the National Education Association (NEA). It's opposed by the Drug Policy Alliance, Students for Sensible Drug Policy, the ACLU, the American Association of School Administrators, and the National School Boards Association.
The bill wasn't voted on in committee and is being fast-tracked to the floor under a procedure that requires a 2/3 vote to pass. This means there's a chance we can defeat it on the House floor.
The offending text of the legislation (which is not officially public yet) is as follows:
(a) In General- Each local educational agency shall have in effect throughout the jurisdiction of the agency policies that ensure that a search described in subsection (b) is deemed reasonable and permissible.
(b) Searches Covered- A search referred to in subsection (a) is a search by a full-time teacher or school official, acting on any reasonable suspicion based on professional experience and judgment, of any minor student on the grounds of any public school, if the search is conducted to ensure that classrooms, school buildings, school property and students remain free from the threat of all weapons, dangerous materials, or illegal narcotics. The measures used to conduct any search must be reasonably related to the search's objectives, without being excessively intrusive in light of the student's age, sex, and the nature of the offense.


Bush Tacitly Implies WTC Controlled Demolition?Makes strange 'explosives in U.S. buildings' reference during torture speech Friday

Paul Joseph Watson/www.Prison Planet.com September 18 2006
During his speech Friday in which the President argued for the gutting of the Geneva convention and the legal classification of torture, Bush made a strange comment about explosives and their placement in U.S. buildings. Was this a tacit admission of 9/11 controlled demolition?
Here's the quote in full from the White House website.
"For example, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed described the design of planned attacks of buildings inside the U.S. and how operatives were directed to carry them out."
"That is valuable information for those of us who have the responsibility to protect the American people. He told us the operatives had been instructed to ensure that the explosives went off at a high -- a point that was high enough to prevent people trapped above from escaping."
The onset of both towers' collapse began at high points in the buildings. Is Bush implying planted incendiary devices were responsible for their destruction?
Comments on the meaning of what Bush said varied on the 911 Blogger website.
"There is no way to spin this around to say, "yeah, we knew all along that there were explosives in those buildings." But I'd sure like to see him try it! Imagine all the left gatekeepers who have openly scoffed at the "bombs brought down the towers" theory, suddenly trying to come back around to support the new government spin!"
"I think Bush is being set up to take the fall for 911," writes one, fearing Bush will be used as a higher level patsy to placate the burgeoning 9/11 truth movement.

Ben Fountain and Scott Forbes, who both worked in the twin towers, are on the record as saying that there were numerous evacuations and power-downs of the twin towers in the weeks leading up to the attack - more so than would be usually expected for a high profile building.
"How could they let this happen? They knew this building was a target. Over the past few weeks we'd been evacuated a number of times, which is unusual. I think they had an inkling something was going on," Fountain told People Magazine.
In an online interview, Forbes said that the power down which took place the weekend before the attack was "unprecedented" and required a shutdown of the top 50 floors of the south tower - the reason for the shutdown was given as "re-cabling."
"The power outage meant that many of the 'ordinary' building features were not operating, such as security locks on doors, cameras, lighting, etc."
Forbes said the sight of strange men in overalls going in and out of the building with tools was highly unusual and that the "coincidence" of it occurring days before the attack was highly suspicious.
There has been some speculation within the 9/11 truth movement that the evidence for controlled demolition having been used on both the towers and building 7 is so overwhelming that the government will eventually be forced to spin a whitewash and formulate a "limited hangout" that Al-Qaeda somehow managed to rig the buildings with explosives before the attack.
In May 2002 the New York Daily News reported that Mohammed Atta was in Manhattan in the days before the attack and other outlets have also carried claims that the hijackers were in the twin towers asking directions and casing their target before September 11.
Forbes is adamant that the "men in overalls" performing "re-cabling" operations were ethnically diverse and by no means largely Arab as would have to be the case if the government went with this story.
Though Bush's quote is certainly interesting it is unlikely to represent an entree into a change of tack whereby the government admits controlled demolition but then pins the blame on its erstwhile patsies.
To concede such gargantuan ground would undo the work of several massively funded government studies as well as the 9/11 Commission and it would only undermine further the credibility of the entire official story.
The hubris and arrogance of the Bush administration ensures it does not do 'retractions' and you won't see one here. The survival of the official lie depends solely on its constant repetition and any deviation from that mould would result in catastrophe for the collaborators and conspirators who carried out 9/11.



