
Monday, March 05, 2007


The Deep Politics of God (Part Two): The CNP, Dominionism, and the Ted Haggard Scandal
By Phillip Collins and Paul Collins

John Ashcroft
Ashcroft served as the Attorney General during George W. Bush’s first term in office. He is the architect of the USA Patriot Act ("John David Ashcroft," no pagination). According to Washington Post staff writer Jim McGee, this law:
... empowers the government to shift the primary mission of the FBI from solving crimes to gathering domestic intelligence. In addition, the Treasury Department has been charged with building a financial intelligence-gathering system whose data can be accessed by CIA.
Most significantly, the CIA will have the authority for the first time to influence FBI surveillance operations inside the United States and to obtain evidence gathered by federal grand juries and criminal wiretaps. (No pagination)
The Patriot Act is designed to transform America into a surveillance society. Wiretapping has been expanded to invade the privacy of a larger portion of the populace. In the name of fighting terrorism, the prying eyes of the government can now watch those merely deemed "suspicious." Furthermore, wiretaps are no longer just a tool in criminal investigations. Under the Act, they become a means of gathering information on the citizenry. Unfortunately, the surprises do not stop there. The Act also lifts many of the constraints on the CIA's power. McGee writes:
The new law also gives the CIA unprecedented access to the most powerful investigative weapon in the federal law enforcement's arsenal: the federal grand jury. The grand juries have nearly unlimited power to gather evidence in secret, including testimony, wiretap transcripts, phone records, business records or medical records ...
The new law permits allow the FBI to give grand jury information to the CIA without a court order, as long as the information concerns foreign intelligence or international terrorism. The information can also be shared widely throughout the national security establishment ... (No pagination)
Ashcroft does not only promote police state measures. There is also evidence that the former Attorney General possesses racist sentiments and has promoted racist policies. The BBC provides a list of Ashcroft’s behavior that suggests racism:
his opposition to the appointment of a black Missouri judge, Ronnie White, to a federal court bench; his opposition to voluntary school desegregation plans in his home state when he was attorney-general of Missouri;
comments praising Southern war heroes from the American Civil War; his opposition to a voter registration campaign in St Louis, which has a large black and traditionally Democratic population… (No pagination) Ashcroft is also a member of the highly secretive Federalist Society ("John David Ashcroft," no pagination). The Federalist Society seeks to radically transform the American Judiciary system. That transformation will, in all likelihood, be advantageous to neoconservatives and Contragaters. This contention is reinforced by the fact that Edwin Meese and Irving Kristol are among the group’s founders and Richard Mellon Scaife was one of its early financers ("Federalist Society," no pagination). When Ashcroft’s former boss, George W. Bush, wanted to stop the manual recount in the 2000 election, it was Ted Olson, head of the Washington chapter of the Federalist Society, who helped the President circumvent the electoral process (Borger, no pagination).

