Thursday, November 30, 2006
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Posted 1:00 AM Eastern
by Jim KouriNovember 22, 2006© 2006
Canadian Mounties smashed down the door of a North Vancouver, British Columbia, woman's home and injured her guest when she accidentally dialed the 9-1-1 emergency number instead of 4-1-1 for telephone information.
When Marget Lieder of North Vancouver accidentally dialed 9-1-1, she says she just simply hung up and dialed 4-1-1. What followed was something out of a Stephen King's horror novel.
Royal Canadian Mounted Police broke down her door and arrested her and her guest Larry Pierce, who happens to be a respected attorney in Vancouver, according to WorldNetDaily.
Lieder said she refused to allow the officers who arrived on her doorstep into her home, preferring to speak to them only on her front porch. From that vantage point, she said the officers could see "the peaceful atmosphere" in her living room.
"They didn't have a search warrant and they didn't have anything to do in my house," she is quoted as saying by WND.
Assuring the two RCMP officers there was no problem, Lieder returned inside her home.
But that didn't end the episode.
The two Mounties returned with an additional three officers and insisted on being allowed into her home for an inspection. When Lieder continued to deny them access, they broke down the door and arrested her and Pierce on the charge of obstruction of justice.
While Lieder wasn't injured during the police raid on her home, Pierce claims he suffered two cracked robs.
"I was sitting on the couch. They stuck a Taser in my face, threatening me with 50,000 volts," he said. "They threw me on the floor, twisted my left arm. A police officer stuck his knee into my ribs and jumped on me."
While still in the house, the police officers started to tape-record their conversations with Lieder and Pierce in spite of the fact that they had not been read their rights, the pair said. Later, Pierce claims he was interrogated for over an hour at the jail.
The couple were taken to the provincial court the following day, although they were subsequently released before being brought before a judge.
"They arrested me in slippers and a T-shirt," complained Pierce. "After the [prosecutor] told them to let me go, they just shoved me out in the rain. I had 43 cents in my pocket."
Pierce, who is a attorney specializing in disability cases, told reporters that he and Miss Lieder are planning a lawsuit against the RCMP. As a first step they've directed the authorities to preserve all tapes and records associated with the case, including the mistaken 9-1-1 call that initiated the incident.
"The list is pretty long for what we can sue them for," he said, referring specifically to false arrest, false imprisonment, trespass and assault.
North Vancouver RCMP spokesman Constable John MacAdam said in a statement that police are obliged to search the premises after a hang-up 9-1-1 call.
"When a 9-1-1 call has been placed, whether or not it is mistaken, we have the right to attend that residence and to search that residence to make sure that the safety of everyone (there) is confirmed," he told reporters.
His statement claimed that the police actions are "particularly necessary in instances of spousal abuse where it's very common for the victim to say that everything is fine, only for the RCMP to find out upon searching the residence that police involvement is needed."
"In most cases people are going to understand our job and why we are in the residence. They understand that we have to have a quick look," said MacAdam adding that the policy is based on a 1999 Canadian Supreme Court decision.
It states: "Police have the authority to investigate 9-1-1 calls, but whether they may enter dwelling houses in the course of such an investigation depends on the circumstances of each case and that the intrusion must be limited to the protection of life and safety."
MacAdam told the local newspaper, the North Shore News, that while he cannot comment on this incident, police are supposed to use a minimal amount of force needed to control that situation.
Pierce told North Shore News that his rights were violated and he will go ahead with a law-suit. "The list is pretty long for what we can sue them for." His list of possible civil charges includes false arrest, false imprisonment, trespass and assault.
"There's a number of questions in my mind about why [the RCMP] behaved the way they did and what other information they have and what other information they are hanging onto," Pierce said to North Shore News.
During a telephone call by to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police's "E" Division, which has jurisdiction in British Columbia, NWV was told the case is under investigation and no information will be released to the news media at this time.
"Cops are sometimes placed in a no-win situation in which if they do nothing they're criticized if a crime occurs, and if they do something they're criticized for overreaction," former New York City Police detective Sid Francis told
But he quickly adds, "Based on what I've read about this case and what [NewswithView.Com] is reporting, these Mounties were way out of line with the tactics they used. Way out of line."
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Chavez Derails Plan For Global Dictatorship
Venezuelan President trounces "genocidal, immoral, sick, and corrupt elite" running United States
Prison Planet November 27, 2006
Paul Joseph Watson
Hugo Chavez' vow to "defeat the most powerful empire on earth" and "beat the devil" on December 3rd by achieving re-election in Venezuela is a bold and stark reminder that the fiery President has achieved what many dismiss as impossible - Chavez has derailed the plan for global dictatorship.
The Free Trade Area of the Americas, craved for so long by internationalists whose goal is to centralize global power into a pervasive world government structure with the U.S. as the token figurehead, was derailed last year when Chavez signed the Bolivarian Alternative for the Americas , which effectively killed the FTAA.
Chavez insistence that, "The FTAA can go to hell," is a rallying cry that has spread like wildfire across Latin America over the past year and has completely isolated U.S. and Mexican aspirations to have had the power bloc in place by 2005. It falls further behind schedule by the day and this is one reason why the Bush junta and the CIA are chomping at the bit to overthrow Chavez as they first attempted to do in April 2002.
But it's a forlorn desire supported by an arrogance that buries the memory of the riots that resulted in Chavez re-taking control less than 48 hours later.
Framing Venezuela as a safe-haven for Al-Qaeda terrorists, as some have tried to do , is a discredited old method and simply won't pass the smell test with the Venezuelans or U.S. citizens. The only umbrella under which Venezuela can conceivably be overthrown would be an inside coup de 'tat smoke screened as a natural political transition, but Chavez himself would have to be kept in the dark over a long period of time for anything of this nature to take place. Any overtly violent putsch would immediately be recognized for what it was by the Venezuelans and riots would ensue again.
While cutting slack for unforeseen circumstances, the Globalists are stuck between a rock and a hard place and it is patently clear that Hugo Chavez has derailed the plan for global government .
As Wayne Madsen points out , recent election results across the region show a noticeable decline of successful candidates with close ties to the Bush administration and the Neo-Con junta. Venezuela, Nicaragua, Ecuador, Bolivia, Uruguay and Cuba have all elected leaders with populist, nationalist and anti-globalist sympathies.
Madsen notes that during his campaign Bush backed banana tycoon Alvaro Noboa, opponent of newly elected President of Ecuador Rafael Correa, "bragged about his close ties to the international bankers' class, including the Rockefeller family."
Such vapid associations are now routinely perceived as admissions of a candidate serving the dark side and the individuals who declare such alliances are being kicked out of power across the world.
Chavez does not mince words when he characterizes the enemy in stating, "We are facing the threat of global challenges stemming from the genocidal, immoral, sick, and corrupt elite currently governing the United States, which appear to have no limits."
In taking on this elite, Chavez has built his attack on the legitimacy of the uni-polar world and U.S. imperial domination on two pillars.
1) By following a populist course of serving the interests of his own country rather than an elitist fad-driven ideologue of submission to the role of a slave cell in a global dictatorship. This has afforded him the overwhelming support of his countrymen domestically.
2) By consistently and vociferously denouncing the U.S. led imperial agenda as being mired in a toxic soup of lies, deliberate carnage and false justifications. Chavez' repeated attacks on the official story behind 9/11 , other state sponsored acts of false flag terror and their exploitation to advance geopolitical agendas has resonated internationally.
Chavez's socialist leanings do not sit well with many, this author included, but no one can deny that his actions have contributed substantially to reversing the stampede of world fascism, neo-mercantilism and economic meltdown presided over by unelected, unchecked, faceless powers in pursuit of global totalitarianism and a new world order.
No surprise it is therefore to witness the juggernaut of the U.S. media engage in ceaseless attempts to drag the name of Chavez through the mud - mindful, desperate and terrified that another "rogue state" has excelled itself in neutralizing the goals of an elite hell-bent on turning the earth into a prison planet.
Monday, November 20, 2006
By: Devvy Kidd November 20, 2006
© 2006 -
"The global theory of free trade is siphoning off America's wealth and bringing her economy to the level of others. The theory is displacing American workers who otherwise would be employed." Senator George Malone, 1958
First plank of the communist manifesto: abolition of all private property. Eminent domain is sweeping this country like a deadly forest fire and it will continue to escalate as plans for the complete and total destruction of our sovereign nation move ahead. Bush's proposed North American Union (NAU) and the so-called Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America (SPP) are the final nails in the coffin of America's sovereignty. The globalists in Congress and the White House over the past several decades have been slowly, step by step deconstructing our sovereign republic in anticipation of eliminating these united States of America and merging them into one region of a world governmental body. Congressman Ron Paul summed it up this way:
"By now many Texans have heard about the proposed “NAFTA Superhighway,” which is also referred to as the trans-Texas corridor. What you may not know is the extent to which plans for such a superhighway are moving forward without congressional oversight or media attention.