Nancy Levant September 19, 2006 www.NewsWithViews.com

Whether you are Hindu, Muslim, Jewish, Christian, Native American, Buddhist, Atheist, Agnostic, Gaian, or any other believer in any other faith, you have free will – with an individual brain, individual needs, and specific traditions. Whether you believe your free will is by virtue of universal laws, biology, religious traditions and concepts, or by the laws of any land, free will of the individual mind exists in its pure and natural state. In other words, you cannot enforce the capture or roboticism of the human mind. It cannot be done.
The human, biological, religious, and familial minds of human beings are the essence and proof of free will. All creativity, invention, art, social and cultural concepts, including politics, is based upon the free will of human beings. This free will cannot and will not be contained by the force of any weapon systems, global propaganda, or any other mass psychology systems of globalist elites. Why? Because they are human beings, too – that’s why.
Global governance, as a social and political concept, has a flaw that will render its own demise – a belief that mankind can be forced into intellectual obedience using the weapon systems of money and military. It cannot be done.
Global governance is the invention, religion, art, and concept of the elite. It was invented to capture the wealth of all mankind, to transfer that wealth into their hands and banks, and to force mankind beneath the economic powers of their decision and intent. That is its sole definition, and this effort is the world history of the world’s elite. They have played the same game throughout all recorded time. The only difference today is that they created a bureaucracy to capture the economic funding of “the sciences.” Hence, they now fund and lead the military sciences, the human health care sciences, food and water sciences, the technologies of sub-dermal obedience devices, and all spying technologies. And, true to their history and nature, they have done so with money bureaucratically manipulated and stolen from the world’s people.
As we continue to blah blah the history and plans of the global elite, we forget that their intentions are nothing new. The elites have wanted it all from the very beginning of recorded human history, but they are going to fail. Even with “sciences” that can kill, maim, make purposefully ill and addicted, and steal the wealth of mankind, they cannot capture the free will of humanity. They cannot enforce the beliefs of human beings. Prostituted science cannot contain our inventive minds.
Realizing this dilemma, the elites have tried to dialectically erect wars of faith. This also will not work, and I will tell you why. Mankind, even at his lazy worst, is a brave, creative, and intelligent creature. Mankind has been living beneath the barbarism of the elite for the entirety of human history, and this barbarism IS the history and birthplace of ALL radicalism. Radicalism, whether it is religious radicalism or any other flavor of social radicalism, is caused by the greed of elitist intervention. Mankind does not choose to live hellishly in war zones, to starve, to suffer, or to be jailed, chipped, or tortured. Left alone, mankind grows into thriving communities where people are fed, where families take shape, and where clusters of the like-minded exist peaceably. Take this away from mankind, and radicalism, in every cultural flavor, multiples and thrives. As a result, elites create their radical enemies in every nation and corner of the world.
What changes peaceable human inclinations is greed-based interference with our existence. Historically, this has always been the cause of unrest in human communities of all religions and cultures. Elite greed steps in, usually by brute force, to forcibly steal something of value that is contained within individual communities. If you look at the current “conflict” in the Mid-East, you see a standard example of elite greed in historical action. The elitists want the Mid-Eastern oil fields. As mass communication has removed many of their former veils of secrecy, they created a religious war to try to capture the intellects of the world’s people. Interestingly, they also try to win the hearts of mankind by broadcasting long diatribes of televised compassion and expertise. They actually believe that by videotaping themselves, and dominating airtime with their purchased and controlled communication corporations, they can convince the world’s people that they are compassionate experts. It’s genuinely laughable. If you want comedy, see C-SPAN or the nightly news. Observe as global elitists babble their expertise and their compassionate stealing of mankind’s rights to self-determination, his creativity, and his rights to live and believe in peace.
Then turn the channel. See what else the elites have created for mankind. You will find vice and violence, war and bloodshed, martial law stories, and “natural” disaster warnings, graphic sex and perversions, or in other words, the managed reality world they have created to attempt to capture our beliefs and free will through fear.
It won’t work. Their shortsightedness is a profound declaration of pathological arrogance and flawed thinking, for mankind does, in fact, have free will, individual brains, and creative fire. It cannot and will not be contained by elites, their multiple and anti-human weapons systems, nor their babbling tell-a-visions. The whole world knows what they are doing, for they have only and ever-repeated global and violence-based greed for all of recorded history.
They will fail, for mankind despises greed, liars, warmongers, and thieves. The self-proclaimed expertise on the now global human-social-cultural condition remains their mantra, and the world well knows this historical song and dance. We know that the greed of elites leads to bloodshed. Perhaps this time, it will be their blood that spills.
As the world’s people continue to lose their physical and intellectual dignity to elitists and their barbaric sciences and corporations, our free will stirs – even amidst the damage caused by the tampering of our food, water, and air supplies, tell-a-vision, and other mass and global educational systems. Free will stirs, and this time it stirs globally. It is my guess that the world may, in fact, come together – but not for global governance and elite think-tank perversions. Mankind may, in fact, join cultures, religions, and creeds to finally, and once and for all, end the barbarism and traditions of the world’s elite crime families. Radicalism is free will’s last straw when psycho-thieves in Armani suits criminalize truth and human freedom.
The greatest fault and tradition of the American people, and the world’s people, is to continue to allow elites and wealth into places of political power. The same is true for most nations in other parts of the world. Great wealth, which mutates into power, greed, and pathological beliefs in superiority, continues to be the nightmare of all mankind and of peace. It is time for mankind to face historical facts. Aristocrats have always been, and will continue to be, the greatest danger to mankind and to freedom. Thank God their numbers are so very, very few.
So, consider the term “elites.” They have been called by many names throughout history. Nobles, aristocrats, royalty, lords, barons, blue bloods, squires, viscounts, princes, esquires, masters, monarchs, presidents, cabinets, senators, administrators, commanders, prime ministers, majesties, excellencies, sirs, serene highnesses, your grace, etc. There are too many such “titles” to name.
On the same note, consider a list of the ”common man’s” titles that have been referred to throughout history: rabble, peasant, proletariat, serf, yokel, hick, bumpkin, ignoble, commoner, low bred, riff-raff, servant, underling, uncivilized, upstart, chattel, the masses, vulgar, bourgeoisie, mob, horde, small fry, rank and file, dregs of society, democrat, republican, roughneck, etc.

