
Wednesday, March 14, 2007


Dark Days: The Alex Jones Interview
By: Rich Rosell

A good conspiracy movie can be a fun time, but when it moves into the arena of real life the concepts can get a bit disturbing. In the documentary TerrorStorm, filmmaker/radio host/writer Alex Jones lays out some heavy duty ammo that paints some very shadowy edges on our blissful day-to-day existence. dOc recently spoke with Jones to get his outlook on the big reach of the U.S. government, and things that he believes it is doing to move us toward what he calls "dark times."

dOc: Do you remember the first event that really made you suspect of the government?

Alex Jones: You mean being involved in government-sponsored terror?

dOc: Well, you're involved in a couple of web sites, you put out DVDs, you have a radio show, you do public speaking. There had to be some event where you first figured that things looked kind of shady to you.

AJ: Let me think about that. That's a good question. I'd have to say it would be history itself. I wasn't a big bookworm, but I did read quite a bit, and I found that non-fiction was more interesting than fiction. I'd read a lot of history books, and governments are always engaged in really shady activities, because it's just made up of people. And it's made of people who are more competitive and more power-hungry than just the general public. So I was already aware of a lot of the sinister activities of governments throughout history, and then I remember Waco, back in 1993. I just did some cursory inspections of it, and found out that everything we were told pretty much by the government and the media had been a lie. Then, of course, today almost all Americans know the government went in there to kill the people, set it on fire and lied about it. I've talked with other people that [say] it's one of the big events that has really caused them to wake up.

dOc: That wasn't the only thing, was it?

AJ: There's not just cases where the government doesn't purely carry out a terror attack by themselves. More often, they go pay for it and fund the people that are doing it.

dOc: Pulling the strings and controlling it?

AJ: Yes, there's a lot of that. I was already well aware of government-sponsored terror long before 9/11 took place. I saw the preparatory phase on television, and of course those involved in the preparatory phase aren't involved in the attack itself. They're just told by the experts "there are going to be terror attacks, America's going to change, you're going to give your rights up", and I saw a big buildup to that right before 9/11. I went on the radio and I said they're about to do something big, and people said "ok, what it is?" On my radio and TV show—there's a video clip of it on the web—I said they're probably going to attack the World Trade Center. They've already attacked it once, and they'll claim Osama Bin Laden did it. Sure enough, that's what happened. Time and time again we see this same MO. We have powerful global interests that want to take our liberties, want to take our freedoms, want to ensure that we can't resist the things that they're doing and they either orchestrate terror or claim they were attacked when they weren't attacked.

A very good interview. For the full interview click here


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