"This superhighway would connect Mexico, the United States, and Canada, cutting a wide swath through the middle of Texas and up through Kansas City. Offshoots would connect the main artery to the west coast, Florida, and northeast. Proponents envision a ten-lane colossus the width of several football fields, with freight and rail lines, fiber-optic cable lines, and oil and natural gas pipelines running alongside.
"This will require coordinated federal and state eminent domain actions on an unprecedented scale, as literally millions of people and businesses could be displaced. The loss of whole communities is almost certain, as planners cannot wind the highway around every quaint town, historic building, or senior citizen apartment for thousands of miles.
"The SPP was first launched in 2005 by the heads of state of Canada, Mexico, and the United States at a summit in Waco. The SPP was not created by a treaty between the nations involved, nor was Congress involved in any way. Instead, the SPP is an unholy alliance of foreign consortiums and officials from several governments. One principal player is a Spanish construction company, which plans to build the highway and operate it as a toll road. But don't be fooled: the superhighway proposal is not the result of free market demand, but rather an extension of government-managed trade schemes like NAFTA that benefit politically-connected interests.
"The real issue is national sovereignty. Once again, decisions that affect millions of Americans are not being made by those Americans themselves, or even by their elected representatives in Congress. Instead, a handful of elites use their government connections to bypass national legislatures and ignore our Constitution – which expressly grants Congress the sole authority to regulate international trade.
"The ultimate goal is not simply a superhighway, but an integrated North American Union – complete with a currency, a cross-national bureaucracy, and virtually borderless travel within the Union. Like the European Union, a North American Union would represent another step toward the abolition of national sovereignty altogether."
In July 2006, I traveled to Austin, Texas to take a look at this trans-Texas corridor. It is a monstrous construction feat that has been years in the making right under everyone's nose until Phyllis Schlafly and then Jerome Corsi, began exposing this insidious plan. There is a four minute video cartoon on how Gov. Rick Perry (Texas) has sold out the sovereignty of our republic for big money. While this is a cartoon, it is 100% factual. This is top priority national issue. Watch it. Get it. This NAU is going to get you in one way or another if it isn't stopped. Thousands of businesses, ranches, farms and homes will be seized under eminent domain (a 4,000 miles long gutting) to complete this sell out of America. Perry allegedly won reelection a couple of weeks ago. That's what electronic machines are for: making sure those individuals who have proven their loyalty to their global masters remain in office so the agenda goes forward. Texans need to resurrect, "Remember the Alamo" and soon because the eminent domain sledgehammer will crank up next year and then watch the carnage.
While in Austin, I did my usual questioning of everyone from hotel employees to retail clerks and restaurant workers. The response was all the same: this trans-corridor was a God-send because it brought jobs and billions of dollars into the area. Oh, boy, it's going to cut down on traffic problems! and that's how it's been sold as a "Texas Department of Transportation initiative proposed to solve critical transportation problems in the State of Texas." Horse feathers. Not a single person I questioned had any idea of what it really means for our republic and I doubt much they would care because jobs are the name of the game.
This is how the destroyers have the people by the throat. NAFTA and GATT have destroyed our most important job bases: agriculture, manufacturing and industrial. Out of work Americans were run off their land, out of the factories and into huge, crime infested metropolitan cities totally unprepared causing their infrastructures and legal systems to near breaking point. Now it's anything to keep your head above water as more as more Americans slide into poverty. The middle class is being killed off and a new peonage system will develop in what used to be America if this NAU succeeds. Lord, our Founding Fathers must wonder why they and all the thousands whose blood ran in rivers to give us a free republic even bothered.
As Ron Paul says above, there will be a new currency because there has to be. While many Americans would rather hide their head in the sand, the financial picture is an ugly one. America's debt is not sustainable and the worst is coming. A couple of weeks ago I had a very long phone conversation with Dr. Edwin Vieira about this very subject and the timing of this trans-corridor/North American Union, the manipulation of the stock market as the "FED" tries to keep it propped up and a two tiered monetary system. I asked Edwin to write a column on this and hopefully he will soon. Unless and until the American people understand the money mechanics, they won't be able to comprehend what's coming that will affect them and their family.
Millions of Americans simply haven't been able to understand why Bush has refused to close the borders or make any attempt whatsoever to stop the massive invasion of illegals. As soon as the veil was lifted on this North American Union and the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America, it all made sense even to his most loyal supporters. Bush has never had any intention of upholding the laws of this land because his job is to cement the final pieces of one world government along with bankrupting US with his endless, unconstitutional "wars of liberation."
Why do you think this voluntary National ID card surfaced and is scheduled for 2008? Because Bush and his global masters intend for the destruction of our republic to be complete by 2010. Do Americans really understand what this means? All the blood that has been shed to keep America a free nation will have been spilled for nothing. It means the death of our nation, our constitution, our Bill of Rights. It means inheriting another 100 million illiterate poor from Mexico, making all of US "global citizens" in this nightmare scheme. Years ago I wrote about grade school children in Red Bluff, California being given textbook lessons on becoming a global citizen. No American history, just pure propaganda. Forward planning and it's been underway for decades while Americans walk around in their self imposed comas or fighting at retail stores for the latest junk from commie China: a Sony play station. Adults fighting over a toy while Bush burns the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights. Think about that and this:
"The open plan to merge the US with Mexico and Canada and create a Pan American Union networked by a NAFTA Super Highway has long been a Globalist brainchild but its very real and prescient implementation on behalf of the Council on Foreign Relations has recently come under bright spotlight. According to author Jerome Corsi, "Across the NAFTA Super-Highways will flow millions more Mexicans, now armed with North American border passes and biometric identification, as defined by the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America working groups organized within the Department of Commerce."
The Council on Foreign Relations is an evil operation, a subject I have written about extensively over the past decade plus. These people are our enemy and you should know their faces; see here and this one courtesy of an American who cares; this list was obtained from the Seeley Mudd library at Princeton University. The American Empire: Conquest Through NAFTA is another in depth look at the connection between the destruction of our sovereign country and the CFR.
In August 2006, I traveled to Laredo, Texas to interview a U.S. Border Patrol agent who is retiring. While there I saw the huge construction underway of another section of the trans-Texas corridor.
My new friend drove me all around town and gave me a very good history lesson on illegals smuggling themselves across the border, the hot spots and the drug corridors. As I stood on the bank of the Rio Grande and looked across at Mexico, the international bridge joining the two countries was packed like sardines; a human wave. Day workers, visitors and illegals trying to get through with forged documents. On the USA side of the Rio Grande, the first ten blocks going North looks just like the slums of Mexico and like the LA basin, it will come to your town. One or two businesses are in English, but the rest is all Spanish and having been to Tijuana and the interior of Mexico, I know what I've seen and to see it being birthed in America is tragic.
Any Texas State legislator who voted for House Bill 3588 back in 2003 which amended the Texas Transportation code to give the state the broad, new powers needed to build the Trans-Texas Corridor should have been thrown out of office two weeks ago. Now they should the target of all Texas groups fighting to stop this move to destroy our republic the next time they're up for reelection. It is simply beyond words that elected officials, governors, state legislators and members of Congress are allowing America to be sold off to foreign interests and governments. It is an outrage and it is killing US. Texans need to begin bombarding their state legislators to stop this NAU and the SPP by telling Washington, DC we will not give up our sovereignty. I know this will be difficult since most of them are bought and paid for by big business in this state, but if hundreds of thousands of Texans make their voices good and loud, the roar of the lion hearted will scare the mice.
We are in the fight for our very existence and no one should doubt it for a second. This is it and every single American must step up to the plate and do their part. Yes, we have several other crucial wars going on, i.e., stopping the upcoming amnesty sell out by the Democrats which will be kissed by Bush and getting rid of draconian and unconstitutional junk laws like the John Warner Defense Authorization Act. These treasonous mechanisms are all inter-related and we must attack all of them as our top priorities until we run these globalists out of America and return to an independent, self sustaining nation.
How? First thing in January: Bombard Congress to adopt H. Con. Res. 487 or a new bill with the same text except change this: "Expressing the sense of Congress that the United States should not engage in the construction of a North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) Superhighway System or enter into a North... (Introduced in House)." There is no expression or sense about this. Change it to "These united States of America will not enter into or engage in the construction of a North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) Superhighway System or enter into a North... (Introduced in House)." Concurrently, we must get at least one state legislature to force a showdown on the Seventeenth Amendment; see here to understand why.