From these lists of titles, note the self-omnipotent and pathological arrogance vs. the “common man.” Make a mental note that 99% of the people on this planet are “common” men. Then ask yourselves why the 1% continues to be brutally and dishonestly in charge of our lives and futures. The disrespect is bitterly and historically profound and remains the status quo. We must stop the historical insanity of this system. Elites must NEVER have powers over the people.

© 2006 Nancy Levant - All Rights Reserved

Monday, September 18, 2006


Exclusive to Canada Free Press and Northeast Intelligence

Next Attack Imminent:Muslims ordered to leave the United States
By Paul L. Williams& David Dastych

Urgent news from Abu Dawood, the newly appointed commander of the al Qaeda forces in Afghanistan:
Final preparations have been made for the American Hiroshima, a major attack on the U. S.
Muslims living in the United States should leave the country without further warning.
The attack will be commandeered by Adnan el Shukrijumah ("Jaffer Tayyer" or "Jafer the Pilot"), a naturalized American citizen, who was raised in Brooklyn and educated in southern Florida.
The al Qaeda operatives who will launch this attack are awaiting final orders. They remain in place in cities throughout the country. Many are masquerading as Christians and have adopted Christian names.
Al Qaeda and the Taliban will also launch a major strike (known as the "Badar offensive" against the coalition forces in Afghanistan during the holy month of Ramadan.
The American people will be treated to a final audio message from Osama bin Laden which will be aired within the next two weeks.
The announcements from Abu Dawood were obtained by Hamid Mir, the only journalist to interview Osama bin Laden, Ayman al-Zawahiri, and Taliban leader Mullah Omar in the wake of 9/11. Mir earlier reports regarding the resurgence of the Taliban with support from Iran and an unofficial truce between President Pervez Musharraf and al Qaeda have been panned out by the press in recent months.
Mr. Mir interviewed Dawood on September 12 at the tomb of Sultan Mehmud Ghaznawi on the outskirts of Kabul. Dawood and the al Qaeda leaders who accompanied him were clean-shaven and dressed as Western reporters. The al Qaeda commandeer had contacted Mir by cell-phone to arrange the meeting. The contents of the encounter are as follows:
Q: How did you have my local mobile number?
A: We watched you on Geo TV walking in the mountains near Kabul with British troops. You were embedded with our enemies. We were sure that you are staying in one of the few hotels or guest houses in Kabul. We were looking for you in Serena and Intercontinental hotels, but then some Taliban friends informed us that they had your phone number and you might visit them in Zabul [an Afghani province]. We got your number from Commander [Muhsen] Khayber. [Khayber was responsible for a homicide bombing in Casablanca that killed 32 people]. Don't worry about that. We will not make any harm to you. We just want to warn you that you better don't take any rides in the tanks and humvis of the Western Forces; they are not safe for any journalist in Afghanistan.
Q: Thanks for your concern; can I know your name?
A: Yes my name is Abu Dawood, if you remember, we have already met in Kunar two years ago, but at that time I had a long beard, now I have a small one. You were there in the mountains, close to Asadaabad [a small village in the Kunar province of eastern Afghanistan] and you met some Al Qaeda fighters. I was among them.
Q: OK. I just want to say that I am a journalist, I have to speak to both sides of a conflict, for getting an objective view and that is why I was traveling with the British troops; now I am sitting with you and that is my real job. I have interviewed Osama bin Laden as well as Condoleezza Rice, General Pervez Musharraf and President Hamid Karzai of Afghanistan. I hope you will appreciate my objective approach?
A: You have claimed to be objective, but you and your TV channel have always given much time to the propaganda of our enemies. Anyhow, it was our moral responsibility to warn you that you better try to avoid traveling with the British, American, Canadian, French, Spanish and Italian troops in Afghanistan, we will target all of them, we don't want that people like you suffer by our attacks, it is not good for you, and at least you should not be killed with the enemies of Islam. I am sure, brother Khayber have informed you that the Taliban will launch a big operation against the Crusader Forces, in the holy month of Ramadan; don't come to Afghanistan in Ramadan. You will see a lot of fadaee amalyat ["suicide bombings"] in coming days, Kabul will become a graveyard of NATO and ISAF.
Q: Yes Khayber told me about the "Badar operation" in Ramadan. I think you are an Afghani but you are not a Talib, are you a member of Al Qaeda?
A: You are right. But we are with the Taliban, just helping them, fighting under their command. Every Al Qaeda fighter can become a Talib, but every Talib cannot become Al Qaeda.
