
Wednesday, March 14, 2007


The Deep Politics of God (Part Four): The CNP, Dominionism, and the Ted Haggard Scandal
By Phillip Collins and Paul Collins

Nelson Bunker Hunt

CNP member Hunt sponsored the Western Goals Foundation ("Western Goals Foundation," no pagination). Western Goal’s German affiliate, Western Goals E.V., admitted to collaborating with Reinhard Gehlen, the head of Nazi intelligence-gathering on the eastern front (no pagination). Gehlen had been able to escape justice with help from Allen Dulles. In the last days of his life, James Jesus Angleton would admit in an interview with Joseph Trento that he was able to get his job as head of the CIA’s counter-intelligence by promising not to conduct background checks or polygraph tests on Allen Dulles or sixty of his friends. The reason for this, according to Angleton, was because Dulles and his friends were afraid their dealing with the Nazis would be exposed (The Secret History of the CIA 478-79). Dulles had even gone on a massive Nazi recruitment campaign after the war using a State Department refugee office as a front (The Secret History of the CIA 41).

With the end of World War Two and the emergence of the Cold War dialectical rivalry, the power elite found themselves on the horns of a dilemma. While the western elite had facilitated the rise of communism in Russian, their ability to manage the Soviet Union was limited. Gehlen’s organization was used by the CIA to help the power elite manage the dialectic rivalry between the East and West. His intelligence network helped prevent the Cold War from becoming a hot war and allowed the power elite to use the Soviet menace as a pretext for world government. However, collaboration with Gehlen would prove to be a mistake for the western elite. The Nazis still considered themselves competitors in the game of world dominance and they considered America and Russia to be rival competitors. Reinhard Gehlen’s organization continued to pursue Nazi aims while manipulating both the East and the West. This manipulation was accomplished through Gehlen Organization members that acted as double agents.

One example of a double agent working in the Gehlen Organization is Heinz Felfe, a former SS office who was bitter over the Allied firebombing of his native city, Dresden (Shane, no pagination). After secretly going to work for the KGB, Felfe rose up the ranks of the Gehlen Organization to head counter-intelligence (no pagination).

This means a Soviet agent was placed in charge of fighting Soviet espionage! Before he was arrested in 1961 as a Soviet agent, Felfe had exposed over 100 CIA staffers and had rendered many eavesdropping operations worthless (no pagination).

Tim LaHaye

LaHaye is the founder of the CNP. Like many other members of the CNP, LaHaye has intimate ties to the blasphemous messianic wannabe Sun Myung Moon. One piece of evidence confirming this contention is a letter from LaHaye to Bo Hi Pak, Moon’s former second in command. In 1985, Mother Jones writer Carolyn Weaver was interviewing LaHaye’s wife, Beverly LaHaye (Gorenfeld, no pagination). Weaver ran out of tape and Mrs. LaHaye provided her with a spare cassette that was sitting around the LaHayes’ office (no pagination).

No one had recorded over the cassette (no pagination). Weaver listened to the tape and heard Tim LaHaye dictating a letter to Bo Hi Pak (no pagination). The letter thanked Bo Hi Pak for financial contributions and discussed a strategy to replace George H.W. Bush with CNP member Jerry Falwell in the 1988 election (no pagination).

Bo Hi Pak considers himself to be the second John the Baptist (Bo Hi Pak, no pagination). Just as Moon believes Jesus failed in His mission, Bo Hi Pak believes John the Baptist failed as well (no pagination). Bo Hi Pak believes it is his destiny to succeed where the first John the Baptist failed (no pagination). Does LaHaye remember what Scripture says about false prophets?Edwin Meese IIIMeese was the seventy-fifth Attorney General of the United States. He was also directly involved in the Iran-Contra affair. Instead of carrying his duties as the nation’s chief law enforcement officer, Meese used his position to help the Administration avoid exposure.

The Final Report of the Independent Counsel for Iran/Contra Matters elaborates:

Meese was conducting the November 21-24 investigation as ``counselor'' and ``friend'' to the President, not as the nation's chief law enforcement officer. Independent Counsel concluded that he was not so much searching for the truth about the November 1985 HAWK shipment, as he was building a case of deniability for his client-in-fact, President Reagan. By this time, Meese knew that the 1985 HAWK transaction, in which the National Security Council staff and the Central Intelligence Agency were directly involved without a presidential covert-action Finding authorizing their involvement, raised serious legal questions. The President was potentially exposed to charges of illegal conduct if he was knowledgeable of the shipment and had not reported it to Congress, under the requirements of the Arms Export Control Act (AECA) and in the absence of a Finding.