Once this legislation is passed, Bush must sign it and if he refuses, Congress can over ride his treachery. Second: Stop the Security and Prosperity Partnership. Stop SPP is a project of Get involved now because it's the eleventh hour. Get creative. Paint a big sign and put it in your front yard: 'Stop the merging of US with Canada and Mexico' Your neighbors will want to know what it's all about. Put the StopSPP web site address below the headline so people reading your sign will have someplace to go to find out what this means. Don't put this off. Advertising pays and we need to bring this to the attention of all of our fellow Americans from Vermont to San Diego, Tampa to Anchorage. There's no longer any pursuit of happiness, just the war we're fighting for our freedom and sovereignty and this means sacrifice by all of us, not just a few.
Get very public which means going down to your local VFW or other organizations in your city or town and make this issue the number one dialogue. Tragically, we lost the Panama Canal to the communist Chinese because the American people were too busy. The commies are now lining up at the Texas ports in anticipation of this NAU and I cannot emphasize strongly enough that the communist Chinese are our enemy, not our friend. Please stop supporting communism with your hard earned money; buy Made in the USA. It's easy and it's the right thing to do for America. Stop supporting slave labor used by the communist Chinese government. More than 58,000 Americans died in the jungles of Viet Nam to stop the proliferation of communism, yet Americans continue to enrich the coffers of communist regimes. Stupid public officials let the first flood gates open in Long Beach, California and the commies got their foot in the door big time. Don't let the same thing happen with this NAU and the SPP.
The Mexican government has deliberately treated its people as little better than cattle, and for the past decade, the drug lords have come in and are Columbia-izing Mexico. This horrific situation will simply be imported into our country on a mass scale if this NAU and the SPP isn't stopped, period. Get to your political party meetings, attend city council meetings, board of supervisor meetings and start talking about this. Take a nice flyer with you that has the Stop SPP web site information. There's no one else to do this, but each of us in our counties. It won't be the mind numbing Shawn Hannity or the LA Times telling the American people the truth, it has to be you and me. We must begin to bury Congress in January with our demands that this whole process be shut down.
It's too late to stop some construction of the roads, but we can and must stop this from going further before our fellow Americans are thrown off their land via eminent domain. All the agreements must be nullified, our sovereignty protected, the border closed and the fence built across the border with Mexico. This is our country, not Rick Perry's, not some company out of Spain and not George Bush's. Our children and grand children deserve their birthright to be free in a free united States of America. I pray Americans won't be too busy to do their part because that's exactly what the destroyers are counting on: laziness and apathy.
I will NOT live under international laws. I will NOT surrender my Second Amendment rights for any world body and that's just the way it's going to be. Land of the free, home of the brave? We shall see.
© 2006 - - All Rights Reserved
Saturday, November 18, 2006
By Joel Turtel
November 18, 2006
One reason public schools get away with educational failure, year after year, is because they are run by left-leaning politicians and school officials who passionately believe that government should control your children's mind, values, and future. As the great English writer C. S. Lewis wrote, "Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. Those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end, for they do so with the approval of their own conscience."
Public-school socialist true-believers often fall into this category --- for over a 150 years, education "progressive" so-called experts have been tormenting our children with public schools, allegedly for our children's benefit. Like all fascist, socialist, or communist true-believers, these people absolutely believe that they know what is best for your children, and seek to ram their beliefs down parents' throats.
From the 1840s to the 1930s, public-school "progressive" activists like Horace Mann and John Dewey worked to create a public-school system like the one they admired in Prussia (Germany). Mann and Dewey considered public education a religion, with a holy mission to mold children and society. Simply teaching children to read, write, and do math was too commonplace a goal for them. Mann and Dewey wanted the schools to have total control over children's lives. This meant removing parents' influence over their children. Mann put it this way: "We who are engaged in the sacred cause of education are entitled to look upon all parents as having given hostages to our cause."
Dewey had a socialist utopian vision for America and he wanted the common schools to achieve his vision. To create a government-dominated socialist America, public schools had to mold generations of children into the habit of obedience. In his "Pedagogic Creed" of 1897, Dewey wrote, "Every teacher should realize he is a social servant set apart for the maintenance of the proper social order and the securing of the right social growth. . ."
By the early twentieth century, public schools had expanded their functions into areas undreamed of in the 1850s. Schools took on the role of social agencies, with nurses, social centers, playgrounds, school showers, kindergartens, and "Americanization" programs for immigrants. Public schools became a major agency for social control.
Unfortunately, today's public schools are fulfilling Mann's and Dewey's "government- knows-best" vision with a vengeance. There is hardly any area of children's lives that school authorities now don't push to control. Politicians and public-school apologists in many states are now pushing programs that would make kindergarten compulsory. Yes, they now want to literally take 3 and 4-year old children from their mother's arms and stick them in public-school nursery-classrooms.
Public schools also now spend billions of dollars for psychological counseling, school-lunch programs, mandatory drug-testing, parent welfare-outreach programs, special-education classes, bilingual classes, early-childhood programs, drug and sex education classes, as well as programs for millions of "at-risk" or "special-needs" children.
This government-knows-best philosophy is the deepest reason why public schools get away with educational murder and can never be fixed. Public-school apologists believe that government bureaucrats and school authorities should dictate your children's education and the values they are taught. By implication, they believe that parents are an annoyance at best. More often, they believe that parents are a danger to their children's "proper" education and the values children "ought" to be taught by government employees.
To turn your children into dumbed-down, obedient little citizens and multiculturalist "citizens of the world," public-school authorities have to keep an iron grip on your children's minds and values. That is why public-school true believers will never voluntarily give up control over our children. They see themselves as noble idealists who know what is "best" for your children. That is why these socialist-fascist-minded "idealists" have contempt for your parental rights.
In the recent Congressional elections, the police-state chickens are coming home to roost. The majority of 18 to 25 year-olds, graduates of our socialist-indoctrinating public schools, voted for Democrats. These are the children who spent 12 years in public schools that systematically insult traditional American ideals and values. These are the schools that preach the multicultural trash that all cultures' values are "equal," and that American values of individual rights, economic liberty, and limited government are "selfish" or arrogant.
Well, our public-school "graduates" are now voters, and their socialist-indoctrinated mind-set now attracts them to Democrats like moths to a flame. God help this country, because public schools turn out millions of these child-adults who haven't the faintest conception about the values this country was founded on, or have little respect or contempt for those values.
Parents, for your children's sake, walk away from the public schools. Also, don't depend on vouchers or charter schools, which are few and far between. Take control of your children's education and the values you teach them by homeschooling your kids or enrolling them in a low-cost Internet private school of your choice. Your children's future is at stake, and so is, by the way, the future of our Republic and our liberties.
© 2006 Joel Turtel - All Rights Reserved
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Texas Representative urges repeal of neo-fascist laws in America before it is too late
Steve Watson
Monday, November 13, 2006
Re-elected Texas Republican Congressman Ron Paul joined Alex Jones on air last week to discuss the fallout of the midterm elections and what he sees transpiring over the next two years. He ended by ominously warning that if something is not done soon to overturn legislation such as the Military Commissions act, the law officially allows for citizen concentration camp facilities.
Beginning with the positives to come out of the election, Ron Paul stressed that it has provided an important indication to the rest of the world that the people of America are unhappy with the usurpers that have seized control of their government and are trying to initiate change. The Congressman was quick to point out that this may not be carried into policy however:
"Not a whole lot will change because the leadership on the Democratic side, even if they had their way, don't have a different foreign policy. They have been supportive of an interventionist foreign policy in the middle east, and they are not about to back away from that... They are willing to criticize the policy but only as a means to get power."
As we have seen over the past week, leading Democrats are all towing the party line, unreservedly dismissing any notion of the possibility of impeaching the President over Iraq.
The Congressman also stated that monetary policy will stay the same, which can only mean bad news for the American economy.
" They all believe in the federal reserve, they are not going to get rid of the IRS and the income tax. I think the dollar is going to keep sliding, which means prices are going to rise, when currencies self destruct, the end goes quickly. There are no signs that there is anything being done in Washington to correct the problem. Spending is going to continue and probably going to get worse, the deficits are going to stay high if foreign policy is not going to change."
The Congressman agreed that the elite globalists within the US government may not care about this too much because it means they can blow out the economy and then come back and buy it up very cheaply. These Internationalists care not about preserving and protecting American sovereignty when there is a quick buck to be made.
"That's also part of the foreign policy to be in position to hold onto natural resources, that's one of the major reasons why we're in the middle east, so yes if there is a financial crisis, they're going to have the guns, and they have control of the natural resources... It's not a good scenario, because what usually happens when you wipe out a currency is that you wipe out the middle class, and we already see this happening. The standard of living is going down." Paul asserted.