Q: So where is Sheikh Osama bin Laden?
A: I don't know exactly, but he is still in command of Al Qaeda, and he is in contact with his Mujaheddin all over the world.
Q: Why there was no new video statement from him, in last two years?
A: Because the CIA can feed his fresh picture to the computers fitted on their Predator planes, and these planes can get him, like Nek Muhammad or Akbar Bugti. But he has released many audio messages this year. Listen to him carefully. Don't underestimate his warnings. America is playing with the security of Muslims all over the world, now it is our turn again. Our brothers are ready to attack inside America. We will breach their security again. There is no timeframe for our attack inside America; we can do it any time.
Q: What do you mean by another attack in America?
A: Yes a bigger attack than September 11th 2001. Brother Adnan [el Shukrijumah] will lead that attack, Inshallah.
Q:Who is Adnan?
A: He is our old friend. The last time, I met him in early 2004, in Khost. He came to Khost from the North Waziristan. He met his leaders and friends in Khost. He is very well known in Al Qaeda. He is an American and a friend of Muhammad Atta, who led 9/11 attacks five years ago. We call him "Jaffer al Tayyar" ["Jafer the Pilot"]; he is very brave and intelligent. Bush is aware that brother Adnan has smuggled deadly materials inside America from the Mexican border. Bush is silent about him, because he doesn't want to panic his people. Sheikh Osama bin Laden has completed his cycle of warnings. You know, he is man of his words, he is not a politician; he always does what he says. If he said it many times that Americans will see new attacks, they will definitely see new attacks. He is a real Mujahid. Americans will not win this war, which they have started against Muslims. Americans are the biggest supporters of the biggest terrorist in the world, which is Israel. You have witnessed the brutality of the Israelis in the recent 34-day war against Lebanese civilians. 9/11 was a revenge of Palestinian children, killed by the US-made weapons, supplied to Israel. The next attack on America would be a revenge of Lebanese children killed by US-made cluster bombs. Bush and Blair are the Crusaders, and Muslim leaders, like Musharraf and [Afghani President Hamid] Karzai are their collaborators, we will teach a lesson to all of them. We are also not happy with some religious parties in Pakistan and Egypt, they got votes in the name of Mujaheddin, and then, they collaborated with Musharraf and [Egyptian President] Hosni Mubarak. Now look at all of them, Musharraf and Karzai don't trust each other, the CIA and ISI don't trust each other, all the hypocrites and enemies of Mujaheddin are suspecting each other; this help to us is coming from Heavens. Allah is with us.
Q: But if you attack inside America again, then Muslims living in America will face lot of problems, why would you like to create new problems for your brothers and sisters?
A: Muslims should leave America. We cannot stop our attack just because of the American Muslims; they must realize that American forces are killing innocent Muslims in Afghanistan and Iraq; we have the right to respond back, in the same manner, in the enemy's homeland. The American Muslims are like a human shield for our enemy; they must leave New York and Washington.
Q: But your fighters are also using the American Muslims as their shield, if there are no Muslims in America, then there would be no Al Qaeda, may be the Americans would feel safer?
A: No, not at all. We have a different plan for the next attack. You will see. Americans will hardly find out any Muslim names, after the next attack. Most of our brothers are living in Western countries, with Jewish and Christian names, with passports of Western countries. This time, someone with the name of Muhammad Atta will not attack inside America, it would be some David, Richard or Peter.
Q: So you will not attack America, until Muslims are there?
A: I am not saying that, I am saying that Muslims must leave America, but we can attack America anytime. Our cycle of warnings has been completed, now we have fresh edicts from some prominent Muslim scholars to destroy our enemy, this is our defending of Jihad; the enemy has entered in our homes and we have the right to enter in their homes, they are killing us, we will kill them.
Long time investigative journalist, Paul L. Williams is the author of such best-selling books as The Dunces of Doomsday, The Al Qaeda Connection , Osama's Revenge: The Next 9/11. He has been the subject of a PBS documentary and the subject of programs on the Discovery and History channels. He is a frequent guest on such national news networks as Fox News, MSNBC, and NPR.
(International journalist David M. Dastych writes for Poland's acclaimed weekly,Wprost. His columns appear regularly in the Edmonton-based Polish Panorama.) He can be reached at: David.dastych@aster.pl