But Meese apparently never questioned the President himself about whether he approved or knew about the November 1985 HAWK shipment. When Meese got answers in his inquiry that did not support his defense of the President, he apparently ignored them, as he did with Secretary of State George P. Shultz's revelation on November 22 that the President had told him that he had known of the HAWK shipment in advance. (No pagination)

Meese is also a fellow at the Heritage Foundation, a creation of the Coors dynasty ("Heritage Foundation," no pagination). As previously mentioned, the Coors dynasty is represented in the CNP by Holland Coors.

Grover Norquist

Norquist is not only tied to radical Muslim elements, but to Nazis of the old guard. When Green Quest, a Treasury Department task force, conducted a series of raids on several Islamic groups, it was Norquist that led the crusade to condemn the raids as civil rights violations (Schwartz, no pagination).

The Saar Foundation was the keystone to the network being investigated by Green Quest (Schwartz, no pagination). In his article, "Wahhabis in the Old Dominion," Stephen Schwartz points out that the Saar Foundation is connected to the Bank Al Taqwa (no pagination). A major character at Al Taqwa is a notorious neo-Nazi named Ahmed Huber (no pagination).

Huber is a faithful disciple of Francois Genoud (Bushinsky, no pagination). Genoud is "a Swiss lawyer who funded Hitler and served as a German agent during World War II" (no pagination). Genoud’s pro-Nazi activities did not end with Germany’s defeat. Jay Bushinsky reports:After the war, Genoud underwrote the clandestine Odessa organization, which, according to famed Nazi hunter Simon Wiesenthal, enabled such notorious Nazi fugitives as Adolf Eichmann, Alois Brunner and Klaus Barbie to escape to South America and the Middle East. (No pagination)

Another central figure at the Bank Al Taqwa is Youssef Nada, the board chairman (Erikson, no pagination). Marc Erikson goes into Nada’s Nazi background:

As a young man, he had joined the armed branch of the "secret apparatus" (al-jihaz al-sirri) of the Muslim Brotherhood and then was recruited by the German military intelligence. When Grand Mufti el-Husseini had to flee Germany in 1945 as the Nazi defeat loomed, Nada reportedly was instrumental in arranging the escape via Switzerland back to Egypt and eventually Palestine, where el-Husseini resurfaced in 1946. (No pagination)

It is believed that Huber’s mentor, Francois Genoud, actually founded the Bank Al-Taqwa (Bushinsky, no pagination). Authorities who have conducted a probe on Bank Al-Taqwa believe that its resources are allocated to support international terrorists, Bin Laden being one of the recipients (no pagination).

For the Nazi, Osama bin Laden is not merely another mad bomb-thrower. Instead, he is actually an integral part of the Nazis’ post-War agenda. According to Ahmed Huber’s account:

a group of aging SS officers and members of Hitler’s personal guard who meet every few weeks in the German state of Bavaria for beer and conversation recently bestowed the title "honorary Prussian" on bin Laden. They praised his "valiant fight" against the United States, Huber said.One of the members called Huber after the meeting to tell him that henceforth they had decided to call the al Qaeda leader "Herr von Laden," Huber said. (Finn, no pagination).

Is Norquist really championing civil rights, or is he trying to conceal a reemerging swastika?

Pat Robertson

Robertson is known by most Americans for his popular 700 Club television show. What has slipped under the radar of most Americans is the fact that Robertson had quite a cozy relationship with Zaire dictator Mobutu Sese Seko ("Pat Robertson," no pagination). In 1994, the 700 Club made emotional pleas for donations to Operation Blessing to help airlift Rwandan refugees to Zaire (no pagination). Later it was discovered that Operation Blessing planes were being used to move diamond-mining equipment for Robertson’s African Development Corporation (no pagination).

Was Pat really interested in helping poor Rwandan refugees, or was that merely a cover for consolidating Zaire’s diamonds? When Mobutu was denied a visa to visit the United States in 1993, Robertson tried to get the State Department to lift the ban (no pagination).

Mobutu was not the only dictator adored by Robertson. When a military coup brought General Efrain Rios Montt to power in Guatemala in 1982, Robertson immediately took a plane to see the incoming dictator (Kozloff, no pagination). The two held in common a dislike for the Catholic priests in Guatemala (no pagination).