Ron Paul's comments echo those of Former World Bank Vice President, Chief Economist and Nobel Prize winner Joseph Stiglitz, who two weeks ago predicted a global economic crash within 24 months - unless the current downturn is successfully managed. Asked if the situation was being properly handled Stiglitz emphatically responded "no," and also drew ominous parallels to the development of the NAFTA Superhighway and the North American Union.
What real Conservatism there was left in the House, to block such moves, as well as Bush's amnesty program for illegals, is gone. With Pelosi at the helm Ron Paul sees it as a forgone conclusion that such policies will sail through.
"I think that's right, although I complain about the two parties being exactly alike, I would say on this amnesty issue and what's happened with the election, there probably was a difference between the two. It is more likely with the Democrats in charge, and Judiciary and the other major committees, and with the President not really fighting for our national borders, he's always argued for some type of worker program, yes I think there's a much greater danger that that is going to be coming in the next session."
Commenting on strategies to defeat the North American Union, the Congressman urged a continuance of educating people on the real issues and reaching more and more Americans who care about preserving their national sovereignty:
"You have to keep doing what you are doing, you are reaching a lot of people, and they have to get to their members of congress, and in many ways the current House has been pretty good with this. With the new House we don't know exactly what is going to happen, but I had something very encouraging come to my attention just this week. I had a call from a young lady that won in Kansas as a Democrat, and in her literature she put my whole article on the NAFTA super corridor in there... She is not going to vote with Nancy Pelosi."
Finally, and perhaps most importantly, The Congressman spoke on the issue of going about demanding a repeal of freedom crushing legislation such as the Patriot act and the Military Commissions act and the Defense Authorization Act which essentially wipes out Habeas Corpus.
"We might have to hope that our Supreme Court helps us out a little. The Court has been better than the executive branch and a heck of a lot better than the Congress, because we've given the President everything he's asked for and the President has been begging for all this authority, so immediately we have to hope that the courts will save us on some of these things. But once again ultimately its only when the people wake up and say they don't like this... sometimes the people wake up to late. Right now we don't have concentration camps, but like you have pointed out, the authority has been given so that concentration camps can come without Habeas Corpus . I have heard the argument that there is nothing else left in the Bill of Rights. If they can lock you up, what good is freedom of speech or what good is a gun? That is now part of the books, part of the law."
Take Ron Paul's suggestion up and contact your new or re-elected members and demand a move to repeal legislation paving the way for fascist government control in America today.
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
- by Paul David Collins ©, 2002
The following is an edited extract from The Hidden Face of Terrorism: The Dark Side of Social Engineering, From Antiquity to September 11, by Paul David Collins.
In our modern world, discomforting truths are usually discarded in favour of fictions. One such fiction is the idea that terrorists are disenfranchised dissidents who independently generate the wealth and resources necessary for their heinous acts. Such is the contention of Professor Mark Juergensmeyer. In his article, "Understanding the New Terrorism", he says that modern terrorism "appears pointless since it does not lead directly to any strategic goal" (p. 158).
Juergensmeyer arrives at this conclusion because he restricts his examination to the visible perpetrators, whose motives may be, in fact, irrational. However, he does not examine the patrons of terrorism. Given the exceptional subtlety and discretion of terrorism's shadowy sponsors, Professor Juergensmeyer may just be oblivious to their existence. On the other hand, he could simply be parroting his fellow academicians in order to maintain the status quo.
Whatever the case may be, this contention seems to be the overall view held by the orthodoxy of academia. With such a view vigorously promulgated by the arbiters of the dominant national paradigm, few can recognise those shady individuals who stand to profit from terrorist acts.
To understand terrorism, one must discard the view that arbitrarily characterises it as "a resort to violence or a threat of violence on the part of a group seeking to accomplish a purpose against the opposition of constituted authority" (Adler, Mueller & Laufer, p. 309). Such an impotent notion is predicated upon the hopelessly flawed accidentalist perspective of history. It relegates terrorism, which is the product of conscious effort and design, to the realm of circumstantial spontaneity. In other words, a contrived act suddenly becomes an inexplicable social phenomenon.
In November 1989, Father Ignacio Martín-Baró, a social psychologist, delivered a speech in California on "The Psychological Consequences of Political Terror". In his speech, Martín-Baró gave a much more precise definition of terrorism, one that is ignored only at great peril. Noam Chomsky provides a synopsis of this speech (p. 386):
He [Martín-Baró] stressed several relevant points. First, the most significant form of terrorism, by a large measure, is state terrorism--that is, "terrorizing the whole population through systematic actions carried out by the forces of the state". Second, such terrorism is an essential part of a "government-imposed sociopolitical project" designed for the needs of the privileged.
Disturbing though it may be, Martín-Baró's definition is one validated by history. The majority of terrorism throughout history has found its sponsors in the hallowed halls of officialdom, in the entity known as government. Terrorism is surrogate warfare, a manufactured crisis designed to induce social change. Its combatants consciously or unconsciously wage the war on behalf of higher powers with higher agendas. Whether its adherents are aware of it or not, terrorism always serves the ambitions of another.
In his article, "Fake Terror: The Road to Dictatorship", Michael Rivero states that "It's the oldest trick in the book, dating back to Roman times: creating the enemies you need" (p. 1). The strategy is quite simple: individuals create a crisis so that they can then introduce their desired solution.
Are there recent, modern examples of state-sponsored terrorism? Unfortunately, the answer to that question seems to be "Yes".
Operation Northwoods
The first example is in 1962. The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Lyman L. Lemnitzer, and his fellow JCS members wanted to remove Castro from Cuba. Exactly what interests Lemnitzer and his fellow warhawks represented are unclear. However, one thing is apparent: these military men considered Castro an impediment to be expunged by means of overt war.
According to James Bamford, former Washington investigative producer for ABC, the Joint Chiefs of Staff planned to engineer several terrorist acts to instigate war (p. 82):
According to secret and long-hidden documents obtained for Body of Secrets, the Joint Chiefs of Staff drew up and approved plans for what may be the most corrupt plan ever created by the US government. In the name of anticommunism, they proposed launching a secret and bloody war of terrorism against their own country in order to trick the American public into supporting an ill-conceived war they intended to launch against Cuba.
Codenamed Operation Northwoods, the plan, which had the written approval of the Chairman and every member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, called for innocent people to be shot on American streets; for boats carrying refugees fleeing Cuba to be sunk on the high seas; for a wave of violent terrorism to be launched in Washington, DC, Miami and elsewhere.
People would be framed for bombings they did not commit; planes would be hijacked. Using phony evidence, all of it would be blamed on Castro, thus giving Lemnitzer and his cabal the excuse, as well as the public and international backing, they needed to launch their war.
Northwoods even called for the military to turn on itself (p. 84):
Among the actions recommended was "a series of well-coordinated incidents to take place in and around" the US Navy Base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. This included dressing "friendly" Cubans in Cuban military uniforms and then have them "start riots near the main gate of the base. Others would pretend to be saboteurs inside the base. Ammunition would be blown up, fires started, aircraft sabotaged, mortars fired at the base with damage to installations".
Operation Northwoods would draw upon history as well, using the 1898 explosion aboard the battleship Maine in Havana harbour as inspiration (p. 84):
"We could blow up a US ship in Guantanamo Bay and blame Cuba," they proposed; "casualty lists in US newspapers would cause a helpful wave of national indignation."
The attempt to create a Cuban terrorist threat makes it clear that the US government has no reservations about using state-sponsored terrorism to achieve its ends.
American Imperialism and the Terrorist Threat
However, it is in the Oklahoma City bombing of 1995 that one sees the tangible enactment of modern-day state-sponsored terrorism. Many Americans have been taught that loners Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols, fuelled by militia-inspired conspiracy theories and white supremacist propaganda, perpetrated one of the worst terrorist acts in American history all by themselves.
What came out of the Oklahoma City bombing? Former Czechoslovakian Communist Party Secretariat member Jan Kozak's "pressure from above" went to work and passed oppressive legislation: the Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act of 1996. This Act made no one safer and threw the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution into the wastebasket. The pincers clamped down a little bit harder on the American people.
Presently, America finds itself in the midst of a tumultuous conflict because of the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on the Pentagon and the World Trade Center. This begs the obvious question: was this attack state-sponsored? Remember the earlier contention that the majority of terrorism is state-sponsored. Terrorists just do not have the resources, the money or the expertise without the aid of a government or factions within a government. It is still too early to know all of the facts and details surrounding the events of September 11. However, there is evidence suggesting that the attack was no exception to the rule. The investigation of government complicity begins with an examination of the evidence for government foreknowledge. Warnings were received at the highest levels of government.
These and other eye-opening revelations have many people asking why the US government did not move to stop bin Laden and al-Qa'ida. This question can be answered with a question: why move against bin Laden and al-Qa'ida if they are your assets?