Big Brother row as 400,000 civil servants win right to snoop
A vast database containing a file on every man, woman and child is being planned by the Government in a 'sinister' expansion of the 'Big Brother' state.
Personal information containing details of every aspect of an individual's life will be available to 400,000 Whitehall civil servants and council workers.
Lord Falconer has ordered privacy laws to be watered down to allow the plans to be forced through.
The plans would allow anyone working for a public body to monitor everything from an individual's driving licence record to whether they had paid their council tax on time.
Critics warned that allowing sensitive financial information to be viewed by all public bodies would leave it wide open to identity fraud. And pensioners who take stands against soaring council tax bills by refusing to pay could have their rights to pension credit withdrawn.
Data-sharing powers would also allow the electoral roll to be used to police the ID card database - allowing residents to be fined up to £2,500 for not registering their name or address.
Data protection laws - which are supposed to safeguard individuals' rights to information held about them - will be changed to force the moves through.
Ministers want the changes in place by April next year. The plans would see a massive sharing of all state databases including the electoral roll, benefits records and information collected by the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency - but taxpayer, medical and criminal records would be exempt.
MPs and civil liberties campaigners condemned the moves as a further erosion of individual's privacy by the Big Brother state. The plans were published yesterday in a blandly-worded 'vision statement' by Lord Falconer's Department for Constitutional Affairs.
The document says civil servants and council workers must 'fully understand that the Data Protection Act is not a barrier to appropriate information sharing'.
The Government insisted the database would help people moving house avoid contacting local authority, driving licence and the Inland Revenue separately because records would be updated automatically.
Information should be routinely shared 'to expand opportunities for the most disadvantaged, fight crime and provide better services' and in other instances 'where it is in the public interest'.
Constitutional Affairs Minister Baroness Ashton said the Government was 'committed to more information sharing between public sector organisations and service providers'.
But Ministers have already made inroads into individual freedoms, including the creation of a £200 million Children's Index which will create a file containing information on the health and education of every child in England and Wales.
A report last month warned that a database holding the personal details on ten million children will hand a 'dangerous weapon' to paedophiles.
The Valuation Office Agency is building a detailed property database of every home - including information on conservatories, scenic views and gardens - in preparation for the shake-up of council tax.
Microchips are being fitted in household dustbins by councils to pave the way for a new rubbish tax, imposed on householders who do not meet recycling targets.
And the DVLA was criticised this year after it emerged it had sold the driving licence details of more than 100,000 motorists to private firms. But Simon Davies of Privacy International said the plans were 'alarming', adding: 'Who will decide what is in the public interest?'
Gareth Crossman, policy director of Liberty, said: 'The Government seems set on moving from a situation where information is not shared unless there is a reason to do so, towards one where information will be shared unless there is a reason not to. 'This is an information free-for-all which is very worrying.' Shadow Constitutional Affairs Secretary Oliver Heald said: 'Step by step, the Government is logging details of every man, woman and child - and their home - in "Big Brother" computers. For all of Labour's talk of human rights, it's clear their state inspectors have little respect for people's privacy.
'There is a case for Government agencies to share data to tackle crime and prevent fraud. But I fear the wholesale weakening of Data Protection laws will merely be used as a sinister excuse for bureaucrats to snoop in people's homes and Gordon Brown to increase taxes by stealth.'
Phil Booth, of the NO2ID campaign, said: 'From now on, you can assume that anything you tell to an official or public servant will not only go on your record, but be passed on to anyone at all in "the public interest" - which has already been neatly redefined to mean 'official convenience'.
'How many thousands of officials will now have free rein to snoop on your personal, business and children's lives?'
©2006 Associated Newspapers Ltd

Thursday, September 07, 2006


ROME, Ga. - The never-ending march of technology now means school children here can pay for their cafeteria sloppy joes with their fingers.
Rome City Schools is switching to a scanning system that lets students use their fingerprints to access their accounts. In the past, students had to punch in their pin numbers.
"The finger's better because all you've got to do is put your finger in, and you don't have to do the number and get mixed up," said Adrianna Harris, a second grader at Anna K. Davie Elementary School.
The new system speeds lunch lines, said city administrators. It's being phased in to Rome High School, Rome Middle School and all the city's elementary schools. The city hopes to have the system in use next month system-wide.
Some parents are uneasy with having their children's fingerprints scanned, and wonder about how well the information is secured.
"It may be perfectly secure, but my daughter is a minor and I understand that supposedly the kids have the option to not have their prints scanned, but that's not being articulated to my daughter," said Hal Storey, who's daughter is a 10th grader at Rome High.