This and other commonalities caused Robertson to overlook atrocities committed by Rios Montt. Kozloff elaborates:Robertson's visit came at a particularly sensitive time. Guatemala's dirt poor indigenous peoples, who made up half the country's population, were suffering greatly at the hands of the U.S. funded military. The armed forces had taken over Indian lands that seemed fertile for cattle exporting or a promising site to drill for oil. Those Indians who dared to resist were massacred. Rios Montt, a staunch anti-Communist supported by U.S. president Reagan, was determined to wipe out the Marxist URNG, the Guatemalan National Revolutionary Union rebels. However, according to Amnesty International, thousands of people with no connection to the armed struggle were killed by the regime. Not surprisingly, many Indians turned to armed resistance. To deal with the ever worsening situation, Rios Montt proposed a so called "guns and beans" campaign. Rios Montt explained the plan very succinctly:

"If you are with us, we'll feed you, if not, we'll kill you." For Robertson, however, Rios Montt's extermination policy was of little account. Astonishingly, the televangelist wrote "I found [Rios Montt] to be a man of humility impeccable personal integrity, and a deep faith in Jesus Christ." (No pagination)

Either Robertson is a very poor judge of character or he is not what he claims to be to the faithful.

Richard Mellon Scaife

CNP member Richard Mellon Scaife’s elite pedigree is impeccable. Like most bluebloods, Scaife has a fixation with eugenics. Robert G. Kaiser and Ira Chinoy report:

Scaife has long favored abortion rights, to the chagrin of many of those he has supported. In the first years of his philanthropy he stuck to a pattern set by his mother and sister and gave millions to Planned Parenthood and other population control groups, though most such giving stopped in the 1970s. (No pagination)

In addition to supporting eugenics, Scaife also attended the 1964 Bohemian Grove retreat, a major blueblood gathering (Kaiser and Chinoy, no pagination). Scaife is also connected to the U.S. intelligence community. Richard was, at one time, the head of the publishing organ Forum World Feature, which was publicly named as a CIA front organization ("Richard Mellon Scaife," no pagination). However, Scaife’s intelligence connection is even deeper. Edward Spannaus goes into this connection:

Dickie Scaife is what one might call a second-generation ``OSS brat.'' During World War II, Dickie's father, as well as a number of his father's close business and familial associates, occupied high positions in the Office of Strategic Services (OSS)--America's wartime intelligence service. Alan Scaife, his father, was a lieutenant colonel in the OSS. A number of cousins of Dickie's mother, Sarah Mellon Scaife, also had very high positions in the OSS.

For example:

Paul Mellon (a cousin of Dickie's mother and a rabid Anglophile) was recruited in London to the OSS by his brother-in-law, David Bruce. Paul trained with British troops, became a major in the OSS, worked under Allen Dulles in Berne, Switzerland, and commanded a unit responsible for conducting propaganda operations behind disintegrating German lines.

David Bruce, husband of Paul Mellon's sister Ailsa Mellon Bruce, was designated by OSS head William Donovan to oversee all OSS operations in Europe from his base in London. (Although some say, with justification, that it was Bruce who was designated by the U.S. banking-establishment families to oversee Donovan.) Another OSS cousin was Larimer Mellon, who likewise worked on Allen Dulles's staff in Berne. David Bruce (a direct descendant of the Scottish Bruce dynasty) later divorced Ailsa and married his second wife, Evangeline, an OSS secretary whose father had been a special liaison to British intelligence from the U.S. State Department.

It is reliably reported that these Anglophilic OSS circles around Scaife's father were the crucial influence on steering Dickie into intelligence-related ``philanthropy''--i.e., the private funding of joint British-U.S. intelligence projects which were commonly mis-identified as ``CIA'' projects or fronts. (No pagination)

Many researchers on the left have tried to classify Scaife as a right-winger. For instance, Wayne Madsen has referred to Scaife as an "extreme conservative troublemaker" (95). However, it should be noted that there are occasions that Scaife’s family has actually enjoyed a friendly relationship with Marxists. A good example of this is Angola when it fell into Marxist hands under Neto’s MPLA. At this time, Gulf Oil Corporation was one of 17 western oil companies in Angola (Sutton 179). Gulf Oil was operating a refinery complex known as Gulf Cabinda in Angola at the time (179). This refinery was protected from Jonas Savimbi’s UNITA rebels by Cubans and Angolan Marxist troops (179). Gulf Oil Corporation was controlled by the Mellon interests, with the Mellon Bank being the largest shareholder of the outstanding shares (179).

The Mellon Family was the next largest shareholder comprising the Sarah Scaife Foundation, Richard King Foundation, and Andrew W. Mellon Foundation (179). All told, the Mellon Family held about 7 percent of the outstanding shares (179).