The story of the dreaded al-Qa'ida terrorist network begins with Zbigniew Brzezinski, President Carter's National Security Advisor. In his 1997 book, The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy and Geostrategic Objectives, Brzezinski provides readers with the motivation for the creation of a terrorist threat. He begins (p. xii):
The last decade of the twentieth century has witnessed a tectonic shift in world affairs. For the first time ever, a non-Eurasian power has emerged not only as a key arbiter of Eurasian power relations but also as the world's paramount. The defeat and collapse of the Soviet Union was the final step in the rapid ascendance of a Western Hemisphere power, the United States, as the sole and, indeed, the first truly global power ...
Brzezinski celebrates the fact that America is being transformed into a world empire. However, he identifies a distinct threat to America's ascendancy to the position of sole global power: "The attitude of the American public toward the external projection of American power has been much more ambivalent" (p. 24). Apparently, the citizenry's aversion towards imperialistic policies, which Brzezinski euphemistically interprets as ambivalence, is an obstacle to the empire's expansion. After all, there are still plenty of patriots who understand that Brzezinski's expansionistic "geostrategy" is irreconcilable with the tenets of Americanism.
This sense of awareness has been a major obstacle to the foreign policy elites that Brzezinski represents. Thus far, enough patriots know that none of the "Freedom Documents" (i.e., the Constitution, Bill of Rights, etc.) makes concessions for the arbitrary extension of America's authority through brutish military expeditions. As a sovereign nation itself, America is supposed to honour the autonomy of other countries and is not to initiate militaristic campaigns unless she is threatened. Yet, Brzezinski believes that adherence to such principles could provoke worldwide social upheaval (p. 30):
America's withdrawal from the world, or because of the sudden emergence of a successful rival, would produce massive international instability. It would promote global anarchy.
Brzezinski continues further on in hyperbolic fashion (p. 194):
Without sustained and directed American involvement, before long the forces of global disorder could come to dominate the world scene.
In other words, the promotion and practice of representative government amongst other nations would lead to doomsday itself. In such statements, the former National Security Advisor reveals the authoritarian features of his bizarre eschatology. According to Brzezinski's Weltanschauung, those who cherish individual liberties and the sovereignty of their respective nations constitute the "forces of global disorder"; these forces must be defeated or they will invariably cause the apocalypse--so public opinion must be altered. (Brzezinski fails to mention that such a doomsday will only mean the end for him and his elitist comrades.) Brzezinski cites a very interesting historical example (p. 25):
The public supported America's engagement in World War II largely because of the shock effect of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor.
Ah, an option presents itself! Mass consensus could be facilitated through mass trauma. In fact, the engineering of widespread compliance is an essential constituent in the implementation of Brzezinski's foreign policy. In an exemplary moment of self-incrimination so endemic to elitist tracts, Brzezinski pens a damning confession (p. 211):
Moreover, as America becomes an increasingly multi-cultural society, it may find it more difficult to fashion a consensus on foreign policy issues, except in the circumstance of a truly massive and widely perceived direct external threat.
A readily exploitable menace, whether genuine or promulgated, is the solution.
Brzezinski began the construction of his "direct external threat" years before he wrote The Grand Chessboard. In an interview with the French magazine Le Nouvel Observateur, the former national security adviser made a stunning confession that will change the history books forever (Blum, p. 1):
Q: The former director of the CIA, Robert Gates, stated in his memoirs [From the Shadows] that American intelligence services began to aid the Mujahadeen in Afghanistan six months before the Soviet intervention. In this period you were the national security adviser to President Carter. You therefore played a role in this affair. Is that correct?
Brzezinski: Yes. According to the official version of history, CIA aid to the Mujahadeen began during 1980, that is to say, after the Soviet Army invaded Afghanistan, December 24, 1979. But the reality, secretly guarded until now, is completely otherwise. Indeed, it was July 3, 1979, that President Carter signed the first directive for secret aid to the opponents of the pro-Soviet regime in Kabul. And that very day, I wrote a note to the President in which I explained to him that in my opinion this aid was going to induce a Soviet military intervention.
Q: Despite this risk, you were an advocate of this covert action. But perhaps you yourself desired this Soviet entry into war and looked to provoke it?
B: It isn't quite that. We didn't push the Russians to intervene, but we knowingly increased the probability that they would.
Re-education and the Creation of the Taliban
Having encouraged the Soviets to invade Afghanistan, Brzezinski now had a pretext for radicalising and arming a population that would be used at a future date as a "direct external threat" to the United States.
Part of the radicalisation process included the brainwashing of children under the guise of education. The Washington Post's Joe Stephens and David B. Ottaway report (pp. 1-2):
In the twilight of the Cold War, the United States spent millions of dollars to supply Afghan schoolchildren with textbooks filled with violent images and militant Islamic teachings, part of covert attempts to spur resistance to the Soviet occupation.
The "Primers", which were filled with talk of jihad and featured drawings of guns, bullets, soldiers and mines, have served since then as the Afghan school system's core curriculum. Even the Taliban used the American-produced books, though the radical movement scratched out human faces in keeping with its strict fundamentalist code.
Stephens and Ottaway identify the governmental and educational organisations involved in development of the textbooks (p. 4):
Published in the dominant Afghan languages of Dari and Pashtu, the textbooks were developed in the early 1980s under an AID [Agency for International Development] grant to the University of Nebraska-Omaha and its Center for Afghanistan Studies. The agency spent $51 million on the university's education programs in Afghanistan from 1984 to 1994.
Under this project, the images and talk of violence were craftily intermingled with legitimate education (p. 4):
Children were taught to count with illustrations showing tanks, missiles and land mines, agency officials said. They acknowledged that at the time it also suited US interests to stoke hatred of foreign invaders.
An examination of a textbook produced shocking results (p. 5):
An aid-worker in the region reviewed an unrevised 100-page book and counted 43 pages containing violent images or passages.
The writers of the Washington Post story go on to provide a specific example of the material that is nothing less than appalling (pp. 5-6):
One page from the texts of that period shows a resistance fighter with a bandolier and a Kalashnikov slung from his shoulder. The soldier's head is missing.
Above the soldier is a verse from the Koran. Below is a Pashtu tribute to the mujaheddin [sic], who are described as obedient to Allah. Such men will sacrifice their wealth and life itself to impose Islamic law on the government, the text says.
This social engineering project successfully transformed Muslim children into conscienceless killing machines. Many would go on to join al-Qa'ida, the terrorist network headed up by Osama bin Laden.
An heir to a Saudi construction fortune, bin Laden went to Afghanistan in 1979 to fight the Soviets. Bin Laden eventually came to head the Maktab al-Khidamar, also known as the MAK. It was through this front organisation that money, arms and fighters were supplied to the Afghan war. However, according to MSNBC's Michael Moran, there is more to the story (p. 2):
What the CIA bio conveniently fails to specify (in its unclassified form, at least) is that the MAK was nurtured by Pakistan's state security services, the Inter-Services Intelligence agency, or ISI, the CIA's primary conduit for conducting the covert war against Moscow's occupation.
Even after the war, bin Laden was on good terms with the CIA (p. 3):
Though he has come to represent all that went wrong with the CIA's reckless strategy there, by the end of the Afghan war in 1989, bin Laden was still viewed by the agency as something of a dilettante--a rich Saudi boy gone to war and welcomed home by the Saudi monarchy he so hated as something of a hero.
Bin Laden would later receive three necessary provisions from factions of government. These essentials would allow him and al- Qa'ida to conduct one of the worst terrorist attacks ever conceived. These constituents were: (1) protection courtesy of highly influential, well-placed shepherds in government; (2) government funding; and (3) government training. Without a beat, individuals in positions of authority delivered.
Both Democrat and Republican administrations protected bin Laden. Undaunted by Osama's attack on the USS Cole and bombings of the embassies, this non-partisan aegis consistently insulated the terrorist and his network. President William Jefferson Clinton, a Democrat, shielded bin Laden and company from the hand of justice in Sudan. Mansoor Ijaz revealed this fact in the December 5, 2001, Los Angeles Times (Ijaz, p. 1):
President Clinton and his national security team ignored several opportunities to capture Osama bin Laden and his terrorist associates, including one as late as last year ...
From 1996 to 1998, I opened unofficial channels between Sudan and the Clinton Administration. I met with officials in both countries, including Clinton, US National Security Advisor Samuel R. "Sandy" Berger and Sudan's President and intelligence chief.
President Omar Hassan Ahmed Bashir, who wanted terrorism sanctions against Sudan lifted, offered the arrest and extradition of bin Laden and detailed intelligence data about the global networks constructed by Egypt's Islamic Jihad, Iran's Hezbollah and the Palestinian Hamas. Among those in the networks were the two hijackers who piloted commercial airliners into the World Trade Center. The silence of the Clinton Administration in responding to these offers was deafening.