Monday, September 04, 2006





The Power Behind The Politics
Bruce Collins

Bruce Collins is the book reviewer on Monster Radio, which is a nationally syndicated program in over 50 radio markets. He also hosts an internet radio show called the Big Finale on Friday nights at 12pm EST/ 9pm PST at fantalklive.com. Archived shows are available at www.brucedcollins.com. Bruce was also a pro wrestling promoter in Northern California and has published two books on professional wrestling, including "So, You Want To Be A Wrestling Promoter?".

Bruce Collins
August 25, 2003

"The technotronic era involves the gradual appearance of a more controlled society. Such a society would be dominated by an elite, unrestrained by traditional values."
– Zbigniew Brzeninski, National Security Adviser to Jimmy Carter and President Bush as co-chairman of the Bush National Security Advisory Task Force; executive director of the Trilateral Commission

"For more than a century, ideological extremists at either end of the political spectrum have seized upon well-publicized incidents to attack the Rockefeller family for the inordinate influence they claim we wield over American political and economic institutions. Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as 'internationalists' and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure - one world, if you will. If that is the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it."
- Quote from David Rockefeller's Memoirs (2002)

On the evening of November 22, 1910, the nation’s top financiers left the train station in Hoboken, New Jersey on a covert journey.
Unbeknownst to the citizens of the United States and most certainly without their consent, the fate of the nation was sealed with that journey.
With blinds drawn on their railway cars, the expedition chugged along to Jekyll Island.
Representing one sixth of the total wealth in the world, these men, led by Senator Nelson Aldrich, the head of the National Monetary Commission, were to hammer out the details of a Central Bank. Membership to their club was only granted by inheritance.
What was their reason for a central bank and why the secrecy surrounding their plans?
The control of the money supply of the United States was at stake. A Central Bank would give these powers what they had always wanted -- an elite status as one-world money creators.
It took them nine days to complete their work.
They decided to call it a Federal Reserve System so as to throw suspicion off that it was, in fact, a central bank. However, it was a central bank, owned by private individuals who profited from share ownership. It would control the nation’s money and credit.
The Constitution gives Congress the power to coin and regulate money. So, this plan effectively destroyed the system of checks and balances that Thomas Jefferson set up in the Constitution.
The Federal Reserve promised then what it promises today, that it can keep interest rates from fluctuating wildly and that it can keep prices stable. Yet, aren’t they the cause of inflation?
How successful is our central bank?
At the time of the Federal Reserve Act, public debt was almost non-existent. Today, it is in the trillions.
Since 1913, the US dollar has lost 95% of it’s worth.
On a related note, The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) was established in 1933, and the public supported it due to the status of that era’s worldwide socialist movement, as a way to redistribute wealth from the rich to the poor. It probably sounded pretty good during the Great Depression.
Yet, for some reason, we still have the great divide between rich and poor.
The debasement of our currency is not only a secret tax on the consumers but it also is a disincentive for the public to put their money in savings. As the prices of goods go up, controlled not by supply and demand but by the Fed’s debasement, consumers are manipulated into buying that good today in the belief that tomorrow that product will be higher in price. This is inflation turning into hyper-inflation.
Hyper-inflation can cause this buying to become a frenzy. A certain asset is believed to be of more value than the currency and everyone pours their money into it. This herd mentality is the reason for asset bubbles.
Inflation, or, specifically, the Federal Reserve, causes the currency exodus. Speculation causes the bubble.
There are several groups that operate today in agenda-based collaboration. They are the wealthy, the elite, the powerful and they appear to want more.
One of the standout organizations is the Trilateral Commission (TC). Patrick Wood has a great website at WWW.AugustReview.com which documents the actions of the TC.
According to the website, the Trilateral Commission was formed with heavy influence from Zbigniew Brzezinski in 1973. Brzezinski had written a book in 1970 called “Between Two Ages.”
In the book, Brzezinksi stated that the United States was obsolete, that Marxism was ideal and advocated the formation of a one world government.
On page 83, the author wrote, "Marxism disseminated on the popular level in the form of Communism, represented a major advance in man's ability to conceptualize his relationship to his world." Also, on page 123, he went on to state,” Marxism supplied the best available insight into contemporary reality."
David Rockefeller embraced the book, and in 1973, he launched the Trilateral Commission. He also appointed Brzezinski to the title of Director of the Trilateral Commission.
Obviously, for a plan to work, you must have influence on the political process in society. Jimmy Carter also became a founding member of the Trilateral Commission. Looking on this with 30 years perspective, it is not surprising that Carter became President a few years later.
On March 21, 1978, the New York Times wrote about Brzezinski and Carter’s deep relationship.