It is clear that Scaife’s family is really only nominally anti-Marxist. Like most of the power elite, Scaife is not anchored to any one given ideology excepting, perhaps, the ideology of the power elite. Scaife and the rest of his clan are willing to play all the sides against one another to gain an advantage. Like many of the other bluebloods, Scaife can be considered a practitioner of Hegelian activism.

John Singlaub

Singlaub was an army major general, OSS officer and founding member of the CIA ("John K. Singlaub," no pagination). He was also very active in the World Anti-Communist League (WACL) (no pagination). One former WACL member, Geoffrey Stewart-Smith, stated that the League was "largely a collection of Nazis, fascists, anti-semites, sellers of forgeries, vicious racialists, and corrupt self-seekers" (Anderson 88). Roger Pearson’s involvement with the League reinforces Stewart-Smith’s contention. Pearson became chairman of the League in 1978 (Anderson 93). Pearson once bragged that he had helped hide Nazi doctor Josef Mengele, the "Angel of Death" responsible for the Aushwitz atrocities (93). Two of Pearson’s books promoting race science, Eugenics and Race and Race and Civilization, are still sold by the American Nazi Party (93).

There are those on the left who believe the WACL is made up of Christians. However, this contention is contradicted by the fact that former WACL chairman Pearson also helped establish the Northern League for Pan-Nordic Friendship in 1957 (94). The Northern League was billed "as an organization to instruct peoples of Northern European descent about the vitality of their ancestral heritage, namely pre-Christian Nordic paganism…" (94).

Pearson was eventually ousted from the WACL ("World Anti-Communist League," no pagination). It was at this time that Singlaub’s branch of the WACL, the United States Council for World Freedom (USWCF) became the WACL’s most active chapter (no pagination). Singlaub is credited with having purged the WACL’s ranks of all its racist, fascist, and Nazi elements ("John K. Singlaub," no pagination). However, it should be noted that the USCWF received support from Joseph Coors of the racist Coors dynasty ("World Anti-Communist League," no pagination). Besides that, Singlaub’s garments were hardly lily white. While working as a "special operations" expert in Cambodia and Laos, Singlaub socialized with opium warlord Vang Pao (Trento, Prelude to Terror 35). Vang Pao was one of a variety of Laotian opium chieftains the CIA turned to when it became obvious that remnants of Chiang Kai-shek’s Kuomintang in Burma had become more interested in being drug lords than in fighting Soviet and Chinese sponsored communist insurgencies (Prelude to Terror 25).

The alliance between the CIA and Vang Pao called for the opium warlord to use his impressive army of 30,000 men to fight the communist-backed Pathet Lao. In return, the CIA would mechanize Vang Pao’s opium business. The CIA’s technical services division created portable heroin processing facilities for Vang Pao. This meant the warlord no longer had to transport his opium by boat to Vietnam’s delta where there was enough water for the processing of opium paste into heroin. Indochina’s opium trade had been modernized, courtesy of the CIA (Prelude to Terror 25-26). The fact that General Singlaub worked and socialized with a shady character such as Vang Pao hardly qualified him to purge the WACL of its sinister elements.

Singlaub was also a joint founder of the Western Goals Foundation ("Western Goals Foundation," no pagination). In 1986, it was revealed by the Tower Commission that the Western Goals Foundation was part of CNP member Oliver North’s Contra supply network (no pagination). The Foundation had advertised in the Washington Times to raise money for the Contras (no pagination).

On the CBS news show, 60 Minutes, Mike Wallace asked Singlaub if he had "become Ronald Reagan’s secret weapon to sidestep a Congress that will not permit him to act in areas where he believes that our security interests are at stake. True?" Singlaub’s response was "True" ("World Anti-Communist League," no pagination).

While the Contras were presented as an anti-communist project, the Reagan Administration promoted ex-Sandinistas and opponents of Somoza (such as Eden Pastora and Adolfo Calero) as Contra leaders (Perloff 175). Pastora, the infamous "Commander Zero," was even a guest at Pratt House, the New York headquarters of the Council on Foreign Relations (175). Was Singlaub engaging in an anti-communist crusade, or was he really just participating in Hegelian activism?

In the fifth installment in this ongoing investigation, we shall examine Dominionism, a cult of neo-Gnostic jihadism that provides the present neoconservative-dominated administration with the religious rationale for its militaristic policies.

Sources Cited

All sources will be presented in the twelfth and final installment of this series


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