Sudan offered Bill Clinton the ideal opportunity to apprehend bin Laden and prevent future terrorist attacks. Instead, the US pressured Sudan to make bin Laden leave, "despite their [the Sudanese] feeling that he could be monitored better in Sudan than elsewhere" (pp. 1-2). It was off to Afghanistan for bin Laden and his merry, marauding band of cut-throats and murderers (p. 2):
Bin Laden left for Afghanistan, taking with him: Ayman Zawahiri, considered by the US to be the chief planner of the September 11 attacks; Mamdouh Mahmud Salim, who traveled frequently to Germany to obtain electronic equipment for al-Qaeda; Wadih El-Hage, bin Laden's personal secretary and roving emissary, now serving a life sentence in the US for his role in the 1998 US Embassy bombings in Tanzania and Kenya; and Fazul Abdullah Mohammed and Saif Adel, also accused of carrying out the embassy attacks. Some of these men are now among the FBI's 22 most-wanted terrorists.
In Afghanistan, the Taliban protected bin Laden and his al- Qa'ida network. There is an odd symmetry revealed through this relationship. Both bin Laden and the Taliban were little more than a creation of the CIA. Selig Harrison, a South Asian expert from the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, made this known at a conference in London. The Times of India records Harrison's revelations (p. 1):
LONDON -- The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) worked in tandem with Pakistan to create the "monster" that is today Afghanistan's ruling Taliban, a leading US expert on South Asia said here.
"I warned them that we were creating a monster," Selig Harrison from the Woodrow Wilson International Centre [sic] for Scholars said at the conference here last week on "Terrorism and Regional Security: Managing the Challenges in Asia".
To the average American, the Taliban might have been a rogue gallery of maniacs that comprised a fanatical outlaw government and nothing more. However, Harrison makes it clear that the Taliban was a well-coordinated intelligence project (p. 2):
The Taliban are not just recruits from "madrassas" (Muslim theological schools) but are on the payroll of the ISI (Inter-Services Intelligence, the intelligence wing of the Pakistani government).
A Covert Government Agenda
The government had all the means necessary to detect and prevent the September 11 attacks. Researcher Russ Kick makes a significant statement concerning this point (p. 1):
The US has the Central Intelligence Agency, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the National Security Agency, the Defense Intelligence Agency, the National Reconnaissance Office, the Secret Service, and a host of other intelligence and security agencies. These agencies employ Echelon, which monitors the majority of electronic communication in the world; Carnivore, which intercepts email; Tempest, a technology that can read a computer monitor's display from over a block away; Keyhole satellites that have a resolution of four inches; and other spy technologies, probably most of which we don't know about.
In 2001, the US spent $30 billion on intelligence gathering and an additional $12 billion on counterterrorism. With all these resources, and more, we're supposed to believe that the government didn't have the slightest inkling that terrorists were planning to attack the United States, much less hijack planes and send them careening into major landmarks.
After reviewing the facts, one must consider a more sinister possibility: that certain factions in the United States government created the bin Laden menace and actually desired the attacks. Whether Moran realises it or not, his article, "Bin Laden Comes Home to Roost", reveals evidence that the Agency may have been equipping bin Laden's network for purposes other than fighting the Soviets (p. 4):
The CIA, ever mindful of the need to justify its "mission", had conclusive evidence by the mid-1980s of the deepening crisis of infrastructure within the Soviet Union. The CIA, as its deputy director Robert Gates acknowledged under congressional questioning in 1992, had decided to keep that evidence from President Reagan and his top advisors and instead continued to grossly exaggerate Soviet military and technological capabilities in its annual "Soviet Military Power" report right up to 1990.
Now, a troubling question arises. Given the impending collapse of the Soviet Union and the inexorable demise of communism, bin Laden's involvement in the crusade against the Soviets seems inconsequential. More succinctly, it is irrelevant. Yet, despite his axiomatic obsolescence in the anti-communist campaign, bin Laden continued to receive funds. Since such financing did not represent an investment in the ongoing war with the Soviets, there must have been ulterior motives for maintaining bin Laden's network.
What was the true agenda that motivated the CIA to support what would later become an international Frankenstein's monster? Former CIA Associate Deputy Director of Operations Theodore Shackley may have already answered this question in his book, The Third Option (p. 17):
Senior intelligence officers like myself, who had experience in paramilitary operations, have always insisted that the United States should also consider the third option: the use of guerrilla warfare, counterinsurgency techniques and covert action to achieve policy goals ... Political warfare is very often the stitch in time that eliminates bloodier and more costly alternatives.
It is possible that the September 11 attack represents a tangible enactment of Shackley's third option. Bin Laden's ties to the intelligence community certainly reinforce such a contention. Were al-Qa'ida and bin Laden considered part of a third option to facilitate political and social change in the United States?
Consider a conversation that took place between former DEA agent Michael Levine and a CIA agent. It suggests that the CIA is ready and willing to use the third option in America. This discourse is recorded in The Triangle of Death (Levine, p. 353):
"How can you be so good at what you do and have so little understanding of what really pulls your strings? Don't you realize that there are factions in your government that want this to happen--an emergency situation too hot for a constitutional government to handle."
"To what end?" I asked.
"A suspension of the Constitution, of course. The legislation is already in place. All perfectly legal. Check it out yourself. It's called FEMA. Federal Emergency Management Agency. 'Turn in your guns, you antigovernment rabble-rousers. And who would be king, Michael?"
"CIA," I said.
Terrorism in the United States is one of the methods employed to generate the changes desired by Levine's CIA friend. It has provided a pretext for the introduction of draconian laws and measures previously unthinkable. Representative Henry Gonzalez recognised this fact when he made the following comment (Cuddy, p. 164):
The truth of the matter is that you do have those standby provisions, and the statutory emergency plans are there whereby you could, in the name of stopping terrorism, apprehend, invoke the military, and arrest Americans and hold them in detention camps.
Add to the list of "statutory emergency plans" the Patriot Act, passed in response to the September 11 attacks. According to Washington Post staff writer Jim McGee (pp 1-2), this law:
... empowers the government to shift the primary mission of the FBI from solving crimes to gathering domestic intelligence. In addition, the Treasury Department has been charged with building a financial intelligence-gathering system whose data can be accessed by CIA.
Most significantly, the CIA will have the authority for the first time to influence FBI surveillance operations inside the United States and to obtain evidence gathered by federal grand juries and criminal wiretaps.
The Patriot Act is designed to transform America into a surveillance society. Wiretapping has been expanded to invade the privacy of a larger portion of the populace. In the name of fighting terrorism, the prying eyes of the government can now watch those merely deemed "suspicious". Furthermore, wiretaps are no longer just a tool in criminal investigations. Under the Act, they become a means of gathering information on the citizenry. Unfortunately, the surprises do not stop there. The Act also lifts many of the constraints on the CIA's power. McGee writes (p. 4):
The new law also gives the CIA unprecedented access to the most powerful investigative weapon in the federal law enforcement's arsenal: the federal grand jury. The grand juries have nearly unlimited power to gather evidence in secret, including testimony, wiretap transcripts, phone records, business records or medical records ...
The new law permits allow the FBI to give grand jury information to the CIA without a court order, as long as the information concerns foreign intelligence or international terrorism. The information can also be shared widely throughout the national security establishment ...
All of the above points to a very frightening conclusion: there are some factions of government that consider terrorism to be a tool of social engineering. The direction society is being steered by this "tool" is even more frightening.
Terrorism: A Tool of the Ruling Elite
Terrorism is being used to keep the rabble in line on behalf of an elite that wishes to maintain and expand its power. In The Power Elite, sociologist C. Wright Mills introduces these powerful individuals (pp. 3-4):
The power elite is composed of men whose positions enable them to transcend the ordinary environments of ordinary men and women; they are in positions to make decisions having major consequences. Whether they do or do not make such decisions is less important than the fact that they do occupy such pivotal positions: their failure to act, their failure to make decisions, is itself an act that is often of greater consequence than the decisions they do make. For they are in command of the major hierarchies and organisations of modern society. They rule the big corporations. They run the machinery of the state and claim its prerogatives. They direct the military establishment. They occupy the strategic command posts of the social structure, in which are now centered the effective means of the power and the wealth and the celebrity which they enjoy.
Talk of oligarchs might tend to conjure pictures of mediaeval feudal lords. However, a Federal Reserve study points out to elitism being alive, well, and existing in the "Land of the Free", the United States. In his Secrets of the Temple, former Washington Post editor William Greider quotes the study (p. 39):
... 54 percent of the total net financial assets were held by the 2 percent of families with the greatest amount of such assets and 86 percent by the top 10 percent; 55 percent of the families in the sample had zero or negative net worth ...