"The two men met for the first time four years ago when Mr. Brzezinski was executive director of The Trilateral Commission… and had the foresight to ask the then obscure former Governor of Georgia to join its distinguished ranks. Their initial teacher-student relationship blossomed during the campaign, and appears to have grown closer still."
Carter ran as an outsider, a peanut farmer from Georgia. He insinuated that he would clean up the ‘insider’ game in Washington if he won. However, when he won, he filled the roles of his administration with members of the Trilateral Commission and the Council on Foreign Relations. His Vice President, Walter Mondale, was also a member of the Trilateral Commission.
Former Presidential candidate, Barry Goldwater, was once asked about the Trilateral Commission. He said,” The Trilateral Commission is international, and it is intended to be the vehicle for multinational consolidation of the commercial and banking interests by seizing control of the political government of the United States. The Trilateral Commission represents a skillful, coordinated effort to seize control and consolidate the four centers of power – political, monetary, intellectual, and ecclesiastical."
Author Jack Newell researched the Trilateral Commission in a book titled Why A Bankrupt America?
Newell wrote "The real goal of our own Government’s leaders is to make the United States into a carbon copy of a Communist state, and then to merge all nations into a one-world system run by a powerful few."
Since Carter, all Presidents have had connections to the Trilateral Commission. Reagan had Vice President Bush (also head of the CIA). Bill Clinton and George H.W. Bush are both members of the Trilateral Commission today. President George W. Bush is not- but Dick Cheney and his wife, Lynne, are.
The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) was first signed in 1947. It’s successor or even overseer is the World Trade Organization or WTO. The WTO sets limits on how governments may regulate national economies on behalf of their citizens and in doing so affects almost every aspect of people's lives.
Restated another way, the WTO supersedes the laws and the economies of every government.
GATT 1993 was a successor to GATT1947. From this, it was discovered that only one member of the Congress, Hank Brown, actually read the proposal. Once he read the 28,000 plus page document, he said there was no way he’d vote for it. Yet, the rest of the Congress, who hadn’t read it, ratified the treaty!
James Goldsmith, a financier from France, speaking before the Ernest Hollings committee stated that GATT1993 would destroy the American manufacturing base. The following are some quotes from the Washington Times of Goldsmith’s responses, dated December 6, 1993: 'Global free trade will force the poor of the rich countries to subsidize the rich in poor countries. What GATT means is that our national wealth, accumulated over centuries, will be transferred from a developed country like Britain to developing countries like Communist China, now building its first oceangoing navy in 500 years. China, with its 1.2 billion people, three Indochinese states with 900 million, the former Soviet republics with some 300 million, and many more can supply skilled labor for a fraction of Western costs. Five dollars in Communist China is the equivalent of a $100 wage in Europe. '
'It is quite amazing that GATT is sowing the seeds for global social upheaval and that it is not even the subject of debate in America ... If the masses understood the truth about GATT, there would be blood in the streets of many capitals. A healthy national economy has to produce a large part of its own needs. It cannot simply import what it needs and use its labor force to provide services for other countries. We have to rethink from top to bottom why we have elevated global free trade to the status of sacred cow, or moral dogma. It is a fatally flawed concept that will impoverish and destabilize the industrialized world while cruelly ravaging the Third World.'
Now, over thirteen years later, Goldsmith’s prophetic words ring true. Communist China’s wealthy are wealthier (the average wage earner with only modest increases) and the manufacturing base of the United States is disappearing!
The Council on Foreign Relations is another group, walking hand in hand with the Trilateral Commission, that is comprised of elite men and women bent on power and greed.
The CFR was founded in 1921 by Edward Mandell House. House was a chief advisor of President Woodrow Wilson. House had great power in the Wilson administration and was called the President’s ‘alter ego’.
This is the same Woodrow Wilson who signed the Federal Reserve into existence. This is the Woodrow Wilson who tried to establish the League of Nations, the precursor to the global entity known as the United Nations. The Woodrow Wilson who once admitted, "I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country.A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated governments in the civilized world. No longer a government by free opinion, no longer a government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men."
Wilson also passed the 16th Amendment of the Constitution, which introduced the graduated income tax once proposed by Karl Marx.
Getting back to Mr. House, he was a Marxist whose goal was to socialize the United States. He wrote the book “Philip Dru: Administrator” in 1912. His work stated that he was working for “socialism as dreamed by Karl Marx”. He also discussed a plan for the capture of America, mapping out how the Democratic and Republican parties would be controlled to create a socialist government.
In 1921, House and his acquaintances formed the Council on Foreign Relations to destroy the freedom of the United States and to lead it into a one world government. He received generous funding from the Rockefeller Foundation. They have had a stronghold in government ever since.