Gary Bauer
Conservative Politician Gary Bauer is known for "scaring the hell out of the Republican establishment" ("Gary Bauer," no pagination). There are good reasons for the fear among genuine conservatives. Bauer, supposedly a Christian, is actually tied to some very anti-Christian groups and individuals. His Family Research Council was a signatory of the Scientology Pledge to remove psychology from California schools and replace it with L. Ron Hubbard’s Dianetics ("CNP and Scientology," no pagination). Scientology founder Hubbard was a student of the notorious Satanist Aleister Crowley. Hubbard would refer to Crowley as "my good friend" in one of his lectures (Miller 135). Scientology also has ties to some of the darker elements of the intelligence community. In his book The Game Player, former CIA agent Miles Copeland talks about a project established by his assistant at the CIA’s Political Action Staff, Bob Mandlestam. According to Copeland, this project, known as "occultism in high places," or "OHP," was:
a theory of political activism based on an impressively detailed study of ways in which leaders of the world based their judgements on one form or another of divine guidance. (176)
As part of OHP, Mandlestam made arrangements with Scientology (177). This arrangement would make it possible for Scientology to influence its adherents to move in a direction that buttressed the CIA’s political agenda.
Bauer was also a speaker at Sun Myung Moon’s Family Federation for World Peace and Unification Conference in 1996 ("CNP and Scientology," no pagination). Moon is the founder of the Unification Church, which is anything but Christian. In a 1992 speech entitled "Completion of the Responsibilities of True Parents," Moon claimed the Jesus failed in His mission to earth. Moon stated:
Jesus established Christianity, but did he achieve a success there? The conclusion now is obviously not. Jesus could not succeed in making the Christian churches serve God's purpose. Isn't that truly obvious? (No pagination)
In 1993, Moon gave another speech where he claimed that his Unification Church would actually replace the Christian church. He stated:
For Rev. Moon my enemy is the United States and the Christian world. The entire Christian world and the free world is my enemy.
Since American Christian churches have come against Father so adamantly, Father created the Unification Church to replace the Christian world in America. (No pagination)
Apparently, Moonies are very serious about doing away with Christianity and replacing it with the religion of their own messiah, Sun Myung Moon. To show just how dedicated they are to this cause, the Moon front known as the American Clergy Leadership Conference sponsored a nationwide "Tear Down The Cross" campaign on April 18, 2003 ("’Tear down the Cross’ Ceremony-Bronx, New York," no pagination). This event included tearing a Cross down from the Pentecostal Family Center in the Bronx, New York (no pagination). The Cross was to be replaced with the Crown, which is, of course, the symbol of Sun Myung Moon (no pagination).
Bauer’s involvement with Moon may constitute a conflict of interest. On a number of occasions, Bauer has been critical of China, comparing the communist country with Castro’s Cuba and even calling for an end to its Most Favored Nation (MFN) status ("Gary Bauer on China," no pagination). Defense Intelligence Agency documents show that Moon has given money to China’s oppressive partner, North Korea. Robert Parry elaborates:
The Rev. Sun Myung Moon's business empire, which includes the conservative Washington Times, paid millions of dollars to North Korea's communist leaders in the early 1990s when the hard-line government needed foreign currency to finance its weapons programs, according to U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency documents.
The payments included a $3 million "birthday present" to current communist leader Kim Jong Il and offshore payments amounting to "several tens of million dollars" to the previous communist dictator, Kim Il Sung, the partially declassified documents said. (No pagination)
Given the fact that China is allied with North Korea, Moon’s involvement with Kim Jong Il should concern Bauer. Even the elitist Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) acknowledges the cozy relationship existing between the two countries. CFR member Esther Pan writes:
China has supported North Korea since Chinese fighters flooded onto the Korean peninsula to fight for the Communist Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) in 1950. Since the Korean War divided the peninsula between the North and South, China has given both political and economic backing to North Korea's leaders: Kim Il Sung, and his son and successor, Kim Jung-Il. In recent years, China has been seen as one of the authoritarian regime's few allies. (No pagination)
Still, do not expect Bauer to say very much about Moon’s support of North Korea. His speaking engagement at Moon’s Family Federation for World Peace and Unification Conference in 1996 paid somewhere between $80,000 and $150,000 ("CNP and Scientology," no pagination).
Bauer is also a founder of the Neoconservative Project for a New American Century, which sought to take U.S. foreign policy in an imperialist direction ("Gary Bauer," no pagination). This imperialistic agenda becomes evident in a September 2000 PNAC report entitled Rebuilding America’s Defenses. The report states:
Indeed, the United States has for decades sought to play a more permanent role in Gulf regional security. While the unresolved conflict with Iraq provides the immediate justification, the need for a substantial American force presence in the Gulf transcends the issue of the regime of Saddam Hussein. (No pagination)Evidently, Iraq was always a target. The same holds true for the rest of the Arab world. One of the signatories of PNAC’s 1997 statement of principles was Paul Wolfowitz (Ruppert 531). Wolfowitz was also the Dean and Professor of International Relations the Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies (531). This is also the home of Zbigniew Brzezinski (531). While at Columbia University in the 1960s, Brzezinski had been a CIA asset (Trento, Prelude to Terror, 166). Brzezinski had been recruited by Ted Shackley while he was in the CIA’s East European Division scoping out Polish-born students that would be good at intelligence work (Prelude to Terror, 166). Shackley had worked and formed a close association with CNP members John Singlaub and Oliver North while in Laos and Cambodia (Prelude to Terror, 35). Robert Crowley, a former associate director with the CIA, described what kind of relationship existed between Brzezinski and Shackley years after the recruitment had taken place:
When Shackley met with Brzezinski decades later, "they were not old friends talking about their best days," said Robert Crowley; "it was a control officer talking to an agent. In this instance, the agent happened to be the president’s top National Security Adviser." (Prelude to Terror, 166)
In 1997, Brzezinski published the prophetic book, The Grand Chessboard. This book delineated the geostrategy that the neoconservative-dominated administration would adopt. This overtly imperialistic tract opens with the following observation:
The last decade of the twentieth century has witnessed a tectonic shift in world affairs. For the first time ever, a non-Eurasian power has emerged not only as a key arbiter of Eurasian power relations but also as the world’s paramount. The defeat and collapse of the Soviet Union was the final step in the rapid ascendance of a Western Hemisphere power, the United States, as the sole and, indeed, the first truly global power . . . (xii)Brzezinski asserts that, in order to maintain her status as the world’s sole superpower, America must extend her primacy abroad. In particular, Brzezinski cites Eurasia as geostrategically axial in this campaign of imperialism:
But in the meantime, it is imperative that no Eurasian challenger emerges, capable of dominating Eurasia and thus of also challenging America. The formulation of a comprehensive and integrated Eurasian geostrategy is therefore the purpose of this book. (xiv)
However, Brzezinski identifies a distinct threat to this campaign: "The attitude of the American public toward the external projection of American power has been much more ambivalent" (24). Brzezinski reiterates this fear later and in much more elitist language:
It is also a fact that America is too democratic at home to be autocratic abroad. This limits the use of America's power, especially its capacity for military intimidation. Never before has a populist democracy attained international supremacy. But the pursuit of power is not a goal that commands popular passion, except in conditions of a sudden threat or challenge to the public's sense of domestic well-being. The economic self-denial (that is, defense spending) and the human sacrifice (casualties, even among professional soldiers) required in the effort are uncongenial to democratic instincts. Democracy is inimical to imperial mobilization. (35)
America’s natal aversion towards imperialism poses a sizable obstacle to global primacy. The republic must become an empire, whether its citizenry desires such system or not. However, Brzezinski presents a solution:
Moreover, as America becomes an increasingly multi-cultural society, it may find it more difficult to fashion a consensus on foreign policy issues, except in the circumstance of a truly massive and widely perceived direct external threat.(211)
Ominously enough, Rebuilding America’s Defenses echoed Brzezinski’s contention. The authors of the September 2000 PNAC report state that, in order for America to assume the desired course, an attack "like a new Pearl Harbor" was necessary (no pagination). A "new Pearl Harbor" did appear. It was the rubble of the WTC buildings. The required "direct external threat" was Osama Bin Laden. Numerous researchers have made the case for prior knowledge of the attacks. Reiterating their arguments is not the purpose of this article. What is important to understand is that Bauer’s cabal, the PNAC, is seeing its vision tangibly enacted by the current militaristic expeditions abroad. Evidently, plans had been laid well in advance of September 11, 2001.
In the third installment in this ongoing investigation, we shall examine CNP members Holland Coors, Richard DeVos, Jerry Falwell, and Clayland Boyden Gray.

Sources Cited
All sources will be presented in the twelfth and final installment of this series.


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