This concentration of wealth in so few hands certainly suggests that there is a ruling class. It is highly naive to believe that this elite does not wield a great deal of influence over civilisation. In her book, Beyond The Ruling Class: Strategic Elites In Modern Society, Professor Suzanne Keller states (p. 3):
The notion of a stratum elevated above the mass of men may prompt approval, indifference, or despair, but regardless of how men feel about it, the fact remains that their lives, fortunes, and fate are and have long been dependent on what a small number of men in high places think and do.
Former Director of the Central Intelligence Agency William Colby recognised the existence of a network of bluebloods. When former Nebraska Senator and Vietnam War hero John W. DeCamp was looking into elites' involvement in child abuse, drug running, gun running, and satanic ritual-murder, Colby warned him of the hidden aristocracy and their power (DeCamp, pp. ix-x):
"What you have to understand, John, is that sometimes there are forces and events too big, too powerful, with so much at stake for other people or institutions, that you cannot do anything about them, no matter how evil or wrong they are and no matter how dedicated or sincere you are or how much evidence you have. That is simply one of the hard facts of life you have to face. You have done your part. You have tried to expose the evil and wrongdoing. It has hurt you terribly. But it has not killed you up to this point. I am telling you, get out of this before it does.
"Sometimes things are just too big for us to deal with, and we have to step aside and let history take its course."
Probably the greatest source of "insider" information comes from Oxford professor (and mentor to former President Bill Clinton) the late Carroll Quigley. After being close to the pro-British, Anglophile faction of the elite, Quigley wrote (p. 950):
There does exist, and has existed for a generation, an international Anglophile network which operates, to some extent, in the way the radical Right believes the Communists act. In fact, this network, which we may identify as the Round Table Groups, has no aversion to cooperating with the Communists, or any other groups, and frequently does so. I know of the operations of this network because I have studied it for twenty years and was permitted for two years, in the early 1960s, to examine its papers and secret records. I have no aversion to it and to many of its aims and have, for much of my life, been close to it and to many of its instruments.
I have objected, both in the past and recently, to a few of its policies (notably to its belief that England was an Atlantic rather than a European Power and must be allied, or even federated, with the United States and must remain isolated from Europe), but in general my chief difference of opinion is that it wishes to remain unknown, and I believe its role in history is significant enough to be known.
Quigley also informs us that the ruling class has a very low opinion of the common people. He voices this elitist sentiment when he refers to the commoners as "the petty bourgeoisie ... " (pp. 1243-1244).
So why is the great mass of human civilisation unaware of the oligarchs' presence among them? In The Architecture of Modern Political Power, Daniel Pouzzner explains why (p. 16):
The establishment cloaks itself in cultural camouflage, employing tactics for which it almost seamlessly maintains plausible deniability. Subtle, ubiquitous, often implicit propaganda fosters a broad public acceptance and embrace of the authority of the establishment, and of the establishment's definitions of good and evil, preventing the public from seriously contemplating the reality that the establishment is itself quite often evil by its own definition. The establishment reiterates the mantra that the President of the United States is "the leader of the free world", but a free world has no leader. The President of the United States is simply the most obvious spearhead of the authority of the establishment. He gathers strength at the expense of the world's freedom.
Generally, an errant public attributes the results of the establishment's meddlesome actions to happenstance, or to motives viewed as essentially innocuous or virtuous. The design is irrefutably evident only in the pattern of results, or by actually showing proof of meddling. The public has been systemically conditioned to ignore such patterns, and to condemn those who draw attention to them (derisively calling them "conspiracy theorists"). Thus, controlling access to and dissemination of information that constitutes proof of meddling suffices in large part to protect the establishment program from exposure. The compartmentalization of the establishment's covert apparatus assures that those exposures which do transpire cause only limited damage.
Bush/Bin Laden Family Links
Are there any ties between the power elites and the current terrorist network? The answer to that question lies with the Bush dynasty. Neither Bush Senior nor Bush Junior can be described as Presidents in the Lincoln tradition. They do not come from lower class backgrounds and modest upbringings. Webster Tarpley and Anton Chaitkin's in-depth investigation of George Senior led them to propose the following in their excellent book, George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography (p. 9):
One of our basic theses is that George Bush [Senior] is, and considers himself to be, an oligarch.
In an article for the London Daily Mail, Peter Allen points out a connection between George W. Bush and Osama's brother, Salem bin Laden (pp. 1-2):
Incredibly, Salem went on to become a business partner of the man who is leading the hunt for his brother. In the 1970s, he and George W. Bush were founders of the Arbusto Energy oil company in Mr Bush's home state of Texas.
As he built his own business empire, Salem bin Laden had an intriguing relationship with the President-to-be. In 1978, he appointed James Bath, a close friend of Mr Bush who served with him in the Air National Guard, as his representative in Houston, Texas. It was in that year that Mr Bath invested $50,000 ... in Mr Bush's company, Arbusto. It was never revealed whether he was investing his own money or somebody else's. There was even speculation that the money might have been from Salem. In the same year, Mr Bath bought Houston Gulf Airport on behalf of the Saudi Arabian multimillionaire.
Three years ago, Mr Bush said the $50,000 investment in Arbusto was the only financial dealing he had with Mr Bath.
The connection between the bin Ladens and the Bush family does not end with Arbusto Energy.
On the BBC's Newsnight program, Greg Palast stated (p. 5):
Young George also received fees as director of a subsidiary of Carlyle Corporation, a little-known private company which has, in just a few years of its founding, become one of America's biggest defence contractors. His father, Bush Senior, is also a paid adviser. And what became embarrassing was the revelation that the bin Ladens held a stake in Carlyle, sold just after September 11.
These business connections may explain why the Bush Administration frustrated the FBI's efforts to investigate Abdullah and Omar bin Laden. Investigations may have demonstrated that Osama was not the "black sheep" of the family. Instead, they may have shown that terrorism was actually the bin Laden family business. This would have associated the Bush family with terrorists, something the current President could not allow to happen.
For neo-conservatives, the portrait of the Bush family as a criminal syndicate with ties to questionable characters is reprehensible. However, this contention can be based upon a major precedent.
Webster Tarpley and Anton Chaitkin's investigation into former President George Herbert Walker Bush's background led to a startling discovery: that "The President's family fortune was largely a result of the Hitler project" (p. 28).
The Bush dynasty's connections with the bin Ladens suggest that the family's collusion with enemies of the United States has never ceased.
A State-sponsored Sociopolitical Project
Re-examining Martín-Baró's previous contention, that terrorism is part and parcel of a "government-imposed sociopolitical project", one is faced with some very disturbing questions.
What will be the results of this "government-imposed sociopolitical project"? Where exactly is all of this state-sponsored terrorism leading?
Quigley provides a fragmentary glimpse of the outcome in Tragedy and Hope. The Oxford professor reveals that a cognitive elite, arbitrarily dubbed "experts", "will replace the democratic voter in control of the political system" (p. 866).
With representation for the masses removed from the picture, what kind of life can the common man expect to live? Quigley (p. 886) declares that this will be a system where the individual's:
... freedom and choice will be controlled within very narrow alternatives by the fact that he will be numbered from birth and followed, as a number, through his educational training, his required military or other public service, his tax contributions, his health and medical requirements, and his final retirement and death benefits.
There you have it. George Orwell's 1984, built al-Qa'ida style!
Adler, Freda, Gerhard Mueller, William Laufer, Criminology, McGraw Hill, New York, 2001.
Allen, Peter, "Bin Laden's family link to Bush", 2001.
Bamford, James, Body of Secrets: Anatomy of the Ultra-Secret National Security Agency, Doubleday, 2001.
Blum, Bill (translater), "Interview with Zbigniew Brzezinski", January 15-21, 1998.
Brzezinski, Zbigniew, The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy and Geostrategic Objectives, Basic Books, 1997.
Chomsky, Noam, Deterring Democracy, Hill & Wang, New York, 1992.
Cuddy, Dennis, Secret Records Revealed: The Men, The Money, and The Methods Behind the New World Order, Hearthstone Publishing, Oklahoma, 1999.
DeCamp, John W., The Franklin Cover-Up: Child Abuse, Satanism, and Murder in Nebraska, AWT Inc., Nebraska, 1996.
Greider, William, Secrets of the Temple: How the Federal Reserves Runs the Country, Simon & Schuster, New York, 1987.
Juergensmeyer, Mark, "Understanding the New Terrorism", Current History, April 2000.
Ijaz, Mansoor, "Clinton Let Bin Laden Slip Away and Metastasize", December 5, 2001.
Keller, Suzanne, Beyond The Ruling Class: Strategic Elites In Modern Society, Random House, New York, 1963.
Kick, Russ, "September 11, 2001: No Surprise", 2002.
Levine, Michael and Laura Kavanau, The Triangle of Death, Delacorte Press, New York, 1996.