The late Carroll Quigley (who was a mentor of Bill Clinton), a member of the CFR, wrote in his book “Tragedy & Hope”: "The CFR is the American Branch of a society which originated in England, and which believes that national boundaries should be obliterated, and a one-world rule established."
Rear Admiral Chester Ward, a former member of the CFR for 16 years, sounded a warning of the group’s intent to the American people: "The most powerful clique in these elitist groups have one objective in common — they want to bring about the surrender of the sovereignty of the national independence of the United States. A second clique of international members in the CFR comprises the Wall Street international bankers and their key agents. Primarily, they want the world banking monopoly from whatever power ends up in the control of global government."
Dan Smoot, a former member of the FBI Headquarters staff in Washington, D.C., once said, "The ultimate aim of the CFR is to create a one-world socialist system, and to make the U.S. an official part of it."
President Nixon was a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.
In his book,” With No Apologies”, Barry Goldwater wrote, "Does it not seem strange to you that these men just happened to be CFR and just happened to be on the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve, that absolutely controls the money and interest rates of this great country without benefit of Congress? A privately owned organization, the Federal Reserve, which has absolutely nothing to do with the United States of America!"
Congressman John Rarick, a recipient of the Bronze Star and Purple Heart in World War II and a Democrat from Louisiana who once argued with his party over its increasing liberalism, said, "The CFR, dedicated to one-world government, financed by a number of the largest tax-exempt foundations, and wielding such power and influence over our lives in the areas of finance, business, labor, military, education, and mass communication-media, should be familiar to every American concerned with good government, and with preserving and defending the U.S. Constitution and our free-enterprise system. Yet, the nation’s right-to-know machinery, the news media, usually so aggressive in exposures to inform our people, remain conspicuously silent when it comes to the CFR, its members and their activities. "
"The CFR is the establishment. Not only does it have influence and power in key decision-making positions at the highest levels of government to apply pressure from above, but it also finances and uses individuals and groups to bring pressure from below, to justify the high level decisions for converting the U.S. from a sovereign Constitution Republic into a servile member of a one-world dictatorship."
Many members of the media have been invited into the Council on Foreign Relations. On the Council on Foreign Relations website, you can see that Tom Brokaw is on the board of directors!
Today the CFR’s headquarters is located in New York City at Park Avenue and 68th Street.
The building was given to them by the Rockefeller family.
David Rockefeller continues to be the CFRs honorary chairman and honorary chairman of the Trilateral Commission.
In 2004, there was a very close, heart pounding campaign run between two very different candidates for the highest position in the land.
John Kerry and George W. Bush ran neck and neck to the finish line. They each carried the platform of their respective parties. Yet, they both shared secretive similarities.
Both John Kerry and George W. Bush came from Yale University and both had membership in the secret society on campus, known as Skull & Bones.
John Edwards, Kerry’s Vice Presidential running mate, is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations
General William Huntington Russell and Alphonso Taft put together the ultra-secretive society in 1932. It would be made up of the children of white Wall Street banking establishment elites. Alphonso Taft is the grandfather of the former President Howard Taft.
It all started at Yale. Fifteen members were handpicked each year by the former graduating class. Many of their rituals sound occultic in nature as they have many ceremonies in and around a coffin.
William Averill Harriman was a major player in Skull & Bones. Harriman was the key backer of the Democratic Party for over fifty years.
Three generations of the Bush family, all politicians, were Skull & Bones. There has been some conjecture as to the connection between Skull & Bones and the United States’ intelligence community.
Prescott and George H.W. Bush, grandfather and father to our current President, were heavily involved in the intelligence world. The statue in front of the C.I.A. is of Nathan Hale. This statue was copied from the Nathan Hale statue at Connecticut Hall at Yale. Hale was a member of another secret society, the Freemasonry.
The history of Freemasonry is extensive and not the agenda of this article. However, it is interesting to note that our dollar bill has proof of the elitist agenda. On the back of the bill is a pyramid with the words, Novus Ordo Seclorum, which means NEW WORLD ORDER.
Some other notable “Bonesmen” include William F. Buckley, Harold Stanley (founder of Morgan Stanley), John Daniels (founder of Archer Daniels Midland), Henry P. Davison (senior partner Morgan Guaranty Trust), Pierre Jay (first chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York), Artemus Gates (President of New York Trust Company, Union Pacific, TIME, Boeing Company), and many others.
So, one could speculate that whoever won, whether Kerry or Bush, the outcome would produce the same results- a consistent push toward globalization.
The first Bush President proposed NAFTA, Clinton got it approved and the second Bush gently is moving us toward the North American Union ( www.spp.gov ).
Over 2,000 years ago, the scriptures predicted a time when the world would push toward a one world government, would use a 'mark' instead of currency, and would be led by a satanic ruler, the anti-christ.
So, the real question is, what or who is the power behind the power?