McGee, Jim, "An Intelligence Giant in the Making", November 4, 2001.
Mills, C. Wright, The Power Elite, Oxford University Press, London/New York, 1956.
Moran, Michael, "Bin Laden comes home to roost", 2001.
Palast, Gregory, "Has someone been sitting on the FBI?" 2001.
Pouzzner, Daniel, The Architecture of Modern Political Power: The New Feudalism, 2001.
Quigley, Carroll, Tragedy and Hope: A History of the World in Our Time, MacMillan Company, New York, 1966.
Rivero, Michael, "Fake Terror: The Road to Dictatorship", 2001.
Shackley, Theodore, The Third Option: An Expert's Provocative Report on an American View of Counterinsurgency Operations, Dell Publishing, New York, 1981.
Stephens, Joe and David B. Ottaway, "From the USA, the ABCs of jihad", 2002.
Tarpley, Webster Griffin and Anton Chaitkin, George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography, Executive Intelligence Review, Washington, DC, 1992.
The Times of India, "CIA worked in tandem with Pak to create Taliban", March 7, 2001.
About the author
Paul D. Collins has studied suppressed history and the shadowy undercurrents of world political dynamics for roughly eleven years. In 1999, he earned his Associate of Arts and Science degree. In 2006, he completed his bachelor's degree with a major in liberal studies and a minor political science. Paul has authored another book entitled The Hidden Face of Terrorism: The Dark Side of Social Engineering, From Antiquity to September 11. Published in November 2002, the book is available online from,, and also It can be purchased as an e-book (ISBN 1-4033-6798-1) or in paperback format (ISBN 1-4033-6799-X). Paul also co-authored The Ascendancy of the Scientific Dictatorship (ISBN 1-4196-3932-3).
The Ascendancy of the Scientific Dictatorship is available here. Read a comprehensive collection of Collins essays here.
"The man who reads nothing at all is better educated than the man who reads nothing but newspapers."Thomas Jefferson (1743 -1826)
"There is a chance for the President of the United States to use the disaster ... to carry out what his father - a phrase his father used I think only once, and it hasn't been used since - and that is a New World Order."Senator Gary Hart, speaking three days after Sept. 11, 2001 at a CFR meeting
"History teaches us that man learns nothing from history."Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
"I have the greatest admiration for your propaganda. Propaganda in the West is carried out by experts who have had the best training in the world — in the field of advertizing — and have mastered the techniques with exceptional proficiency ... Yours are subtle and persuasive; ours are crude and obvious ... I think that the fundamental difference between our worlds, with respect to propaganda, is quite simple. You tend to believe yours ... and we tend to disbelieve ours."Soviet correspondent based five years in the U.S.
The Ascendancy of the Scientific Dictatorship, by Paul & Phillip Collins
Memoirs Illustrating the History of Jacobinism, by Abbe Barruel
Fire in the Minds of Men: Origins of the Revolutionary Faith, by James H. Billington
World Revolution: The Plot Against Civilization, by Nesta H. Webster (6th revised edition)
America's Secret Establishment: An Introduction to the Order of Skull & Bones, by Antony C. Sutton
Secret Societies and Subversive Movements, by Nesta H. Webster
Copyright © 2001 - 2006 ConspiracyArchive
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
The Truth Will Set You Free November 6, 2006
Now: US Citizens to be Required ''Clearance'' to Leave USA International
If Uncle Sam gets its way, beginning on Jan. 14, 2007, we'll all be on no-fly lists, unless the government gives us permission to leave-or re-enter-the United States.
The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (HSA) has proposed that all airlines, cruise lines-even fishing boats-be required to obtain clearance for each passenger they propose taking into or out of the United States.
It doesn't matter if you have a U.S. Passport - a "travel document" that now, absent a court order to the contrary, gives you a virtually unqualified right to enter or leave the United States, any time you want.
When the DHS system comes into effect next January, if the agency says "no" to a clearance request, or doesn't answer the request at all, you won't be permitted to enter-or leave-the United States.
Consider what might happen if you're a U.S. passport holder on assignment in a country like Saudi Arabia. Your visa is about to expire, so you board your flight back to the United States.
But wait! You can't get on, because you don't have permission from the HSA. Saudi immigration officials are on hand to escort you to a squalid detention center, where you and others who are now effectively "stateless persons" are detained, potentially indefinitely, until their immigration status is sorted out.
Why might the HSA deny you permission to leave-or enter-the United States?
No one knows, because the entire clearance procedure would be an administrative determination made secretly, with no right of appeal.
Naturally, the decision would be made without a warrant, without probable cause and without even any particular degree of suspicion.
Basically, if the HSA decides it doesn't like you, you're a prisoner - either outside, or inside, the United States, whether or not you hold a U.S. passport.
The U.S. Supreme Court has long recognized there is a constitutional right to travel internationally. Indeed, it has declared that the right to travel is "a virtually unconditional personal right." The United States has also signed treaties guaranteeing "freedom of travel."
So if these regulations do go into effect, you can expect a lengthy court battle, both nationally and internationally.
Think this can't happen? Think again.
It's ALREADY happening.
Earlier this year, HSA forbade airlines from transporting an 18-year-old a native-born U.S. citizen, back to the United States. The prohibition lasted nearly six months until it was finally lifted a few weeks ago.
Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union are two countries in recent history that didn't allow their citizens to travel abroad without permission.
If these regulations go into effect, you can add the United States to this list. For more information on this proposed regulation, see http://
Monday, November 06, 2006
Experts predict that humans could soon have ID chips implanted under the skin
Human beings may be forced to be 'microchipped' like pet dogs, a shocking official report into the rise of the Big Brother state has warned.
The microchips - which are implanted under the skin - allow the wearer's movements to be tracked and store personal information about them.
They could be used by companies who want to keep tabs on an employee's movements or by Governments who want a foolproof way of identifying their citizens - and storing information about them.
The prospect of 'chip-citizens' - with its terrifying echoes of George Orwell's 'Big Brother' police state in the book 1984 - was raised in an official report for Britain's Information Commissioner Richard Thomas into the spread of surveillance technology.
The report, drawn up by a team of respected academics, claims that Britain is a world-leader in the use of surveillance technology and its citizens the most spied-upon in the free world.
It paints a frightening picture of what Britain might be like in ten years time unless steps are taken to regulate the use of CCTV and other spy technologies.
The reports editors Dr David Murakami Wood, managing editor of the journal Surveillance and Society and Dr Kirstie Ball, an Open University lecturer in Organisation Studies, claim that by 2016 our almost every movement, purchase and communication could be monitored by a complex network of interlinking surveillance technologies.
The most contentious prediction is the spread in the use of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology.
The RFID chips - which can be detected and read by radio waves - are already used in new UK passports and are also used the Oyster card system to access the London Transport network.
For the past six years European countries have been using RFID chips to identify pet animals.
Already used in America
However, its use in humans has already been trialled in America, where the chips were implanted in 70 mentally-ill elderly people in order to track their movements.
And earlier this year a security company in Ohio chipped two of its employees to allow them to enter a secure area. The glass-encased chips were planted in the recipients' upper right arms and 'read' by a device similar to a credit card reader.
In their Report on the Surveillance Society, the authors now warn: "The call for everyone to be implanted is now being seriously debated."
The authors also highlight the Government's huge enthusiasm for CCTV, pointing out that during the 1990s the Home Office spent 78 per cent of its crime prevention budget - a total of £500 million - on installing the cameras.
There are now 4.2 million CCTV cameras in Britain and the average Briton is caught on camera an astonishing 300 times every day.
This huge enthusiasm comes despite official Home Office statistics showing that CCTV cameras have 'little effect on crime levels'.
They write: "The surveillance society has come about us without us realising", adding: "Some of it is essential for providing the services we need: health, benefits, education. Some of it is more questionable. Some of it may be unjustified, intrusive and oppressive."
Yesterday Information Commissioner Richard Thomas, whose office is investigating the Post Office, HSBC, NatWest and the Royal Bank of Scotland over claims they dumped sensitive customer details in the street, said: "Many of these schemes are public sector driven, and the individual has no choice over whether or not to take part."
"People are being scrutinised and having their lives tracked, and are not even aware of it."
He has also voiced his concern about the consequences of companies, or Government agencies, building up too much personal information about someone.
He said: "It can stigmatise people. I have worries about technology being used to identify classes of people who present some kind of risk to society. And I think there are real anxieties about that."
Yesterday a spokesman for civil liberties campaigners Liberty said: "We have got nothing about these surveillance technologies in themselves, but it is their potential uses about which there are legitimate fears. Unless their uses are regulated properly, people really could find themselves living in a surveillance society.
"There is a rather scary underlying feeling that people may worry that these microchips are less about being a human being than becoming a barcoded product."